buggy in pieces

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We see Luffy in a tank filled with water. Sea water assumingly. Otherwise, he would have already escaped. Buggy was standing in front of him, laughing at him. Luffy saw us, smiled, and pointed us out to Buggy, he slowly turned around, when Nami's stick flew right at him. He dodged it easily, but it took a good hit to the glass of the tank. The water pressure caused the cracks of the indent to get bigger and bigger.

Buggy was stunned. "Where are my freaks?" He asked scared. Zoro and I stepped out of the shadows with Katanas in hand. "They won't be coming," Zoro said.

The glass gave in and Luffy was ripped out of the tank along with the water splashing around the whole circle. Buggy was taken along with the wave.

Luffy starts coughing up all the water. Unfortunately, that brings up the map as well.
"My map!" Buggy crawls across the circle. Luffy focuses on his hat, crawling towards it. "No Luffy! The map!" I scream. But it's too late.

Zoro, Nami, and I prepare to fight. We make our way towards Buggy. He is now standing, holding onto the map, overly happy.
"Want a piece of me? Let's see what you've got." He said.

Zoro goes for the attack. He chops him up, but Buggy isn't bothered. In fact, his parts are just floating around, while he's laughing. We are all taken aback. It's fascinating. This can only have one explanation. Another devil fruit. I study him. What are we supposed to do to a guy, that literally parts into pieces at will? All of us are fighting based on impact. Clearly that isn't going to help us here. I think of possible ways to defeat him. Well, for starters, we could drown him. He can't swim. But how are we supposed to do that? The tank is already destroyed. We wouldn't be able to push him anyway. I can't focus on that anymore though, as his pieces start coming for us. It's amazing to me, how he still has power over them. A piece of his hip tries to attack me. I dodge it but that's right where his left hand is coming for me. I slice it. His fingers and palm fly past me. There are too many pieces of him flying around. The three of us are back-to-back. Trying to keep his parts away from us. Eventually, the back-to-back is not working anymore, as we all get pushed and pulled around. It's all no use. We need to come up with a plan.

Suddenly, all three of us get pushed over the fencing of the circle so we all fall to the ground. Buggy is recollecting himself. Laughing.

Luffy also collected himself and stood up, putting his hat back on. "Would you look at that? You have escaped your doom. For now. I'll deal with you right after I finish off your sad excuse of a crew." The three of us are slowly standing up again.
"I'll let it slide that you've dumped seawater over me. But don't you ever threaten my friends.

Luffy goes for the attack, but no use. Buggy has the lead in this fight. I hide behind the fence. I start looking around hysterically. Until I stopped my movements and focused on a bunch of boxes. "That's it!" Zoro and Nami look at me questioning, so explain my plan. Luffy seems to understand once I show him the boxes. Luffy starts throwing Buggy's parts in our direction. We redirect them into the boxes. They fall shut so Nami and I run to lock them. The clown can't comprehend what's happening until most of his parts are trapped in the boxes.
Now, he is a miniature version of himself, merely made of hands, feet, and his head.

Lastly, Buggy had tried to talk Luffy down, but I knew he would never fall for that. He is Monkey D. Luffy after all! So, to finish him off, Luffy used his gum-gum-bazooka to finish Buggy off and send him flying through the roof of the tent.

We gathered in the middle, Luffy picking up the map along the way. He hands it to Nami. "Why are you giving me this?" She asks. I smile knowing what Luffy is about to say. "You're the navigator." He smiled at her, as well.
Zoro was moving to get out of there, but I grabbed his arm. He followed my arm all the way up to my eyes. "Didn't you forget something?" He looked at me, not understanding. He got a tint of red on his cheeks, looking down. I think he missed my intentions. "We have to free the captivated," Luffy said and walked towards the first row. "Right." Zoro laughed nervously. I laughed back.
We freed the crowd from the chains. They were hesitant. Thinking, we'd hurt them or just be the new capturers. I guess you'd think that if all you know is that we're just another group of pirates. I try to calm them down. "Hey, it's alright. We have no intentions of doing anything to you, by all means. We just want to get out of here as much as you do."

We take off to the pier, to find our boat at the dock. Weird. But no one seems to question it. Why would our boat be here if we have been- ahh, you know what. Who cares. I just want to leave this all behind. I'd just like to relax a bit and not get in my head and study the meaning of every little thing that just happened.

The villagers prepared a little box of food for us to take along the way. But we've declined thanking. They need it more than us, considering their town is basically just debris.

We get ready to leave. Just waiting on Luffy ashe, of course, had to grab a little snack after all. Zoro led the way and helda hand out for me to help me into the boat. Wow, what a gentleman.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ