get going with the going merry

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Nami has accepted losing against Luffy.
We are at the shipyard looking at the big ship with a sheep for a figurehead. The crew looks content, Luffy is happy, Usopp looks a little sad, and Kaya is too. Kaya remembers Merry since the figurehead looks like a little replica of him. Usopp has a hard time saying goodbye to the ship he took such good care of. Well... "I hereby name this ship the Going Merry!" Luffy announces. We all chuckle a little, especially Kaya. "It's your home now." He thanks her, and goes for a big group hug, smushing Nami, Zoro, and me all together.

We are all set to go, as Usopp is still watching the ship as if it'd disappear once he looks away. "Usopp!" Luffy puts his hands on his shoulder to get his attention. "Go get your stuff." Usopp is dumbfounded. "Just come on already," Zoro says, trying to speed up the whole sentimental process. "I can't. I can't leave Syrup Village. Let alone, Kaya. I said I'd never leave you."Kaya steps in. Telling him how it is time for her to take care of herself and that she'll be waiting here for him ready to hear the real stories of Captain Usopp, and so forth. Very sentimental, heartbreaking, truly. They even kissed. "I knew it!" Nami hissed quietly. "Well, it was pretty obvious," I say quietly. "What are you guys on about?" Zoro wonders just as quietly.
"They know I'm the captain, right?" Luffy asks aloud. "Let them have this one," Nami says.

We all board the ship to set sail. Usopp excitedly gives Luffy a tour, Nami following swiftly. Zoro is stuck carrying all the heavy stuff on board. Luckily for him, we don't exactly have a lot of belongings so far. "As he walks up the plank he grumbles "This is going to be fun." I hit his head with a potato from behind him. I almost see a bump form at the back of his head. He whips his head around. He shouts a furious "Ey! What was that for?" at me. I laugh aloud. "Oh stop being such a grumbler! I say this is totally gonna be fun!" I brush his shoulder with my hand as I pass by him. The box of food in one hand. I turned around while I walked, I swear I saw the man blushing while he put down the heavy oversized box. He thought I would catch him.

Still smiling like an idiot, I come across Usopp and the two he's guiding around. "Hey Usopp, where would you suggest I put the food?" "Right this way ma'am. If you would follow me!" "Well, of course!"

After that, we set sail off towards the grand line.

Everyone settled on the bow of the boat. Nami is checking the map. Luffy and Usopp are both drawing Jolly Rogers, oblivious of each other. Zoro is polishing his swords, and so am I.

"Alright guys, what are your thoughts on this beautiful masterpiece?" Usopp gets up, proudly presenting his Jolly Roger. "What is that?" Nami asks appalled. "It's a Jolly Roger. You guys didn't put one up so I assumed you don't have one yet." "It looks... like you, Usopp." I am astonished. Does he actually think of himself as our captain? I mean he did call himself Captain Usopp numerous times before. "Why, thank you Kairi. Now that you say it, it does look like me." He smiles widely. Zoro huffs.
"We have one already." Luffy butts in. He holds up his crooked Jolly Roger, which he had just drawn again since his last one got lost on our old little boat. "No, we are not putting this up," Nami announces. "I am the captain! I say we do!" "Mine looks better Luffy, give it up!" "Yours doesn't even represent us!" "Well, it only has to represent the captain..." Usopp said the latter part quietly, but Luffy heard it. "I AM THE CAPTAIN!" He shouts!

"Hey, guys! How about this: Luffy, I agree that your design represents us as your crew much more. However, you do not possess any artistic skills. Usopp on the other hand does. Unfortunately, we can't really take your design to represent us. That would only send all the big bad pirates your way first Usopp." We all know he tries to appear strong but is actually a bit of a coward, and massively anxious at that. So, this way it's a fair deal. "You wouldn't want that, Usopp, would you?" He swallows hard, shaking his head rapidly. "Now, I suggest Usopp draws Luffy's design because you are amazing at that." I smile at Usopp and Luffy, both look back at me contently. The two get to work.
"Wow, you handled them so well." Nami and I high-five. Zoro huffs again. Usopp comes up again, to grab a bigger brush. He is going to paint the straw hat skull on the sail. "Yeah, you really saved me back there!" The three of us laugh aloud. I turn back around and to my surprise, Zoro has left. Hm.

Eventually, I remembered the book I wanted to read. I made my way to the deck, where there is less trouble. Or so I hoped.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now