in the fish's mouth

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We sat down on the outside panel of the ship. Just now I realize we are sitting inside of a big fish. The outside is roofed by the fish's agape mouth. Usopp is sipping his drink quickly, using four straws. Zoro is trying to rest, his eyes closed, his beer at reach on the table. Nami is staring at her drink. I watch people.
"Pace yourself," Zoro says, assuming it was directed towards Usopp. "I don't think there's any liquor in this. It tastes just like candy," He says the last part with a laugh. I watch him carefully. I think he is already a little blue but doesn't seem to notice.
"Last time I said that I woke up face first under the table." "I would have loved seeing that," I say to Zoro. "Bet you would." He takes a sip of his drink and seems to notice nami hasn't been with us mentally. "That glass has gold at the bottom or what?" He asks her. Good one. It takes her a moment to realize we are waiting for her to answer. "Hmm?" She looks at us. "You haven't stopped staring at it." She takes a deep breath, "You seriously don't think what Luffy did is messed up?" He looks into his glass. "Yeah. He should have told us." He pauses. "But if you hadn't noticed, we make enemies everywhere we go. Psycho clowns, Killer butlers. What is a vice-admiral gonna do to us?" "No. You don't understand. I can't get caught. Not when I'm so close-" She stops herself from telling us something she doesn't want us to know. Suspicious. Zoro and I share a knowing look. We look over to Usopp, who is still enjoying his drink way too quickly.

Okay, who's ready for another drink? My treat." She gets up and looks at us. "Mmh, my favorite kind of treat," Zoro says.  Usopp nods. "I still have mine," I say smiling. She nods and leaves quickly.
"Something is up," Zoro says. "I know. Has been for a while, if not since the beginning. I haven't figured it out yet but she trusts us so I don't want to intrude. "Hm," He hums acknowledging. "Whatever she is up to, it must be happening soon, since she is close and can't get caught..." I think aloud. "I thought you didn't want to intrude?" "I don't." "Then stop worrying about it. Just go and get another drink." I exhale deeply, knowing he's right. Nonetheless, I'm staying seated. I don't wish to get drunk so I'll refrain from getting another drink.

Nami comes back with a bottle of rum and a glass of water. "I figured you didn't want a drink with liquor so I brought you a glass of water." She handed me the glass with a smile. Oh, my that's so kind. I hoped she didn't do it for me to forget about her little secret, but I said I'd stop worrying about it so I should. "A regular glass with regular water?" I ask smiling. "Yeah, all regular." She sits down laughing.
"Where's Usopp gone off to?" She asks. Zoro points towards him. "His drink has hit, just moments ago." We watch him dance like a tubeman. "He does have a certain grace about him. Like a frantic, uncoordinated..." "Seaslug." Zoro finishes. "Yeah, that's it. That's exactly what he's like. Like he doesn't have a care in the world." She watches him intensely as if she is jealous and trade with him right this instance.
Zoro looks at me as if he is asking for permission to speak. I shrug but nod at the same time. "What are you carrying around that's so heavy?" "You have no idea. Both of you." She looks down. "I bet we do." He looks at me, then at her. I listen actively but don't contribute to the conversation. "I bet I know more about you than you about me." Uh, I'm invested.
"Yeah, right. You're an open book." She answers. "Care to prove it?" He asks. She's down.

"I guess something about you, you drink. You guess something about me, I drink." He explains the rules as he fills the shot glasses.

Zoro starts. "I bet you grew up in a big city, running schemes, hanging around in bars like this one." "You must be thirsty." She says simply. "Are you saying I'm wrong?" Well duh.
"What's your guess, Kairi?" She asks me. "Well, a small village I'd guess. Probably somewhere you needed to get out of, for whichever reason." "Hm, yeah. It was barely a village. Just a handful of houses in the middle of a tangerine grove."  She was sentimental for a second but lost it and told Zoro to drink. So he did. "Your turn." "Alright. But I have you read all the way back in Orange Town." Oh, she did? That's interesting. "He looks over, almost impressed by her for saying that. "I bet you didn't have any friends as a kid." "I had friends." "Swords don't count." He looks at me. "I had one true friend." I smile back at him. "Well, that's one more than I had." And takes the drink. "Wait, is that why you two are so close?" She asks us. "Yeah. We grew up together." "Ohh, that explains a lot. I thought you guys were getting intimate." She says. putting the glass back down. Our cheeks turn a little red. " Oh heck, you two." She leans back in her seat.

 "Hey guys, meet my new best friend." There he walks towards us, so nonchalantly, as if it isn't just the infamous Dracule Mihawk he is trying to present to us. That guy is the most powerful swordsman there is. He could cut this whole ship with every single person on it in two with his big mystical sword. Wait, no. That's not good. Zoro has been looking for that guy. That can only mean-
"What was your name again?" Usopp asks taking a seat. "Which one of you is Monkey D. Luffy?" He asks, getting straight to the point. Marines must have sent him our way. Luffy is way too small of a bounty for him. Zoro turns to look at the guy speaking. And there it is. That look on his face. No way back now. He'll end his life right here and now. Tears start dwelling in my eyes.
He knows I know what is about to happen.  He takes a quick confirming look at me. I can't believe he is asking for my permission. I could never say no. It's been his dream ever since we were kids. I give him this painful smile. He nods and turns back to the guy.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now