missed each other

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Luffy is quiet. Sitting at the very tip of the boat. He is staring off into the distance. I haven't seen him this quiet yet. He must be very sad about his hat.
Nami offered to fix it for him. As she is done, she taps him on his shoulder. He turns around, seeing his hat looking very pleased with her work. "You fixed it!" he exclaimed. "Good as new." Nami smiled at him. He smiled back. "Thanks." "You said it was your treasure, right?" He just smiled at that. He knows we already know. I have to smile at them, too.

"Hey, Kairi." I turned my head towards Zoro. He opened his eyes. He must have used the past time trying to rest. "I meant to say it earlier, but uhm- you know" he was referring to everything that had happened within the past couple of hours. We never really finished our talk back then. "Hmm." I hum at him, not wanting to interrupt his thought process. "I've missed you." He smiled. A little nervousness is hinted at in his body language. I smiled, almost a little sadly thinking about how much I've missed him. "I missed you too. Like a lot." "Yeah, like a crazy lot" he laughed calmly. I do too.

Nami has left for the small room. Closing the door behind her. I don't bother overthinking it. She might have been a liar and thief before, but she might have changed. Traumatic events like that can change people pretty quickly. Although, I have to say, I don't believe people change within an instant just like that. My gut tells me not to trust her, but in my heart, I know I will sometime in the future. I'll let it slide.

Zoro and sit in a calm silence, enjoying each other's company. We don't have to speak to each other to not feel lonely around the other. We always had that thing, where we don't have to speak but still know the needs of the other. I think that's why we're such great friends.

We just sit there, relaxing, while taking in thebreeze and Luffy's excitement for the incoming adventures we'll have. I couldtotally take a nap right now. All this action has drained me. I'll just dozeoff for a little bit.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now