the incident

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To most people in Shimotsuki Village, I am known as Kuina's little sister. First come, first serve. Kuina was the firstborn, the first to compete as a swordswoman, and the first to make a name for herself. Not that I mind much. First of all, I love my sister more than anything. Second of all, I come more after our father. More the kind to observe and stay in the shadows. Go unnoticed until you can prove people wrong about you. That's what my dad used to tell us.

Even if Zoro didn't let it get to him, Kairi didn't go unnoticed by him. Not the slightest. He doesn't have time for this bullshit he tells himself. But whenever he walks past your room, he catches himself looking, just for the chance to get a glimpse of you. If he's not in classes or training himself he likes to watch you during your sessions. During dinner, he likes to sit close to you so maybe the two of you could talk a little.

A couple of weeks later, me and Kuina have been running around the temple. There has been construction but since it has only been lifted moments ago, it screamed for running around and testing the freshly repaired back entrance.
I have caught up to my sister running down the stairs. Unfortunately, they are extremely slippery. Kuina struggled to keep her balance as I for once didn't think before my doing and slashed her in a playful way with the backside of the blade.

Whereas Kuina didn't pass in the hands of a sword, she died because of stupid stairs. One of the most skilled swordswomen the world had yet to see dead. Cause of death: Stairs. That's some bullshit right there.

My father likes to say it was a very unfortunate accident and it was no one's fault.
I, on the other hand, struggle to believe that. Kuina could've very easily found her balance if it wouldn't have been for my lust to win. Winning at playing catch? Is that worth dying for? And why didn't we stop at the stairs? I should've known it was dangerous. They were visibly slippery. What did we expect right after construction had been lifted?

From that moment on, I swore I'd always think, let nothing get the best of me, and live the life Kuina didn't get the chance to: Explore, see the world, and most of all, become the world's greatest Swordswoman.

It took me a while to adjust to her not being around anymore. Years, actually. I trained a lot, to distract and use up all the energy I would've otherwise used for the bad thoughts creeping in. Zoro did the same. We didn't really talk anymore, much less laugh together. Kuina's abrupt leave has scarred us.
My father has been a great help. I know he cries, we both do. Together sometimes even. Yet, he has the strength to continue his life the ordinary way. She wouldn't have wanted it any other way. You know that. She'd want us to stay optimistic and on track. My father kept saying that as if that was his mantra. It might have. Maybe still is.

I wanted to speak to my father when I saw someone already taking a seat in front of him. I could recognize that green hair everywhere. Zoro pleaded my father to give him the wado ichimonji. Kuina's sword. Zoro hadn't noticed my presence but my father did. He looked at me with a questioning look. He asked me for my blessing to give away my sister's sword.

I nodded. It's not like he's giving it away to anyone. It was just a matter of time until he got the wado itchimonji. If it wasn't for her death, I'm certain Kuina would've given him the sword the moment they parted ways. It was the bond they've formed over the promise they've made. I could've never accepted it if my father would've given it to me. I know Zoro will take good care of it.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon