fearsome captain usopp

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We make it to Gecko Island. There is no Harbour in sight, but it is getting critical. That's why we decided to dock at the shore and check for a town in close proximity.

We gather all the stuff as I stare into the bushes up top of the cliff. "I think we are being watched. The others follow my gaze.
"Ahh shoot! They heard us!" Whispers came from the bush.
"Hey, there pirates! Leave at once and we might let you live!" they yelled. This can't be happening. Not that I am scared. Not in the least. They are putting up a show. So I rather feel sorry for them.
Luffy is intrigued. "Oh yeah? And if we don't? I could use a fight again." Zoro agrees with Luffy. I can hear the guy in the bushes being scared. No, wait, it's more than one.
"I am the great captain Usopp. The most fearsome of all of the east blue! I am in charge of this Island. So, leave or me and my one million men will strike you four down!" In four spots, it's rustling a little in the long line of bushes. There must be four people then.
"You've got to be kidding me," I say, Nami agrees. One million men? The first part could maybe pass for, if you didn't decipher the hint of trembling and scare in his voice. Although, hiding behind a bush makes it hard to believe. No one could possibly believe- "WOAH, THAT'S AWESOME!" Luffy exclaims excitedly. Well yeah, I didn't put Luffy in the equation. Of course, he would believe anything you tell him.

I am very quick and extremely quiet on my feet, so, while Luffy and that guy are basically screaming at each other over the cliff, I make my way up the path to check behind the bushes.

I see a long guy in a bib overall and three little kids cowering behind the bushes. The guy is about our age. One of the little boys turns around and sees me. He is scared for his life, I almost feel bad, but it's not like I'm going to do anything. He tries to tell the others but there are no words coming out of his mouth.

"I was right. It's just the four of you." The others turned around rapidly. The kids gather themselves and run off. The tall guy jumped backward in response to my surprise. He jumped right to the edge of the cliff, so naturally, the rubble fell off the cliff, and the long-nose right with it. I caught him on his bib with one of my katanas still in the Saya, to not cut through the fabric. He held onto the sword for dear life. I pulled him back onto the ground.

He gathered himself, still shaking with fear. "Don't worry, we won't do anything to you," I tell him. "What's up with you gag back there? One million men? That's a bit unrealistic, don't you think?" The others have come up now too. "Yeah, what's up with the lie?" "I wanted to get you to leave. I need to protect my village." "Well, that clearly worked out great." I shoot Zoro a look that says don't be such a dipshit. "Why'd you involve those kids? What if there would have been violent pirates?" I ask him. "They're my crew!" he tries to say proudly. "But just so you know. I've trained them to run if they ever get too scared. We know the best hiding spots all around this island." Well, at least he had a plan if things would go wrong. Although, I think we must have been the first to be introduced to this islands defense system.

"We are not going to do anything to your village. We are good pirates!" Luffy chimed in. "Good pirates?" Usopp asked. "Yeah! But actually, we need something." Usopp listened. "You see, our boat is broken, and since we are pirates, we need a ship. A real pirate ship!" Luffy said. "Is there a harbor near?" Nami asked, getting to the point.
"Oh yeah totally, let me show you the way!" He walked towards to village. "You guys are in luck, syrup village is well known for shipbuilding." It's a good 20-minute walk away from here, based on how small the houses look in the distance. "Actually, my good friend Kaya owns the Shipyard here, she just might be able to help you out." He shouted towards us, as we followed. Luffy walked swiftly next to him, not able to wait to see all the ships. Nami walked right behind them, while Zoro and I trailed behind a little, not too far off though.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now