let her eat fish

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We made our way to the hall downstairs; where Kaya's guests have gathered. Oh, never mind. It's only this one guy. He looks a little like a sheep if I am being honest. We start to mingle with the crowd. I look over. Luffy and Usopp are inhaling the very nicely garnished appetizers Sham is handing around. Nami is chatting up that sheep guy. I think she is trying to pickpocket him or something. I am with Zoro. He is looking at the drinks.
"Hey guy!" Luffy shouts, "you should try these!" I shush to quiet him down. I have realized this guy has little manners so I guess I will be taking it upon myself to teach him some.

Someone clears their throat to get the attention. Everyone follows the sound up the stairs. "May I present" Klahadore announces, "Miss Kaya." She is standing at the top of the stairs, slowly walking them down, her butler at hand. She is wearing a very nice yellow dress. I look over to Usopp. He is in awe, and I think that is so incredibly cute.

The sheep guy makes his way up and pays her his compliment. "Thank you, Merry, I'm glad you could make it." She smiles back at him. Ah, so that's Merry. He's the one the ships belong to. How great everyone is gathered today so we can discuss getting a new ship. I'm sure Luffy will manage.

Nami gets compliments for her dress by Kaya. I'm glad she does so. I don't want Nami's prejudice to be fed. Because I am expecting big presents and a huge dinner. I realize Zoro is not back with a new drink yet. I see him talking to Klahadore. Just in that moment, they are done speaking. Kaya and Merry have to speak about matters regarding the transfer of shipyard ownership. That look on Klahadore's face. Very, very odd. Like he 's dropped his mask for a second. What would he be... I have to ask Zoro what they were talking about.
"Oh, dear friend Merry. It is always business with you. Tonight is for celebration. Shall we move to the dining room?" Klahadore interrupted their conversation. Now, this can't be good. I feel it creeping inside me. This is not very super-polite-butler-like of him. Also, he must know exactly how important a matter such as this is. This needs to be discussed soon since technically that transfer would be happening tonight. It is Kaya's birthday after all.

It's all coming together. He is clearly after the shipyard. But then why wouldn't he be discussing with them to get the ownership for Kaya? She wouldn't give it to him. Why would she? She would be the one hoping to get a living out of it. Not just hoping, she clearly would, as full as that yard was earlier in the day. But she is sick so maybe he could get the secondary ownership, in order to take care of it for her. But then he still wouldn't have cut the conversation. Or is Kaya even sick by chance? Maybe he had something to do with it?...

This is too much to just put on a guess. I need more foolproof facts. I mean he has been doing it for a while now, I am sure of it. The trust Kaya has in him, the undivided attention he shows her... Who would put up that much of a show just to get the ownership of a stupid shipyard? Just start your own. In Syrup Village, this would be helpful even. Just get the rights to open one from her.
My thoughts stop racing as Zoro puts his hand on my lower back to guide me to the dining room. As if I am the one needing direction. But it's only a gesture and a nice one at that. Definitely left no thoughts in my head. And with that, we followed after the others.

I sit on the long side of the table, with Usopp and Zoro on each of my sides. "Keep this coming" Zoro presses the bottle into the passing Sham. She takes it and moves on. I bump my fist into his shoulder. I shoot him a look. "What?" he shrugs. "How drunk do you plan on getting?" I ask him. "I don't get drunk." Yeah, no shithead. I am sure you get drunk pretty easily. Not that he is a lightweight or didn't already build up a tolerance, because I am sure he has been drinking for quite some time. But I can just tell that he is already a little tipsy.

"I would love to try the fish tonight," Kaya asks politely. "I'm sorry Miss Kaya, I'm afraid it's not possible considering your diet." What? "Maybe just a little piece?" "I'm sorry, but you know that certain foods can affect your constitution." I have never heard that about fish. I mean, if you are allergic to fish or its components, yes, of course. But if that would be the case, she wouldn't be asking for it. I mean the fish isn't infested, right? Or is he trying to poison all of us? No, they are not. I would have felt it. I just get a little of a weird feeling. That's not based on food though.

Kaya gets a special soup. Doesn't look that special to her. She looks almost disgusted. More importantly, she looks incredibly sad. She looks like she's on the brink of tears.

"Kaya, it's your birthday. You should be able to eat anything you want." Nami says and smiles at her with sympathy. Oh yeah! She likes Kaya now, otherwise, she would have never spoken up for her. "I agree!" I add.
"Miss Kaya's condition necessitates me to closely monitor her dietary needs." "I totally understand that. Although, today is her birthday. I'm sure there must be a way to maybe get about half a portion of, under normal circumstances, restricted foods. Fish is, matter of factly, very healthy and contains important nutrients. It's rich in iron and surely you have a deficit. It'll help your weakness and paleness." The crew looks at me as if they don't know half of the words I've used. Kaya is very much appreciating my try to help her. Klahadore is mad. I saw a little twitch in his eyes and out of a sudden I felt like all the food was about to find its way back out. This night will not end well.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now