girl's talk

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"Nami? Kairi? What are you two doing here? Is everything okay?" Of course, it wasn't just any room we had escaped to. It had to be Kaya's room. She turned on the light and sat up in her bed. I stood at the door, while Nami stood a few steps more into the room, hiding the well-filled bag behind her small figure.
It can't exactly help our reputation considering we are supposed to be the good pirates. Let's hope we didn't let Luffy's speech die in vain.

"Yeah, everything alright. This house is just so massive, we got lost looking for the bathroom." She says nervously. That was one of the worst possible excuses she could have said. Every suite has its own bathroom attached to it...

Kaya knew. "With a pillowcase?" Hmm, yeah, you could think it's a pillowcase with the size and its fillment. Nami lets her pillowcase-holding hand fall to her side. She looks down at it, embarrassed. I don't even bother saying anything.
"So you are pirates after all." I don't like the way I was dragged into it, but I don't exactly have any excuse. I was with her after all.

Kaya gets out of her bed. "I hate pirates," Nami answers. Not this again. However, this time she might bring up her past and the reason she hates pirates so much. I mean, as far as Kaya is concerned, she is a pirate. "But I am who I am. And I won't apologize for that." Nami continues. "Nami!" I say. At the very least, she should pretend to be sorry after everything Kaya has done for us. "To be honest, I find some of the decor to be a bit gaudy," Kaya admits. The two sit down at the table. I make my way towards them. "I prefer to donate it to charity," Kaya says. Normally, I would be laughing at that, making Nami seem desperate, but I reckon this is not the right time and place for me to do so.

"I am not charity," Nami says standing up. Oh, she didn't like that, just like I expected. "No, of course not. I meant, what is it good to have so much if you can't share it? To people that have less. Or family. Or friends." She said the last part so nicely and full of compassion. By now, I have sat down at the darker side of the table. I just listen to them talk. Let it play out and interfere if necessary, just like I always do.
"So we are friends now? You don't even know me." Nami is skeptical. She never lets anyone get close. But I'll crack her eventually.
Usopp does, so that's a start." Oh, how I love Kaya. She is so polite and helpful. I bet she is a little lonely, which is causing her openness to strangers. I bet she is.
Nami doesn't say anything, but she decides to sit back down.

The two finally look at me. I am smiling widely at them. Kaya returns a smile at least as big as mine. Nami just looks emotionless, maybe a little bit confused. She is definitely not used to friendships yet. But, we are about to change that.

"That went truly perfectly. Thank you Kaya for your politeness." I say. She nods.
"So, what are we going to do now?" Nami asks, looking between Kaya and me.
"Have a sleepover? Do each other's makeup?" This could have been a really nice moment if she didn't have to destroy it with her sarcasm and attitude. Kaya chuckles at that, though. "Why not?" I say smiling. Kaya's chuckles turn into a set of caughs.

Our looks sadden. "Kaya, are you okay?" Nami asks. "Not you too..." Kaya answers shaking her head. "What?" "Everyone is so careful around me. it is like one wrong move and I'll break." The two of us are unsure of what to say. "I don't want your pity." Nami and I share a knowing look. "Well, you're not getting it then." The two of us say in unison. The three of us smiling.

"So, you and Usopp? How did the two of you meet?" Nami asks. "Oh, no." Kaya chuckles. "We have known each other for many years now. Ever since his mother died. He didn't have anybody, so, my parents gave him a job at the shipyard. He likes to come around and tell me about his brave exploits and grand adventures." Kaya starts smiling at herself, probably imagining Usopp. I have to smile at that. These two are really too cute. Nami has to smile too, but she is listening closely. "And truth is, they make me feel better." She says. "And he's always been here for me. Helping me through the hard times after my parents have passed and standing by my side since I have gotten sick." The smile leaves my face. The others didn't seem to notice.
I still don't think she is just sick like that. I don't want to ruin the moment by asking her what kind of illness she thinks she has.

"Your parents. What happened to them?" Kaya loses her smile, swallowing hard at the question. "they, uhm-" "It's okay if you don't feel comfortable talking about it." I tell her. "No uhm, they died at sea." Oh god no. I can feel Nami's shocked expression looking at me for confirmation. They died at the hands of pirates.

"After all those years, it still takes my breath away. I couldn't go through their belongings. It's all locked up in the east wing, where their bedroom is. Or was." I'm scared she'll break out into tears. Neither Nami nor I would know how to handle a situation like that. We are already overwhelmed with the momentary situation.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I say and Nami follows up "I'm sorry." Kaya nods at that.

"Have you ever lost anyone close to you?" Kaya asks with hope. I only nod keeping my gaze down for the moment, not wanting to speak about it. "No," Nami answers. That's a lie. The way she swallowed and hesitated before answering. She was considering telling us before she remembered she wanted to stay closed off. Maybe she just really doesn't want to talk about it. I mean, who am I to blame? I'm not going to push it.

"I'm jealous," Kaya responds to Nami's answer. There is the first tear following the rules of gravity. I can't take it and look down again. I can feel my eyes getting teary now too. And I saw Nami's eyes more wet than they were before.
"Pfft. Says the rich girls." She had to find a way to ruin the moment again. She has got a real talent for that. Luckily, Kaya chuckles at that. "You are not very good at this friends thing, are you now?" I breathe out a little laugh, "No, she really is not."Nami laughs too.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now