the dressing room

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Nami and I walk to the dressing room, only to find Luffy already in there. He wears a Hawaii shirt, only adding to the whole I just came back from vacation vibe he has going on. He lies on the ground, looking up at all the clothes. "Why would anyone even need this many clothes?" He asks. "It's not about need with these people. It's about want." Nami doesn't think very highly of rich people. I think it's funny she thinks that way. But oh well, she must have been learning about the gap between rich and poor the hard way. And not just the economic gap but rather the gap it forms in society.
"Maybe she couldn't separate from these clothes. Maybe they hold a high value." I answered Luffy's question, even if it was mainly a rhetorical question. "You really think so?" Nami asked, berry signs glowing in her eyes. "I meant a sentimental value," I say to her disappointment. "Although I do believe they wouldn't sell cheaply." She laughs happily. Digging into the pile of clothes.

Nami is already going happily at it, I walk around taking everything in first. "What am I even supposed to wear?" Luffy asks. "If I knew..." I sigh, getting a little overwhelmed with all these options. "Anything you want, Luffy. When do you ever get the chance to wear clothes this nice." Nami says. "She's right." I smile. This is for free. I'll probably have to wear the same 3 outfits for the foreseeable future. I don't know how often I will be able to go shopping. Maybe I take some if Nami has space in her bag. Although, I'm afraid I would feel terrible wearing them.

Nami walks out of the corner, wearing a blue and black dress. "Well?" She asks us. "You look like Nami," Luffy says sitting up. Nami isn't surprised. She looks up at me. "He's right," I say shrugging. She turns around and disappears behind the pile again. "But you still look good though!" I shout at her. I get back to searching myself.

"Hey, Zoro!" Luffy says. I turn and see Zoro coming in through the door. I'm surprised he found the way here. "What are you gonna wear?" Zoro looks around a little. "Something black." He says, sees me, and winks at me. I smile but turn back quickly to hide my blush. I hope he didn't notice.
"How edgy," Nami says Zoro's statement.

"Hey, did that butler seem familiar to you guys?" He asks the room, but looking at me. If I had seen him before I would know. Or would I?
"Yeah, I think he was at the last dinner party I attended," Nami says sarcastically.
"I swear I've seen him before." Zoro thinks aloud.
"I know what you are talking about. I thought so too at first. Did you ever hear of Captain Kuro before? He was wanted three years ago. He was killed by axe-hand Morgan. That's why that guy even had this high of a position in the first place. They look very similar." I cleared up for everyone. "Oh yeah, that must be it," Zoro says.

"How's this?" Nami asks, wearing a black outfit with a black and silver dress jacket. "Still Nami," Luffy says confused. I don't think he knows what he is supposed to say. "I said I'm wearing black," Zoro says. As if they couldn't possibly both wear the same color. "I hate you guys," Nami says and turns around. "I didn't even say anything!" I call after her baffled. "That's why I hate you!" She answered from behind the pile.

"I feel kind of bad for Kaya..." Luffy trails off. "All this stuff. All this space... must make a person feel lonely." "Rich people don't have the same emotions we do." Nami retorts. "Nami!" I say. "You can't prove the opposite, now can you?" she says. "Well I don't know any rich people but-" "Then you can't possibly know." She says. Why is she so defensive about it? Jesus... "No, you're right. All I'm trying to say is, we shouldn't leap to any conclusions. So far, Kaya has been a very nice and welcoming person." "If you are in love with her just say so. Shoot your shot." She says. Alright, arguing isn't going to get us anywhere. I sit down with a huff next to Zoro. He is already looking at me confused, and so is Luffy. I look back and forth between the two. "I am not in love with her!" I say exhausted. These two really are a pair of idiots. They nod and get back to looking around for clothes.

"Usopp likes her. And she invited us to dinner." Luffy smiles looking around. "I'm sure we can work out a way to get that ship." I just love his certainty.

"No way, rich people don't stay rich by giving things away," Nami says. Well...
Luffy smiles smugly. "Wanna bet?" Oh no... "What are the terms." My head falls in my hands. Zoro rubs a comforting hand over my now hunched back.

"I bet I can make Kaya give us that ship." "And if you can't?" "We'll go with your plan. Steal one and move on." The two smile at each other and shake their hands to a deal.

Luffy sits back down. I think he's given up onlooking. Nami throws a gown in Zoro's direction. He holds it with long arms totake a proper look. I lean on his shoulder to look at it too. "Nice" he said. Inod.
I stretch my arm out quickly, without looking, catching the dress Nami hadthrown. "Nice" zoro says again, looking at me. I nod again. I take a properlook at the dress. It's really pretty.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ