time has come

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I slowly walk into the kitchen. "Hey" "Hey" "I'm sorry. This is a lot on me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way. That's why I'm here again." He opens his eyes while I speak."Couldn't sleep?" he asks me. "And that on top." He pats the seat next to him. I take that as a cue. Again, he pulls me in. "You are so forgiving." I smile a little. "For you, always. Other than that, not exactly." 

We were relaxing in silence, once I spoke up again. "I don't mean to keep interrupting you, but I heard something." He hums for me to continue. "A little birdie told me you kept talking about me since we've been on this ship." He shifts a little and growls. "Really can't trust Usopp with anything," he says quietly to himself. "How did you know it was Usopp? It could have been Luffy." "Luffy wouldn't have told you because you didn't know. Also, I heard you and Usopp talk." "I was guessing you were listening." "Good guess." "Ey, don't you change the subject. So, you were the one swooning after me all this time." I laugh. "Oh shut it! We both know you aren't any better." "But you didn't deny it!" I laugh. "Well no of course not because Usopp has already told you all about it!" "You're a grouch," but I said it nicely. "And that's why I need a sunshine like you." "Oh, you're corny," I laugh. "Only with you." He says quietly and leans in. I meet him quickly for a sweet little kiss. "Will you be coming to the challenge?" He asks, resting his forehead on mine. Our eyes are shut. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He smiles into the kiss.

Once it is time, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp and I make our off the boat and to the main doors of the Baratie. Mihawk is already expecting us.
"Monkey D. Luffy. I'm surprised the Marines would acquire my help with such a small package. Though I do like your head." Mihawk's eyes are trained on Luffy. "Enough, let's begin," Zoro says. He has already put his bandana on. Usually, he puts in on mid-fight when the opponent is more difficult than expected. But here, he expects the most. 

Mihawk takes off his necklace, and a tiny sword is revealed underneath the cover. "What is that? I'm here for a swordfight." "I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon." Uh, that's a good one. I've got to keep it in mind. But it's a very unfitting thought to the situation since Zoro has drawn his swords. "I'm no rabbit." "That remains to be seen." I usher Usopp and Luffy a little off to the side since it would be a tremendous disgrace to be interrupted in a fight. And us standing in the way would be a great interruption. Quite possibly lethal for Zoro.

He attacks, his swords in X-formation being stopped. Mihawk pushes the little sword back and Zoro lands a couple of feet further. Immense strength he has. "You're strong, but fighting isn't all about strength." "Shut up and fight." I am astonished at how incredibly strong they are. I know all about Zoro's strength and heard plenty about Dracule Mihawk but seeing it in person is always a little more incredible.
A sharp pain in my upper right rip. I flinch, but it's manageable. He's about to- Mihawk pierces his upper right rip with his tiny sword. The whole crew is speechless. Even Nami. Oh yeah, Nami has just appeared. I'm glad she had decided to join. For a second there I was worried she'd up and leave.

"Why don't you retreat?" Mihawk asks. "I can't. Or my dream will be lost forever." I can see the hurt in his eyes and it hits me like a truck when I envision him and my sister making their deal. He is doing all of that for her. with her. A tear dropped from each eye. However, come to think about it Mihawk could have just slashed him once and Zoro would have been good for. He's been dragging this fight. Now he's only pierced his breast? He leaves him in text, checking his strength, endurance, and willpower. He sees something in Zoro. And I'm glad. With all of the facts gathered, I know he'll be alright.
Mihawk removes his sword. Zoro tumbles back, barely able to hold himself so he kneels. "I'll do you the honor of killing you with Yoru." "That's more like it." With that, Zoro takes out the Wado Itchimonji. He starts to rotate his other two swords, Wado Ichimonji between his teeth. I look over to Mihawk. He is analyzing him. He calculates the rotational speed. He'll hit him. Shit. I wish I could help Zoro but that would be an even greater shame.

It comes to a clash. Zoro's swords fall into little pieces. My hand reaches my mouth in an instant to catch my shriek. Kuina's sword! But luckily it didn't break. I would have killed Mihawk myself if he had broken her sword. You can be damn sure of that.
Zoro turns around, ready to go at him again with just one sword remaining. "Why do you persist? You have been defeated. Zoro puts the Wado Ichimonji in its Saya. He opens his chest to him. "Wounds on the back are a swordman's greatest shame."  "Magnificent." He simply answers.

Nami grabs Usopps and my hand. We all look at each other, other sadly. I can feel the tears starting to dwell as this unimaginable pain starts to rise in me. It's not just on my chest. I can feel it in my whole body. Especially in my heart.
He nods at the warlord and he slashes him. As Zoro falls backward, I feel so empty. It's like my soul has left my body and completely vanished. I can only hear this loud white noise. I can barely see. It's all dark and blurry. I know Luffy is screaming his Name, I just can't hear it. I see Nami turning to face me in my peripheral but my eyes are locked on Zoro's body. It's just lying there so lifeless.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now