Part 30

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A few days passed by as me and Pablo were on good terms again. Basically, together again. That's what we decided. It may have happened really quickly but feels like an eternity for me. It was Christmas tomorrow and  for the last few days I've been sleeping over at Pablo's.

I woke up and Pablo was next to me. We fell asleep quickly, or at least I did yesterday. "What time is it?"
"I don't know" Pablo said, but his voice wasn't thick with sleep.
I drew back to look at him. "Were you awake?"
He pretended to stretch. "What? No."
I rolled over onto my side and smiled. "You totally were. You were watching me sleep."
"No that would be creepy. And boring. Watching you shower, perhaps..."
I punched him in the arm, then snuggled deeper under the covers.
"Since when are you so flirty" I ask giggling under the cover.
"since forever. It was a talent I was hiding" he says and laughs and cut himself. "As much as I am enjoying this" Pablo says, as he rolled over me, leaning on his arms. " and believe me, I'am" he added, looking down into my eyes, as a mischievous smile formed on his lips. "I'm afraid we will have to go"
I shook my head. He nodded. I sighed dramatically.
"fine." I say and stand up to go wash my face.

"how are you celebrating Christmas with your family tomorrow?" I asked as I walked outside the bathroom and Pablo was changing his t-shirt. "I'll eat breakfast and have a little brunch with dad and Aurora after, I'll go to our house and be there. And then you come over to me alongside Bella and Pedri" he replied. I asked about his family and he included us. I jumped at him from the back and hugged. "I love you" I say and rest my head on his shoulders. He kiss me on the cheek and reply "I love you too".

"do I know them?" Pablo asked as we were eating a quick breakfast. I was telling him how my friends from England, basically Ivy and Mason are coming over in like two days. "for sure, you know Mason Mount?" I asked and he nodded. "well it's him and his sister" I reply and he nodded. We decided to celebrate late Christmas with our other friends and that's when I invited Ivy and Mason.
"you have to do me a favour. You're meeting up with the team today right?" I asked and he nodded.
"I'll bring you a Barca shirt, could you then let everyone in the team sign it?" I asked my question. "To Mateo?" He asked me and I nodded. "yeah, of course." He said and smiled.

Pablo drove me home and I gave him a Barca shirt. The name in the back was his own surname, gomez.
That was the last Christmas present I had to fix, otherwise everything was ready. I bought some other toys and things for Mateo, perfume and haircare products and a necklace for my mom and for my dad I bought perfume as well but also a matching armband with mom for him. There was a matching set for a couple so I bought a necklace to her and an armband for him.

For Bella, I bought a big box of snacks knowing that she would probably eat them up in one day if she got the chance, a cute bracelet which I also bought for myself so we could match and some makeup. Since Pedri would also be there I bought a present for him as well. I had hard time finding out what I should buy for them but in the end I ordered football shin guards with Bella's name on them and his family's members names. And then I got him and Bella two matching cups they could use to drink some tea or coffee maybe.

The hardest was probably for Pablo. I didn't want to give something simple but something that had a meaning behind it. So I would give my present when we were alone because I bought promising rings to us. Rings that a tiny bit represent my love for him. Having promising rings doesn't mean that we are engaged or so. With those I just want to show that I want to have a future with him and he wants to have it with me. More than that, it'll just be a cute little present where we both have the same ring on. Holding our hands, I'll see it on us both. And then I bought a small photo rame with our picture that he could put somewhere in his apartment.


Only my dad was home when I got back and he was watching tv in the livingroom. I assumed that mom went out with Mateo to play a little bit. "hi dad" I said and sat down next to him. He looked at me with his wide smile. "hello. You just came home?" He asked and I nodded. "Pablo needed to do some things and so do I." I said. "I'm starting to get jealous of him. He gets to spend very much time with you, should I go do my 'dad duty'" he asked jokingly as he laughed. "no worries, you will always be the first man I've very loved and love, feel special" I said as I hugged him. It is truth though.
He is the first man that was there for me, that first hand I ever held. The first man I ever loved.
He gave me that cute smile and said "merci, milen" as I smiled back to him.

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