Part 13

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Pablo's POV:
I got home and my sister was there meeting me up. It was not that late so I suppose my parents are here somewhere.
"hello hermanito" she said
"hey aurora"
I haven't talked to her since I left to France which is quite much since we talk everyday even if I'm gone.
"I wanted to congratulate you in person and not through a phone. So congratulations for your award, you really deserve it and I'm so happy and proud of you" she said and hugged me. I hugged her back and relaxed. This was exactly what I needed, a hug from someone.
"thank you." I said and smiled at her.
"come on in."
I left my suitcase at the door, I wouldn't empty it today anyway.
"where's mom and dad?" I asked as we walked through the hallway and into the livingroom.
"mom is in her room..." she said quietly but nothing about dad. Aurora sat down on the couch and waited me to sit down.
"are you okay?" I asked her.
"I need to tell you something..."
"okay...I'm listening".
"mom and dad are getting divorced." she said.
I was shocked and just didn't know what to say at first. Things were good between them. Or what I know it was.
"what?" I said after minutes of silence.
"they have been arguing a lot lately and things weren't as good as you thought it was between them." she said while I sat there and listened to every single word she said carefully.
"wait a minute, you knew they had bad terms?" I asked and stood up.
"Pablo, I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you and tou had already many things going on so..." she said
"what have changed Aurora? We used to tell everything to each other." I said and you could hear that my voice was more angry now then before. She didn't reply so I asked where dad was.
"he won't live with us anymore. He moved out and mom is in her room." she said.
I left her and went after to mom. I bet she was in her bed and doing nothing right now. I knocked and got the permission to come in.
"hi mom" I said and went to her. She was as I said just laying in her bed.
"oh Pablo. Welcome home" she said and tried to put a smile on her face but I could see all the pain in her eyes.
"I wish I never left and things were as they were when I left" I said to her and sat at the edge of the bed.
"Aurora told you...I'm sorry, my sweet boy. It wouldn't work anymore" she said and looked down.
It was not her fault really, neither do I think it was my dad's fault.
"don't be sorry mom. It's okay" I said and hugged her tightly.
"but sorry that I never wrote to you. I saw the ceremony and I watched you live. I'm beyond happy for what you are achieving right now. Know that I'm always proud of you" she said
"it's not a big deal, thank you." I said.
"I will go to my room now"
"yeah, of course. Go" my mom said and I went to my room. 
My mood was totally gone and I didn't know what to do or think. I just lay down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
From now on I wouldn't live with my dad. I haven't contacted him yet, maybe I would go to him tomorrow.

It was 7pm and my whole sleep was gone so I messaged Milena to look if she got home or not.
30 minutes passed by and she didn't answer so I got a little bit worried since she replies to me fast so I called her. After some beeps she answered and I started to talk.
"are you home?" I asked her
"mhm" she said. Only then I understood that she had fallen asleep and I just woke her up.
"oh shit, sorry for waking you up" I said
"n-no it's all right. I fell asleep accidentally" she said
"why you calling" she said, still with her sleepy beautiful voice.
"you didn't answer so I just wanted to check if you got home" I said.
"oh sorry for letting you worry. I'm home" she replied
"are u okay, Pablo?"
"you voice seems a little off" she asked me.
I first didn't know if I wanted to tell her or not since I usually don't tell these stuff to many people, mostly just pedri. But I really needed someone to talk to and I can't do it with my sister or someone else right know.
"my parents are getting divorced. And my sister didn't even tell me that before now" I let out.
"oh...I'm so sorry, I wish I could help you with something..."
"no, it's okay. It's just that Aurora usually tells me everything but lately she doesn't and that fact they are getting divorced is also a big deal for me."
"maybe you should see her point of view too. I mean it's her parents to right? So im sure she had hard time too" she said.
"yeah maybe... i don't know" I said while I took a pillow for my head.
"how are your parents?"
"dad have moved out and mom is just in her room."
"guess I won't sleep much today. My sleep is totally gone" I said after
"I won't sleep for another 2 or 3 hours either. Gonna do some homework for tomorrow. We can talk until you want" she said and that gave me a smile on my face. I don't exactly know what I feel for her but spending time with her, I do like it.
"how do you even bear to do that?" I asked her. I mean she just got home from another country I would be dead already.
She laughed on the phone and then replied:
"that's how I work"
"do you have training tomorrow?"
"no, fortunately. I'm not in the mode to that actually" I said. Usually, or mostly I love to go to training but with my parents situation right know I'm just not in the mode.
"you won't be in the house all day, right?"
"no, Pablo!" She insisted.
"yeah yeah, I'll see." I said. The way she always says Pablo was so cute, all the time.
"wait, you remember when I won over you on fifa?" she asked me
"yeah? not a fair win but yeah?" I replied and giggled knowing she would hit me if she was here right know.
"well the winner gets to wish whatever, right?" she said
"Yeah, what are you planning now?"
"meet me 5 pm tomorrow at mine"
"what? Why?" I asked not knowing where she is taking me at all.
"just meet me there, okey?"
"okay" I said knowing it's impossible to ask her further where she's taking me.


Milena's POV:
Two hours went by as me and Gavi talked on the phone but he was now almost falling asleep. I somehow and very luckily managed him to think about something else then his parents.
"hey, Gavi. I will hang up now. You will fall asleep soon" I said
"yeah, okay. thanks for talking with me and goodnight Milena" he said.
"no problem, call me if you wanna talk again. Good night pablito" I said and hang up the phone.

After I hang up I went to take a shower and then went down to the kitchen to take something to eat since I was very hungry.
I took a little bit of yogurt and a banana from the fridge and sat down on the table and started to daydreaming. but this was more night dreaming.
In the middle of that my mom came to me.
"hello sweetie" she said. She was asleep when I came home so this was our first meet after I got home from Paris.
"oo, hiii mooom" I said and went to hug her.
"welcome back. how was France" she asked me.
"bien (good), as usual though. But Bella had fun time" I said
"so nothing interesting...?" She asked me as if she wanted to hear something special from me.
"nope, not what I know" I responded to her.
"Not anything about this whole 'Gavi's new girlfriend thing" she asked me and now I understood her.
"oh, you mean that. Don't worry, we are not together or something like that. Long history to tell right now" I said to her to clarify that me and Gavi are not together.
"I'am not worried. I know that Pablo is a good guy." She said and smiled.
"mom, we are just friends."
"yeah, friends don't look at each other like that though" she said to me.
"what do you mean?"
"I have seen, how you two look at each other. I'am a mom, I know and can feel when you are trying to hide something."
"I'm not hiding something, am I?"
"maybe you just haven't figured it out yourself, but I saw what I saw" she said and gave me a smile before she went somewhere in the house.

The whole night, till I fell asleep, I was rethinking this whole thing my mom told me since she is usually right and I think psychologists are good at feelings and stuff like that. I can not deny that I like to spend time with Gavi, it makes me relaxed and he makes me smile even though I'm not in the mood. But the question to me was if I loved him, more as a romantically. Thinking and thinking I eventually fell asleep.


I woke up 8am to get ready for university. Grabbed one apple and took my bag and went out to the taxi that was waiting for me. I didn't want to disturb my parents from sleeping so I just ordered an taxi that drove me to university. I had 4 lessons and examination today. The examination was kind of something everyone has in every early year. I was prepared but a little bit nervous.

After I was done with everything the clock was 3 pm and I had 2 hours before Gavi would come over to me. So I went quickly home and fixed myself so I wouldn't look like a scary doll.
"Len, come and eat with us" my mom said when she was done with making the food for us.
I went downstairs to my mom and dad who were already sitting at the table and sat down in front of them both.
"how was your day?" My dad asked me as he started to eat.
"Great so far, oh I'm going out soon to if it's alright with you" I said
"yeah of course, with Bella?" My mom asked.
I didn't want to say it's with Gavi since my mom would start to talk again but I couldn't lie to the either.
"nope, with Pablo." I said.
"you mean our friends son?" My dad asked
"yeah. You may not know but I knew Pablo before that meet."
"so you are just going out or what?" My mom asked as I knew she would.
"just hanging out, don't worry" I said as my parents started to laugh at me.
"his parents are getting divorced, by the way" I said
Both of my parents got shocked but I said that Pablo also just found out.

"okay, I gotta go now." I said
"yeah, have a good time" my dad said and waved to me as I went outside to Pablo.


Hi guys!
Sorry for being so offline here 😬. Buuut this story will have its 'moment' soon, so wait for the next partttt 👀.
Also, I have my last exam next week so IAM FREE SOON😭. JUSTICE FOR ME. I do have one oral french exam next week but that's something I can't study for if you get what I mean, so basically I will be free soon and hopefully be back here 😍.
Buuut, thank you all for reading this book.
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Love, Mina xx

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