Part 29

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The party was over and I was supposed to go home with Bella because I didn't drive here but she would stay at pedris today so there was changed of plans and I'll just order a taxi.

"we can still drive you home, you know that?" She said and declined her offer. "oh, stop there is no need to" I replied. Pedri lives the opposite of where I lived so I didn't want to bother them. Plus there is no problem for me taking a uber.
"I'll drive you home" I heard Pablo say behind me. He was coming towards me together with Pedri and Ferran who was with Sira. "I have already ordered the taxi, thanks" I said to him. Not the right time.
"you can always remove it" he said and sounded convinced. "Great, you're going with Pablo, milena. Not an Uber in the night" she said and smiled. It was actually just evening. "see you tomorrow, goodnight" she said to me and Sira as she hugged us and went to her car with Pedri. I said goodbye to Sira and now it was only us. "come" he said and I was following him to his car. Without saying anything too much i just opened the front door and sat down waiting for him to start driving.

"You're going home right?" He asked as he started the car and drove out from the parking lot. "Yeah" I said. I just noticed that he had styled hair and he had some pretty bracelets on. And as I looked clearly it was one that I gave to him. I once gave him one with blue pearls and in the middle it was the letter P after his name. He still has it?
"what are you looking at so much?" He asked when he noticed me staring at him and I just quickly looked at the road. "nothing" I said and he laughed. Shit, how I missed this.

"you turned wrong? I'm going home?" I said when I noticed that he didn't take the right road home to me. He didn't answer me though. "hello? You hear me or not?" I asked him, and now clearly looking at him. Once again he didn't answer just continued to drive. "alright, If I dont get home and my parents start to worry you will explain everything" I said and looked through the window. And then, after some minutes he suddenly stopped the car by the edge of the sea. "Pabloooo?" I scream at him as he already stepped out of the car. And I follow him because ain't no way I'm going to sit there and wait.

"Okay, okay, you win. What do you want from me?" I say without thinking what I just said.
"everything. I want to know everything." He say and then I take this more serious. "I've given you space and everything you needed but now it's over time. You tell me something at least or I'm giving up." He said. And I waited a couple of minutes to just comprehend in my head what I would say. Because as he said it was time a long time ago. And I don't know if I want to lose him again.

"I couldn't do it back then. It wasn't about you at all but just me. It would be wrong of me to continue to be here, 5 years ago. Cause if I weren't like I am today our relationship wouldn't have worked out just because of me and I really didn't want that to happen to us, to you. I didn't want to be the reason for our break up even if I was. But I know it would hurt even more if we broke up the other way" I finally said. He looked at with those eyes as if he understood me and gave all of him to me. How can someone be so understanding?
" I swear, the only thing I was missing all this time was you. And it will always be you. When I was successful in life I wanted to talk to you, when I was the opposite I wanted to talk to you so that you can cheer me up. Because you're the only one good at it. All this time I've watched you through the tv and watched how you change over time. 5 years passed by without me seeing you and it feels like a lifetime, to be completely honest." I added.

Now I was fully done with telling my feelings.

He gave me a quick laugh when he then hugged me hard. Out of nowhere and my eyes couldn't be more surprised at first. But then I just relaxed into his arms as I smiled. And how exactly did I live without this for 5 years? "I'm not letting you leave again, not this time." He said as we were still hugging each other. And what he said made me tear up. "you're crying?" He said and looked at me. I just took a few steps back and turned away. "nooo, I'm not. Stoop, I don't do this" I said and tried to laugh it away as I was trying to stop the tears falling down my cheeks.

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