Part 6

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Milena's POV:
It was afternoon and me and Bella went to Camp nou. She picked me up from my university after I was done. I didn't have lessons or something because it was the first day so I was free very early. Bella had some work to do with Pedri and I was just gonna get my bag. But after that we decided to hang out cause we both didn't have any plans.
"Do you know where to go?" I said cause the stadium is big and I would never know where to go even if I went here everyday.
"yeah, I think so at least" she said and laughed it away.
"how did your bag even end up with Gavi?"
"I was at his home yesterday"
"yeah, with my parents"
"WITH YOUR PARENTS??? EXUASE ME WHAT HAVE I MISSED" she screamed and I think all the cars around us heard her.
I just laughed and said "it's nothing like that. Our parents are friends apparently so it was a friend dinner"
"Don't call me a girl if you two don't end up together"
"don't start again. Me and Gavi are just friends. And I'm sure he doesn't even wants a girlfriend."
"I've seen how he looks at you" she said and that got me to think how he looks at me. He looks at me very normal, no?
"what do you mean?"
"well. As I know he have never had a girlfriend cause he only focused on football so no girls. But I've seen how he looks at you and you can't deny it"
I didn't say something about it, because I didn't know what to say. Also, I didn't know he was so serious about the 'girls situation'.
We arrived to the stadium and went inside. While walking I saw some picture of some old Barca legends and I recognised a few of them.
"oo, Neymar" I said and pointed at one picture at the wall.
"you know him? he was a great Barca player, pain that he left."
"yeah, he plays for psg so I've seen him a couple of times. I actually have a picture with him"
"I swear to god, you don't stop to impress me, Milena"

Walking through that corridor we came to a room and Bella knocked on it and we went in as someone said we could go inside. It was Pedri and Gavi.
"Hi" Bella said. I heard her nervous voice a little bit and tried to not show that I found that funny. I know she is nervous with Pedri.
"Hello girls. Happy to see you again"
"you too."
"sit down, both of you" pedri said with a smile on his face.
Gavi and me didn't really say hi to each other since I didn't know how or when to say. But we just smiled to each other so I guess that's enough.
"I won't be here for to long. You two could work, I'm just her for my bag" I said and looked at Gavi.
"ah yeah. It's in the locker room Let's go get it" he said and I stood up again.
"Bella, I'll wait for you outside then"
"okay, bye."
I went out with gavi and we started to walk. He's still very shy even though he knows me.
"aren't you so talkative or you just don't talk to me because you don't know me much"  I said interested.
he looked up from looking down to me and the back to his way.
"eh... I guess just not so talkative. I don't know what to say." he said.
"right, then I will be the one to talk since you are so quite. When is your next match?"
"Saturday. Against Madrid actually"
"ooo. El Classico? Are you excited?"
"surprised that you know it's el Classico."
I hit him on the shoulders and say "I'm not that dumb"
We came to their locker room and we went to his one and he gave me my bag.
"if you want we can go to the cafeteria in here? You still need to wait for Bella"
"would be great, I don't wanna sit alone"
I saw that he smiled after I said that but he tried to not show me.
Oh my gosh. I need to stop calling him cute.
We went to the cafeteria and took a seat at a table. Gavi went to take something while I waited for him. He came back with a sandwich and juice.
I don't eat white bread. I haven't eaten it for a while now. Because of my ed.
or because of me. White bread makes me fat.
"here take this" he said but I need to decline it.
"I actually already ate before coming. So sorry, I'm not so hungry."
"as you want. More for me" he said and started to eat first his sandwich and then the one he took for me. I didn't say anything and just waited till he was done eating. His hair was a mess as always, but I liked it that way. It looks better him that way.
When he was on his way to be done 3 guys came up to us.
"Hola Gavi" one of them said.
"hey, guys."
"and you are?"
"I'm Milena, Gavi's friend" I said confused and looked at Gavi because I didn't know what to say. I don't know if he sees me as his friend or not.
"His friend? Sounds interested" the other one said and smiled a little bit. But it was a tricky smile to Gavi which I understood. He thought it was something between me and Gavi.
"Anyways. This is Frenkie, Fati and Ferran." gavi said before someone of them could say something.
"nice to meet you all."
"it was nice to meet you Milena, but we gotta go. See y'a" Ferran said and started to go and Fati followed him.
Frenkie stopped near me and whispered to me "melt his heart a bit or it would be like ice soon" he said and left and I started to laugh about it.
"what did he say?" gavi said.
"nothing important. but I gotta say, your friends knows you well"
"I spend everyday with them so it's something usual."  he says. I can tell that he doesn't open op until he knows someone good. He wasn't this open with me when we first met, or it's acceptable I guess.
"by the way. I didn't know what to say to them so I just said I'm your friend."
"or wait, I'am right?" I said
He didn't respond directly but then said "yeah, I guess so"
"yess. Now I have two friends here." I said and put on a big smile.

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