Part 9

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I slept well this night and woke up by myself. It was 10am and I went to the kitchen to see if Bella was awake and she clearly was.
"why are you already awake?" I asked with my sleepy voice still being there.
"it's 10am? Pretty late" she said and my eyes just opened up.
"this is so early" I said and she laughed at me.
"hey, sleepy princess we should go and buy some products to us."
I nodded at her and went back to my room to brush my hair down to look like a normal person. I decided to have my pyjama on since it was almost a casual outfit either way. We went to the store by ourselves because the store was not so far away from us. 
"bonjour" I said as I walked in. The cashier that works here knows me because I used to go here often before so she didn't recognise me at first but later she did.
"Milena? tu blagues? (your joking?)" She said with a happy smile and hugged me tightly.
"c'était il y a longtemps (it was long time ago)" I said and smiled back to her when she let me go from her hug.
"Ravi de vous voir!  qui est ton amie (it's so nice to see you. Who's your friend?") she said and looked at Bella.
"C'est Bella. c'est mon amie d'Espagne (This is Bella. She's my friend from Spain)"
"Hi" Bella said and the cashier replied.

I talked to her a little bit and then later joined Bella on buying some things.
"You should talk french in front of Gavi" Bella said and smirked.
"omg. Stop Bella" I said and laughed at her.
"when will you admit that you somehow like him a bit."
"I really don't. You are wrong" I replied as a I took some strawberries into our basket. I continued with what I was doing as Bella was walking behind me.
"so you never thought of 'liking him" she asked me and that's where I stopped. I have had thoughts about that and I suck at lying but I wouldn't say that, it means I like him, or?
"even so, that doesn't mean I like him"
"so you have?" She asked me once again and I nodded.
"aww, your so in love but you won't admit it to yourself"
I just looked away and continued as if I didn't hear her.
"let's go pay"


It was afternoon and I was in Starbucks with Bella. We both ordered something to eat and while we waited for our order I saw someone. Marcus. My ex. One of the reasons why I didn't want to come to Paris. Fortunately our order was done quickly.

"Come on Bella. Let's take our order and go somewhere else" I said.

"why are you rushing?" she asked me and pointed to her at Marcus. She didn't get it at first because she has not seen him before but in the end she understood what i meant. I was about to take my order when he saw me. I could tell that he was with his "new girlfriend" and I just wanted to disappear. He probably saw my anger but I walked away before he could say anything to me. Was this really the right time?

When we got out with our drinks in our hands Bella asked me if I was okay and I nodded.

"Should we maybe go home?" Bella asked me and I decided that we should do it. After all, we are having a girl night today so I kind of wanted to go home either way.


When we came home I got an message rom Gavi which made me very surprised.

"why did Gavi text me?" I said out loud and I was not supposed to do that because hell knows how much interested Bella will be then.
"ooo, what did he say?" she asked very interested, just as I said. I laughed at what she said and replied to her:
"if you are that interested in him, I can just give you his phone number" I said and laughed.
"hell nah. One he's younger than me and I don't like boys younger than me. Two, he is not my type and three Gavi is all yours" she said.
"The first part is true, the third one is false information. But about the second one, who is your type even?" I asked her because what I remember she hasn't told me about her love story.
"If I have to say about the looks, I want him to preferably be a brunette with brown eyes, just like me. But his personality will play a big role. I want my future boyfriend to make me happy. I don't mean he has to give presents and such but just be with me. Then I want him to trust me 100% and have something he's passionate about." she said.
"Don't really think there is a guy like that anymore tho" she added.
"Manifesting to help you find one like that."
"Gracias" she said and laughed.
"well, I will go take a shower I think" Bella said and got up from the couch in the living room and went to the guest bedroom while I took my phone and decided to answer Gavi.

Pablo Gavi

hello, are you at home?

hiii, yes why you asking?

I kind of need some help for tomorrow

with what exactly?

remember, when I said that I
have a football event, here in Paris? 


could you come with me and
pretend to be my girlfriend? 


so, everyone in the media thinks
I'm dating one awful girl. Don't ask me why and how
that happened  but my manager told me it would
be good if they assosiated me with someone else then her. 

wow, Gavi. How did you manage
to get into that big trouble.

idk but will you?

I guess I don't have any other choices.
Just tell me when and where I need to be.

Tomorrow, 6pm me and Pedri will pick you up.
Bella can come as your friend too if you want.

Understood. See you tomorrow then. au revoiiir


it means bye in french.

oh. au revoir then (: 


As I was done with my conversation with Gavi, Bella came down with a with towel on her head. She had changed into a white top with grey shorts on. I just know noticed how perfect her body looks. She's tall and beautiful so it would be easy for her to be a model actually.
"Bella. Have you ever tried modelling?" I ask curiously.
"Just when I was younger, my mom used to take me there but then I quitted for some reason. I loved it tho. Why are you asking?"
"nah, just so" I replied and went back to my phone.
"so did you reply to Gavi?"
I nodded and then gave her my phone to show our conversation. She was reading and had different type of reactions which was a little funny so I giggled most of the time I waited for her.
"I'm speechless" she said after she read done and gave me back my phone.
"you always is" I said and laughed.
"hey, do you want to invite them here?" she asked
"gavi and pedri?" I asked
"yeah. It will be fun"
I didn't see something wrong with it so I wrote to Gavi and he later responded that they could come and asked if they could bring some of their teammates and their girlfriends with them because the whole group was supposed to meet up at a place and i said it was fine and sent him my address.
I stayed in my grey pants and white t shirt cause I was to lazy to change actually.


this chapter is supposed to be much longer than this actually but I have my exams now. Yk those we have in the end of the year 😫 so I'm a bit off here.
I'll try to be back as soon as possible. Sorry that you have to wait so much
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Love, Mina <3

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