Part 7

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Milena's POV:
I woke up by mom sleeping next to me. The whole night yesterday she spent with me as I told her. I needed to let her know because I knew she was the only one that could help me. I told her everything. About how bad I feel for food again, and my panic attack. She listened to me and gave me some advice which made calmer and later I fell asleep. Having her by my side helps me so much and I don't know how I would go through this all without her.

When I woke up it was 7am and I needed to leave for university. I first thought to stay home and rest a little bit but university would kind of help me. Besides I needed to thank Gavi. He helped me to get back my breath. At the same time it was relaxing. When he hugged me, I felt so much calmer and I could feel his breath.
"shit. why am I even thinking like that" I said to myself.
I will just fix myself and then call him. Before I left my room I put a blanket over my mom and left a note for her saying 'went to university, I'm all fine don't worry. Thank you for being with me. Je t'aime (i love you)"

I went down the stairs and took a banana with me to eat. I usually don't eat this early so it was enough with a banana. Then I called Gavi. After some beeps on the phone he answered.
"good morning"  I said
"morning" he said with his very sleepy voice. I think I just woke him up. But his sleepy voice was attracting not gonna lie.
"did I wake you up?"
"oh, no. I needed to wake up either way. How are you?"
"better. I wanted to say  thank you for yesterday you really helped me out and also sorry for that"
"it was not a problem so don't apologise. I'm glad your okay." he said and I smiled. I don't know why and how but he always makes me smile somehow.
"I need to go then. See you later maybe"
"right, bye" he said and I hang up.

I also wanted to check on Bella because I just left her yesterday but I would late for the class so I decided to call her after I was done

It was 3 o'clock when I was done and I was exhausted. I know studying for a doctor is hard and I didn't expect something easier but still. I started studying almost on year ago so I had 5 more years to study.
I took my things and went outside when I saw Bella.
"Bella? hi? why are you here?"
she can and hugged me and said "I'm sorry I didn't help out yesterday. Really sorry"
I was confused at how she knew what happened yesterday but she told me that my mom told her when she came for me to our house.
"don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault at all. It has happened to me before"
"are you okay now?"
"I'am. Don't worry"
"I'm glad gavi helped you in the right time."
"yeah... me too. But hello? you and pedri?"
"there is nothing!!!" she says and I start to laugh as we start to go to her car.
"stop lying. I saw you two yesterday"
"you really think someone like him would like me?"
"you really think someone like him would reject YOU, miss beautiful"
"nice said." she said and we both start to laugh.
We came to her car and I sat next to her.
"how's university by the way?"
"its hard, but I didn't expect it to be easier. 5 more years yey" I said very exhausted already.
Bella laughed at that and asked me why I even wanted to be a doctor.
"my parents have a job where you help people. A part of me wanted to be like them and also because I just wanted to be for help to people."
"that's sweet but I could never. I gave up after high school honestly"
We came to her car as I took a seat along with Bella. She started to drive and I just leaned back and relaxed. I love car rides, especially at nights. They make me calm. I used to drive car with my dad all the time when I was younger. We would just drive around the city because I liked it.

"ouff. I kind of miss France" I said out of nowhere. I really do miss it actually. No offence to Spain, I love it but France is my home. I've grown up there and with french culture.
"fun fact: I've never been in France. My mom used to travel there a lot but I didn't go with her actually"
"then let's do it" I said and looked at her with a big smile on my face. She looked confused at me first and then looked back at the road.
"what do you mean?"
"let's go to France this weekend" I said. I know I was very spontaneous but why not. It would be fun, I would show her France and we both would have fun.
"are you serious? cause if you are I'm in"
"then we book the tickets today."
"what about hotel and stuff?"
"we don't need hotel. Our house in France is still our so we can just live there"
"omg, omg I'm about to blow up. I need to buy the biggest bagage possible. It's France? The fashion country" she said and I laughed at her.
"okay then. This Friday till Sunday?" She asked me and just checked when I was at university in cases I was I ended late at Friday or started early at Monday.
"we could come back at Monday instead. I'm not at university that day so we have 4 days there."
"sounds good. Then you can choose the tickets and just send to me I'll buy one for me."
"Economy or first class?" I asked because it didn't matter for me.
"take first class. We are going to Paris in the end."
"okey, okey." I said and laughed at her.
As we planned our spontaneous trip we arrived at my house and Bella stopped outside my house.
"thank you for driving me home. I'll text you later then."
"no problem. See you"
I waved goodbye to her as she started to drive and then I went inside. My parents were supposed to be home so I opened the door and just yelled 'hello'.
"hello, chéri" my dad said and came up to me.
"oh hello dad. Where is mom?"
"she's at her room." He said and after that he hugged me. I love my connection with both of my parents. Even though they have much work to do they have always had time for me even when I was a child and now.
"what was that for?"
"wait? Are you so grown up I can't hug you?" He said and I just replied
"no, ofc not. I will never refuse hugs from you and mom."  I said and that gave my father a smile on his face
"your mom told me what happened yesterday. How do you feel now?"
"I'm much better, thanks for asking dad."
He looked at me and said "never forget that me and you mom will always help you with anything, okey?"
"Yes. thank you."
He smiled and was on his way back to the couch were he sat. I took of my shoes and wanted to go upstairs but my mom was coming down and we talked with her a little bit as well. As we all three was sitting together I took my opportunity and asked them:
"can I go to france this weekend?"
"France? Now?" My dad replied confused to my weird question, probably.
"yes, this weekend. Me and my friend Bella wanted to go. Besides she hasn't been there so I really want to show her."
"if you are going with Bella, then it's fine for me." my mom said and my dad also accepted it. So the whole evening they just told me 'things to do and not to do'. I know I'm just 17 but god, sometimes they treat me like I'm a 12 year old little girl.
Then after they were done me and my dad bought tickets together and I sent Bella the information so she would know everything.
Just after that I went up to my room and took a quick shower without without washing my hair. It was pretty late so I just scrolled on my Instagram. Gavi's photo appeared on my screen and I liked it. That's when I remembered that he has match this Friday and I actually said I would come to the match and see him but now that I'm going to Paris I couldn't. So I immediately texted him before I started to feel guilty about it.

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