Part 2

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I arrived at the restaurant we decided to meet. It was quite big but there wasn't much people which was good. Some old people and a couple of boys sitting together across our table around my age. I sat down and waited for Marcus and after some minutes he arrived. I immediately stood up and hugged him.
"salut" I said with a happy smile on my face
"bonjour, Milena (hello milena)" it was weird. He usually doesn't call me by my name and has his nicknames for me but I didn't care so much about it.

"asseyons nous (let us sit down)" he directed to me to the chair.
"J'ai besoin de te parler de quelque chose...(i need to talk to you about something)" he said with a serious face which kinda scared me.
"oh yeah? J'écoute (I'm listening)"
"J'ai toujours été reconnaissant de t'avoir dans ma vie et tu m'as rendu heureux mais je dois te quitter. ( I have always been grateful to have you in my life and you have made me happy but I have to leave you.)
I was shocked. First of all because I didn't really understand what he meant by that and second of all because I had a little clue what he might have meant but I didn't wanna believe it.
"attends quoi? est-ce que notre relation est terminée ou ai-je mal compris? ( wait what? is our relationship over or did i misunderstand?)
"Ça ne marchera plus, je dois le faire. Je suis terriblement désolé Milena.(It won't work anymore, I have to do it. I'm terribly sorry Milena.)"

Everything stopped for me. I was so prepared to meet him and I fixed myself for hours and this is the result. I couldn't believe his words but I got tears in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly so he wouldn't see.
"Je veux que tu me laisses tranquille, s'il te plaît. Merci de me le dire comme ça, mais s'il vous plaît, partez. (I want you to leave me alone, please. Thank you for telling me like that, but please just leave.)

He told me he was sorry multiple times before he left but I just didn't listen to him. He left and I sat there all alone without ordering something and just letting my tears come out.

Gavi's POV:
After eating we just sat with the boys and talked. The restaurant was kinda empty. Only us and a girl across our table sitting alone. She was upset and just sat there without eating anything.
"Should we maybe ask her if she needs a drive home" pedri whispered to me and I looked confused at him because why would we give a drive to a random girl.
"She looks upset and I think she's crying, that's why."
"Idk, if you want to, you can ask her." I whispered back to him.
"I don't have my car with me so it gotta be you"
"Hell nah, she can go home herself."
" cmon Gavi. Stop being so heartless and go ask her"
" I'am not heartless. I have a heart actually"
"Then go ask her if you have"
"you are so annoying pedri"
"aww, I love you to hermanito"
I wonder myself how I'am best friends with him sometimes. We are the opposite of each other but he still somehow gets me to do stuff I would never have done before, for example like this one.
I go to her table and she looks up to me. She has brown eyes with light brown hair. I was surprised I even looked at her so much.
"hey, um I saw you here alone and kind of upset so I just wanted to ask if you want a ride home?"
So silly. What kind of person asks a question like that to a girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I just wanted to punish myself for that sentence.
"that would be great,thanks..." she said with a smile but I clearly saw that wasn't even real. She really was upset about something. I saw her with a boy at that table before but I don't know if that was because of him or not.
She stands up and follows me out. Before getting out I look at pedri and tell him I'am leaving and he nods.

She sits in the front seat next to me and just looks out the window. I've never been interested in girls because I never have time for them but I don't know she kind of caught my eye. It was surprising that she didn't start to "fangirling" over me.
"where do you live?" was the only thing I could get out from my mouth and she just said the name of the street she lives in. It was pretty near mine, but I've never seen her there.

Milena's POV:
I got lucky this boy could drive me home because I couldn't find a taxi this late and my parents weren't home. He looked so Spanish. His eyes and his face was very Spanish and it feels like I've seen him before somewhere but I don't remember where.
"it will be better if you let out your feelings instead of closing them in yourself"
I looked at him when he said that and was surprised he told me that. I mean he doesn't look like someone who shows his feelings.
"sometimes maybe it's the best and fastest way to get over it" I said knowing it's the true for me. I always do that when I'm hurt. I don't show it to people around and I just get over it by myself.
"faster isn't always the best option, trust me"
"I would trust you but I just met you so it won't work maybe" I said and saw a smile appear on his face after that sentence.
omg no, no, no Milena! You just broke up with your boyfriend, what are you thinking about!!!
"thank you for the ride home..." I said and it was kind of a question to him what his name was because I still don't know it.
"oh I'm gavi"
"I'm milena and goodnight gavi."
He didn't really respond just smiled and I got out from the car and went inside.
The second I got in I started to cry. The tears just ran from my cheeks and destroyed my whole makeup. I went directly to the bathroom and sat there. Even though no one was home I cried in the bathroom. I just never saw this coming from him. Never thought he would come all the way her to say some words and leave me.
After crying for a very long time I washed off my makeup that was kind of washed of my tears already and I changed my clothes and just lay down on my bed. My phone started to pling so I looked at it and it was Bella. Starting to like her more and more.


hey, how did everything go?

                                                           not as I planned it. 
what do you mean?

                                                           he broke up with me

WHAT? wait I'm coming
over to you right now.

                                                           sure 💞


So long I love to write and it makes me kind of calm. Im free from school this week so I will be able to post more then I will. But when I start school I may be a little bit off here 😩😩.
Anyways DID YALL SEE NEYMARS STORY??? Omg him and bruna are the sweetest. As a Neymar fan, im so freaking happy for them. Im probably more happy for them then for my relationship 😹😹 (im single btw 💀💀)
Todays question: should I write the parts longer or shorter or is this enough?

thank you all for reading it means a lot to me ❤️‍🩹.
Don't forget to vote!
Love y'all, Mina <3

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