Part 17

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I woke up and fixed myself to go to Bella. It's funny how I have never been at her house but she has been at mine several times. But that's something normal. Don't we all have one friend that we spend time with all the time but has never been at their house?

When I arrived it was a cute house. Not to big and not to small but above all not to Moderne. Personally, I'm not so into moderne new houses. They are pretty but there are prettier houses.
I knocked at the door and a woman opened the door. I was so surprised to see her because she was stunning. Her hair was light brown and she had green eyes, not like Bellas.
"oh, hola. You must be Milena?" She asked me with a big smile on her face. As I nodded she welcomed me in and then Bella appeared from a room which I assume must be hers.
"hello Milen, come in"
"heyyy" I replied to Bella.
Her mom and me spoke a little while, I guess she wanted to get to know me and then I went to bellas room with her.
"oh my— your room bellaaaa" I said shocked and looking around at the same time. It was big but cozy. One white table with all her make up and another one with sketchbooks and many, many different types of pencils.
She laughed when I said that and said:
"thank you. Do you want something to drink? I'm getting a Fanta for myself?" She asked and I answered that I will take the same as her just.

"have he said what you two are going to do?" I asked her and she shook her head. Pedri invited her to go out with her, not like a date just hang out together but I know this will lean to something muuuuuch bigger later. When we started to talk about pedri, that's when I remembered that I have to tell Bella about me and Pablo.
"I kinda need to tell you something" I said
"So Pablo and..."
"Pablo and...?" Bella continued
"we kind of had our kiss" I said and she had her hands on her mouth and her eyes were fully open of shocker.
"WHEN AND WHERE?" She screamed as I tried to 'shhh' her.
"yesterday. At mine, before you came to me" I said knowing she would be disappointed in me that I didn't tell her yesterday.
"so you are together now?"
"I don't know actually. I mean I think so but I haven't talked to him today. We just wished goodnight to each other yesterday but nothing that much." I replied
"wished goodnight? OMG I'm dying of cuteness" Bella said and I laughed at her.
"enough about me and him. When do you need to go."
"he said that we can meet up at a cafe near the beach after he's done with his training which is around 3pm, so like in 2 hours?" she answered to me.
"alright, I will go then. You fix yourself and go see him and I will probably go talk to Pablo as well." I said and led me to the door. I said goodbye to her mom and Bella and drove back home.

"mom, I'm going out to do my homework, alright?" I yelled to her since she was not near me.
"yeah, call if you need anything. And drive safely" she said.
I planned to be done with all of my homework and I didn't have so much left so I decided to do it a cafe that I love. And also I would invite Pablo to sit there with me so I just called him but he didn't answer and wrote to me instead.

Pablo Gavi

sorry, I'am at training.
is it something important?

oh nope, just wanted to ask
if you wanted to come to a
cafe after you're done?

I'll be there. Just send
the location. 🤍

Just the hearts that he sends me melts me so easily, how will I even handle him?
I took all of the thing I would need and drove to that cafe i was talking about. There aren't usually so much people which I like so I could do my homework in silence.

After one hour he arrived and I didn't notice first since I was so concentrated doing my homework.
"Te ves muy linda cuando eres tan seria (you look very cute when you are that serious" someone said and I looked up quickly and it was Pablo talking.
"shit, you scared me. Didn't notice you were here" I said and throw my hair back.
"yeah, I definitely see that you are busy here" he said and I laughed.
"hey, by the way. Don't speak Spanish with me, you know very well that I don't speak it."
"that's why I speak it, so you won't understand me" he said and I just gave him a "seriously"  glance.
"do you want something to eat?" I asked
"oh, very much. I'm very very hungry. You can order whatever you want for me" he said and I laughed.

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