22 - Impurities

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(Y'all have read the disclaimer in the prologue right? This is just FICTION)

"Someone is here." Shuhua rose up from her chair as she summoned her fellow elves, "Let's go out."

The elves followed their leader only to witness their beautiful forest to be occupied by black clouds and a gloomy atmosphere.

"Demons?" Yunjin blurted out.

"Inform Serenity and Rose Quartz, quick!" Shuhua ordered.

After trying for a while, Minnie joined them back, "I can't link them. Sakura can't either. Something's wrong."

It was when the five demons landed right in front of them with their annoying smirks as the elves flinched.

"I heard you killed all the demons we had previously sent?" Eunwoo chuckled, "Ay my ladies are getting stronger?"

"Shut up, will you?" Kazuha rolled her eyes, "You might not know but you're pretty irritating."

Can you see huh?
A single drop drip
Mix in the transparent me
As if nothing happened keep on moving
Impurities show you my impurities

"We can't link them." Sakura whispered to Shuhua.

"You won't be able to." Sanha overheard them, "Because we won't let you."

"Why are you here?" Shuhua hissed at them.

"To have dinner with you." Hyungwon mocked as he snapped his fingers whose result was instantly shown as Shuha's throat was getting choked by an invisible power.

"Why? Why do you send all the preys to the Coast huh?" Jinyoung's eyes darkened.

Hyungwon finally spared Shuhua as she fell on the ground while coughing and the other elves backed her up.

"Since you're not great at your job." Eunwoo showcased his sword, "You need to be expelled from here."

"Who the fuck are you to expell us?" Sakura's eyes blazed with a blue tint.

"Creatures stronger than you?" Kihyun laughed, "And weaklings deserve to be dominated."

Kazuha recited a spell to which Kihyun's soul almost shrank as he fell on the ground, "And assholes need to be burried six feet under the ground."

"Where do you think we come from ma'am?" Sanha helped Kihyun to get up.

"Oh right, she made a mistake in her sentence." Yunjin intervened, "Assholes need to STAY burried six feet under the ground."

More greedy like a witch
Show you real me, the dark red light
Shining intensely glittery things
Impurities show you my impurities

"They really want to see the hell up close." Hyungwon scoffed.

"And we are kind enough to grant their wish." Jinyoung smirked.

"In your fucking dreams." Minnie yelled.

Henceforth, the swords clashed. The sparkling and ethereal beauty collided with the dark clouds as the war for victory began.

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