10 - Bittersweat

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The previous invasion by the demons had brought all of them to high alert. They were worried for their land and specially for the mortals residing with them.

So this time, Wonwoo was sent to inspect if everything was alright. But fate was really something. As he was enjoying his time with the three younger ones, Mingyu arrived at the apartment along with Jun and Minghao.

Jun and Minghao wanted to visit a place for their research but as they were instructed to always have someone by their side, they quickly made a call to Mingyu who gladly joined them.

As soon as they stepped in, Minghao dropped on the sofa, "Argh I'm exhausted."

"Too bad, we haven't even prepared anything to eat." Seungkwan brought three glasses of water for them.

Mingyu and Wonwoo simply ignored the fact that they were in the same room, they just went along with the flow to not to make anything obvious.

"We haven't even thought of what to eat yet." Vernon remarked as he scrolled through his phone.

"We won't eat anyways." Jun sat down as well, "Mingyu treated us with a good meal."

"That's not fair." Dino whined, "How can you even think of excluding us?"

"Why? Didn't you three go to the arcade yesterday with the hyungs?" Minghao pointed out.

"Food is a different matter." Seungkwan backed up Dino, "Plus we asked you to accompany us and you both denied. Is that our fault?"

"Calm down guys." Mingyu laughed, "They're teasing you. We didn't eat, we bought take aways for all of us."

"Woah!" Seungkwan approached Mingyu and engulfed him into a dramatic hug, "You're the best."

"Okay so this package contains food?" Vernon shuffled through the various bags kept on the table, "Jun hyung was good with tricking us as if it was work material or something."

"Ah okay!" Wonwoo's voice was heard as he was on a call, "Yeah sure, I'll be there in a couple of minutes." He hung up the phone and stood up, "Okay guys, I'll have to leave. Some important work came up."

"But hyung, let's eat first." Dino insisted, "Please?"

"It's okay Dino, some other day." Wonwoo smiled while leaving, "Have a good meal everyone."

Seungkwan's eyes trailed the disappearing figure of Wonwoo with a disappointed look. Vernon, Jun and Minghao didn't feel very happy either as Wonwoo left abruptly.

Mingyu sensed the dejection occupying the room, "Unpack the food, I'll call him back."


Mingyu nodded with a sly grin, "Really."

He walked out of the apartment as he saw Wonwoo approaching his car, "Wonwoo hyung."

The older halted and turned around to witness the younger stepping towards him.

"Can you please stay back? They're not feeling very good about you leaving all of a sudden." Mingyu tried to sound as oblivious of their differences as he could.

"But I already told them, I've some-"

"Unfortunately, we know each other very well. I know it was a fake call." Mingyu stated as he scratched the back of his neck, "I'll stay away from you, don't worry."

Now Wonwoo hated himself for making the younger feel this way. Of course he left the place because of Mingyu's presence but not because he wanted to, he was rather obliged to. It was impossible for him to stay sane around younger.

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