Episode 16: Falling for him?

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Jungkook took Jimin inside his house still carrying him in his arms. He locked the door and went inside the bedroom. Jungkook put Jimin on the bed carefully.
"Th..thanks" Jimin said looking at Jungkook.
"You are welcome"
Jimin smiled and Jungkook smiled back.
"Did..did they catch that mafia?" Jimin said and looked at him.
"I don't know either. They are coming here so we will get to know then"
Jimin nodded and was looking around.
"You wanna change your clothes?"
"Um..yeah..but I didn't bought anything with me!" Jimin said while pouting and Jungkook smiled at his cuteness.
"It's ok..you can wear my clothes. It will be oversized but still I think you can wear it." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded while blushing.
"Here.." Jungkook handed over a shirt and pant to Jimin.
"Thank you.."Jimin again said and Jungkook smiled.
"You can use my bathroom..I will use another one" Jimin nodded.
Jungkook then took his clothes and headed for taking shower.
Jungkook took shower and came out from the shower room. He then walk towards his bedroom just to see if Jimin wore his clothes or not. Jungkook knocked and Jimin looked at the door .
"Did you..."
"Oh no.i mean..I was.. trying to wear but um..
Jungkook understood why Jimin still didn't wear his clothes rather than he wore his pant and was sitting on the bed while keeping a big towel around his body. He was unable to wear as he couldn't use his hand. And it was difficult for him to wear it by himself.
"May I help you?" Jungkook asked politely and Jimin's cheeks became red again.
"Yeah..no I mean..
"It's ok I will not look at you while helping you "
Jimin felt butterflies hearing this.
"Come inside" Jimin said softly and Jungkook smiled. He then took the t-shirt and sat down beside Jimin.
"Just guide me okay?"
"Um..yeah" Jimin replied but his heart was racing fast right now.
Jimin removed the towel and Jungkook looked away. Jimin looked at Jungkook and a blush formed on his cheeks.
"Yeah..it's done.." Jimin said and Jungkook looked at him promptly.
"Your skin is really soft." Jungkook said looking at Jimin finally.
"Is..is it! Ahmm..tha..thanks"
Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's cuteness.
"Let's have some dinner. After that I will give you your medicine." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.
"You can sit at the living room while I'm cooking."
"Yeah..okay" Jimin said and Jungkook went inside the kitchen while Jimin was waiting for him at the living room.

He could see Jungkook making dinner as the living room was just in front of the kitchen. Jimin couldn't not take off his eyes from Jungkook as he was looking absolutely handsome while cooking.
"Why so caring!Just like a perfect alpha." Jimin said quietly under his breath. He then shook his head.
"What are you thinking Jimin ..he is your boss..just remind it..yes" Jimin said to himself but again his gaze fell on Jungkook who immediately caught him staring.
Jimin promptly looked away and Jungkook smirked as he caught Jimin looking at him.

Jimin promptly looked away and Jungkook smirked as he caught Jimin looking at him

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After 20mins Jungkook finished his cooking and served the dishes on the table.
"Come..the dinner is ready"
Jimin smiled softly and then went towards the dining table.
"Woah..you made this all?"
"Yeah I made some for Namjoon,Hoseok ,wooshik and Mr. Lee also" Jungkook said and Jimin smiled.
"You did a good job. Thanks for the dinner."
"Please sit down" Jungkook and and Jimin sat down. He then served the food for Jimin. Jimin was right handed and he found it really difficult to eat with left hand and while holding the sticks.
Jimin huffed and pouted . He then looked at Jungkook who was already looking at him.
"Need help?"
"I'm trying it's ok" Jimin said somehow as he was feeling embarrassing.
Jungkook smiled and sat beside Jimin.
"It's ok let me help you" Jungkook said and Jimin smiled at him a little.
"Open your mouth" Jungkook said and Jimin felt like go crazy.
Jimin opened his mouth and Jungkook was feeding Jimin.
"Why you are looking red?"
"Hu..wh.." Jimin promptly touched his cheeks and hide them with his hands.
"Aaa..I see ...I mean I'm feeling kinda warm that's why" Jimin lied and Jungkook smiled.
"Is that so? "
"Umm yeah yeah.."
"Or it's because I'm in front of you."
Jimin's eyes were wide opened and he felt his heart might explode as it was racing fast.
"Noh..no..ahmm.. " Jimin coughed .
"Need water?"
"No..I'm coming from the washroom.. excuse me" Jimin said and ran inside the washroom. Jungkook looked Jimin running and he smiled.
"What..was that!" Jimin said keeping his hand on his chest.
"Why my cheeks became so red..aish" Jimin said in embarrassment.
"Am..am I falling for him!!"
"No no no..Jimin not at all" Jimin said while looking into the mirror.
Jimin then went outside and again sat down on the chair.
"Are you alright?"
"You wanna eat something else .. should I make for you?"
"No no..I'm full Jungkookssi .. don't worry"
"Here is the drink then" Jungkook gave Jimin the juice and Jimin smiled.
'why so sweet..!" Jimin again
thought and was drinking . On that time they heard the doorbell and they both looked at the door.
"May be they came" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded he then went towards the door and opened it.
"Where is Jimin?" Namjoon said and they all went inside before Jungkook could answered anything.
"Jimin!..oh no are you alright now?" Namjoon asked.
"Are you in pain? Is it paining?"Hoseok asked.
"How did this happened?" Mr. Wooshik asked and Jimin was only looking at them.
"Re.. relax guys..I'm all good now..it's nothing. I just got a scratch.."
"How did this happen?" Mr. Wooshik again asked.
"He saved me from that mafia who was about to harm me with the knife" Jungkook said looking at Jimin and everyone looked at him.
"Re.. really! Oh my god...". Mr. Wooshik said in disbelief.
"You are really great Jimin..I'm happy that you are one of our members from this agency" Hoseok said and hugged Jimin. Jimin hugged back and smiled.
"It's nothing.. don't worry please" Jimin said back.
"Thanks again jiminssi.." Namjoon said and Jimin smiled at him also.
"Um..what about the mafia?" Jungkook asked and Mr. Wooshik and Namjoon sat down as they were all tired.
"We couldnt catch him. He was too fast ..and he again played his tricks"
Jungkook sighed while looking at them
"But I got his car's number" Hoseok said and Jungkook looked at him promptly.
"Really.. really?" Both Jimin and Jungkook said.
"Yes..so we have still some hope that we will able to find him."
"Yeah that's a relief at least. " Namjoon said.
"So guys don't be too sad..we will try our best again..and I will upload all the footage that I recorded.
They all nodded and smiled.
"We are too hungry... Jungkook did make something?" Mr. Wooshik said.
"Oh yes please come ..I made the dinner" Jungkook said.
"Yeah Jungkooknim made this all for all of you"
"Really woah.."
"Where is Mr Lee?"
"Oh he got an important work so he went to his home...he will meet us at office"
"Oh I see" Jungkook said to Hoseok. They all then sat for the dinner..
"Jimin did you eat?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes we did"
"Aa..I mean me and Jungkooknim "
"Oh I see.." Hoseok said smilingly.
"Tomorrow is the Christmas. We got one day off...let's celebrate it" Hoseok said and everyone looked at him.
"Oh that's why our office is off tomorrow?"
"Yeah why did you forget about the  Christmas?"
"Ye..yeah..I wonder how I just forgot?" Jimin said and gave a silly smile.
"Let's celebrate it at Jungkook's place this year" Namjoon said and looked at Jungkook .
"Um yeah why not" Jungkook said.
"Woah..that's great...ok then tomorrow evening we will celebrate " Hoseok said excitedly and everyone cheered while Jungkook cheered looking at Jimin.
And suddenly Namjoon caught Jungkook staring at Jimin.

See you in next part 💜

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