Episode 8:Hijack

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Jungkook felt relived as he found Jimin who was laying on the table. Jungkook went towards Jimin and sat beside him.
"What are you doing here!" Jungkook asked and Jimin raised his head.
"Are you drunk?"
"Noh...wh..why are you asking!"
"You didn't come back there. Why you are sitting alone here?"
"Why..do you care?"
"Hu! I'm just asking cause you said you will come back soon"
"I went...went there but you were with that..I don't know her..you were sitting with that girl." Jimin said while pouting.
"I didn't.. she was forcing me to dance with her. And I just left that place"
"Huh..then why didn't you dance with her ha?"
"Why I will dance with her!"
"Then what ..what did you do with her!" Jimin said looking at Jungkook who was also looking at him.
"I just fired her from the job" Jungkook said and smirked.
"I was looking for you..but you are drinking here alone!"
"Jungkooknim...can..can I ask you a question!"
Jungkook was looking at Jimin fondly. Cause how cute Jimin behaves when he is drunk.
"What is it?"
"Wh..why you called me sweetheart that day?..wh..why you are showing that you care about me,why you always makes a grumpy face at office and sweet at home! Yo..you are making me all confused!" Jimin said these all while Jungkook was only looking at him.
"You wanna know!" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded promptly.
"But you will not listen to me now cause you are drunk."
"Noo..I'm not..I..I promise" Jimin said even though he is actually drunk enough.
"Look I can walk properly" Jimin said and stood up but was about to fall as he was drunk. Jungkook promptly held Jimin and saved him from falling.
"Let's go I will drop you at your home"
"Hu..no..I don't wanna go to home now. Answer my questions at first first" Jimin said.
"Jimin...let's go.."
"Jimin? No..I'm I'm Dimini..and answer my questions"
"Dimini!" Jungkook repeated and smiled at him.
"I.." Jimin started coughing.
"What? You wanna throw up?" Jungkook said.
"Um..ye..yeah" Jimin said keeping his hand on his mouth.
"You..come with me" Jungkook said and held his hand then dragged Jimin with him.

Jungkook was waiting for Jimin while holding a water bottle in his hand outside of the bathroom. He brought him in a room of the party center.
Jimin threw up after taking three bottles of soju.
"Aish..I shouldn't have drink that much" Jimin said to himself and washed his face and mouth.
He then came outside of the bathroom and saw Jungkook waiting for him .
"You alright?"
"Um..yeah thanks a lot"
"It's ok..here drink water"
Jimin smiled and drank some water.
"I'm sorry I created a mess. And again you had to take that"
Jungkook was only looking at Jimin instead of saying anything.
"Um.. sorry for those silly questions also. Please nevermind"
"So you don't want to know about those questions now?"
"Umm..no I mean..it's ok..there is no hurry"
"No hurry?"Jungkook repeated and Jimin looked at him and blinked twice.
"I..I mean no" Jimin said and started walking backwards as Jungkook started walking towards him.
"Wh ..what are you doing Jungkook Nim!"
"Jungkook.. Jungkook"
Jungkook smirked and caged Jimin with his two hands on the wall. Jimin's heart started beating fast again. He was barely looking at Jungkook's eyes.
"You know what..
💥 Boom...
Jungkook couldn't finish his words before that both of them heard the sound of gun.
"Wh..what was that!" Jimin said while looking at the door.
"It came from the party center right?"
"Ye..yeah..we should go and check" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.
"But wrong timing" Jungkook said quietly under his breath and they both went inside the party center.

The whole party hall was a mess. Everyone was running here and there. Some were hiding and some were trying to leave the hall but they found the main gate locked.
"What the hell is happening!" Jungkook said and was about to call Namjoon but he and Hoseok came at that time.
"Jimin , Jungkook!"
"What happened Hoseok ..?" Jimin asked desperately.
"Hijackers ..there are five hijackers got inside the hall."
"What! But what on earth they are doing here!"
"We don't know at all."
"STOP IT EVERYONE. JUST STAY STILL" one of the hijackers said Loudly and everyone looked at him.
"Yes we are hijackers and also thieves. We just came here to take all those dollars that this party center earned. As this one is also the luxurious party center of this city. And I know the owner is also present here."
The owner of the party center started sweating badly. He was trying to lock all the drawer immediately.
"So I hope you all will not make any sounds and will disturb us. Let us do our work and then we will leave silently..BUT if someone tried to show any type of heroism then look at this gun. There are five bullets." The thief said and smirked. No could see their face as they all were wearing masquerade.
"They want to die or what!" Jungkook said and tightened his fists.
"W..we should do something fast fast." Namjoon said quietly.
"They don't know in whose party they came! Tell them here all are detectives."
"No use of that Jungkook they will not believe us" Namjoon said.
"Call the police."
"Give me your phone dear" the theif said to Hoseok as it was Hoseok's turn to hand over all the electronic devices. They were collecting everyone's mobile phones. Hoseok looked at the hijacker and gave his phone.
"You turn .. pretty boy" The hijacker said to Jimin and Jimin looked at him. Jungkook again tightened his fists looking at the hijacker.
"I..I actually didn't bring my phone today. And it's my first time joining a party with my colleagues." Jimin said in a soft voice.
"Owe really?"
"Do I look like a fool to you!"
"If you want you can check ."
"Oww confident I see" the hijacker said and was about to check Jimin's body but Jungkook stopped him.
"What are you doing!"
"It's ok Jungkooknim,,let him check" Jimin comforter Jungkook and Jungkook just controlled himself.
"Relax Mr. Jungkook we are not touching your boyfriend..ya give me the machine" the hijacker said to his friend and took the searching machine.
The machine didn't sound and couldn't find anything from Jimin.
"Fine you have nothing with you" he said and approached towards Namjoon and Jungkook to take their phones. But didn't notice a smirk that formed on Jimin's face. Jimin looked at Hoseok and they both smirked.

See you in next part 💜

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