Episode 9: Protect

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Both Hoseok and Jimin smirked looking at each other. Cause the hijacker never noticed that when Hoseok was giving his phone to him Jimin took his phone and gave it Hoseok from behind. And the scene was Hoseok was giving the phone and taking the phone from behind. Jimin was too aware while playing this trick.
"Give me your phone also, angry man" The hijacker said to Jungkook and he looked at him with firey eyes.
"And you think that I will give it to that easily"
"Ohho sir , believe me we will give these phones to all of u"
"Do you have any idea in whose party you have come and interrupted!"
"Hahaha...we don't know and no interested to know "
Jungkook tightened his fists and grabbed the collar of the hijacker.
"Jungkook.. Jungkook "
"Jungkooknim.." Jimin was also trying to stop Jungkook.
"You and your gang will be behind the prison soon" Jungkook said in a cold voice.
"We said we will not harm to anyone unless you all interrupt us. So let us do our job and you all keep quiet " The hijacker said back.
"Jungkook stop...no use of fighting like this" Namjoon said and Jungkook removed his hand and looked at Namjoon
"Here is our phones" Namjoon gave his and Jungkook's phone.

"Very good guys...we promise we will just take the money and leave this place." Another hijacker said and approached towards the owner.
"Show us your treasure "
"No..Noh.. please leave my hall. "
"We will. But let us take those money at first " the hijacker said and started looking for the lockers.
"Hmm..I see , you are really rich. Look at this guys a golden locker"
"Wow..let's break it bro" the hijacker said to each other.
"Bring something to break it".

While they were busy at doing all these Jimin took his phone from Hoseok and put it on silent mode. He then turn on live and started recording their evil deeds. And in a couple of minutes 1k people started watching the live. Jimin set the phone in a corner of a table. Everyone was sitting on the floor as those hijackers ordered them to do so.
"Jimin sent a message to our police department also" Hoseok said quietly. Jimin nodded his head and sent a video to Mr. Wooshik who is the head of police department of their agency.
"All right everyone, we got whatever we wanted. But in less. This bitch kept most of the money at his home" the hijacker said and slapped the owner. And everyone groaned in low voice.
"No worries, I'm not killing him. Even though I have gun"
Jungkook was only looking at those hijackers with his two red eyes.
"Let's go boss. We should leave this place before these people do something with us"
"Haha...what can they do! Look they are kneeling down before us"
"Give us our phones " one of the girl said Loudly.
"Oh yeah we will at least let us go inside the car."
"That's not fair." Another boy said.
"Shut your mouth boy we know all of your tricks. Anyone can call the police if we give all of your phones now."
"Boss we opened the pocket door let's go from there"
"Let's go"
They all were about to leave but before that some of the police entered inside the hall from the pocket door.
The hijackers were looking at each other in confused.
"Well done. But shit..you all never noticed you were being recorded from the first" Mr. Wooshik said while holding his phone on his hand where the live broadcast was showing. Those hijackers eyes were wide opened looking at the live.
"Fro..from the first place!" One of the hijackers said .
"Yeah see see"
Jungkook and all the people stood up and was smiling looking at Mr. Wooshik.
"Wh..who did this!"
"Oh none of your business. But you all are not attentive hijackers I must say" Mr. Wooshik again said.
"YAAA..who..who recorded us!" The hijackers screamed.
"Guess what who we are!" Jungkook said and smirked looking at them. He then walked in front of those hijackers.
"Who the hell are you!" The hijacker said.
"Hahahaha..." Jungkook laughed out loud.
"The detectives from the well known Seoul detective agency." Namjoon said and everyone nodded.
"Shibal we don't... don't care ..we will find out who did this!"
"Too late for this Mr. Hijackers Jimin said and they all looked at Jimin.
"Should have watched" Jimin said and smirked.
"So you were the one..."
"Ahmm..who knows!" Jimin replied which made the hijacker more mad and angry.
"Let's go..no use of showing this anger right now. You all are arrested." Mr wooshik said and the police put the handcuffs on their hands.
Everyone felt relived seeing the scene specially the owner of the party center.
"You did great job Jimin" everyone said looking at Jimin including Jungkook.
"I'm glad that we saved this hall"
But all of a sudden..
"HEY YOU..." one of the hijackers who is the boss screamed loudly and everyone looked at him in confused.
The hijacker took out his gun in a blink of an eye and pointed it towards Jimin. Everyone's eyes were wide opened. The hijacker pulled the trigger and there was again a sound of bullet.

Everyone closed their eyes. But the bullet hit the window glass and nothing happened to Jimin as Jungkook dragged Jimin with him in a corner in a lightening speed and saved him from the incident.
"How dare you come with us" The police said in a angry voice cause only this hijacker ran away from them and again went inside the party center to attack on Jimin.
The police smacked on the hijacker's face and took him with them.
"Ar..are you alright!" Jungkook said looking at Jimin holding him tightly in his arms.
"Ye..yes I'm..and..you!"
"Me too."
"Tha..thanks Jungkooknim" Jimin said looking at Jungkook.
"You should have watched Jimin, what if you really got hurt and...damn" Jungkook cursed under his breath as he was the most tensed one.
"I..I'm sorry I didn't expect this will happen "
"Jimin Jimin are you alright!" Hoseok said and Jungkook removed his hand from Jimin's waist.
"Yeah..yeah I'm.."
"Thank God Jungkook saw its coming and saved you in right time"
"I'm glad that nothing happened to both of you " Namjoon said and Jimin smiled at him.
"Excuse me" Jungkook said and left the place.
"What's wrong with him!" Hoseok said in confused.
"I'm also coming guys excuse me.." Jimin said and followed Jungkook.

See you in next part 💜

I was really sad last two days. Our boys went for military..ah..I'm missing them already 😔. But it's ok,I'm happy that jikook went together. We have to stay without bangtan for six months 🙂🙃. But it's ok..let's wait for them till 2025. Time will pass very soon😌 and again in a blink of an eye 2025 will come. Our Jin oppa and Hobi is coming soon also. I'm excited 🎉😗.

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