Episode 10:Something about him

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Jungkook went outside of the hall and stood in front of his car. He pulled his hair back. He didn't know why his heart was beating fast in fear when he saw Jimin in danger. Jungkook was breathing fast while thinking about it.
"Wh... what's wrong with me!" Jungkook said under his breath.
After a while Jimin came out from the party center and was looking for Jungkook. He saw Jungkook standing in front of his car. Jimin ran towards Jungkook.
"Jungkookssi" Jimin called and Jungkook snapped out from his thoughts and looked at him.
"What happened! Why you suddenly left?" Jimin asked but Jungkook didn't reply. He was only looking at Jimin.
"No.. nothing "
"Are you sure?"
Jungkook nodded but not looking at Jimin.
"Thanks again Jungkookssi...for saving me"
Jungkook gulped and opened his car's door.
"It's ok jiminssi..I think we should go home it's late at night" Jungkook said gesture at Jimin to get inside the car.
Jimin was all confused at Jungkook's behavior. He nodded and went inside jungkook's car.
Jungkook then went inside and then left the place.
Neither Jimin nor Jungkook talked anything. It was a silent drive.
"You can drop me here.. that's my apartment.." Jimin said to Jungkook and he stopped the car in front of Jimin's apartment. There was an awkward silence and Jimin didn't like it. He looked at Jungkook.
"The..thank you for dropping " Jimin said.
"You are welcome " Jungkook said looking at everywhere except Jimin's eyes. Jimin then opened the door and got down from the car.
Jungkook watched Jimin going inside his apartment. He then sighed and was resting his head on the driving wheel.
"I don't know why my heart always beats fast around you!" Jungkook said quietly under his breath. He then headed for his home.
"I wonder what's wrong with him suddenly!" Jimin said while entering inside his apartment.
Morning 8 am...
Jimin took shower and took his breakfast. He wore a beautiful, comfortable green baggy sweater as it was snowing outside. Jimin was done with his makeup also. He then checked himself on the mirror and smiled.
"I'm looking kinda good today" Jimin said to himself teasingly. He then took his bag and headed for the office.

Jimin reached at the office and sat down on his desk

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Jimin reached at the office and sat down on his desk. He then looked towards Jungkook's room but he frowned his eyebrows as he didn't see Jungkook.
"He didn't come yet!" Jimin said quietly.
"Jiminssi?" The manager called and Jimin looked at him promptly.
"Are you looking for someone?"
"Owh..no no.."
"Ok..then here are some files you have to submit it to Jungkooknim as soon as possible okay?"
"Owh ok..but I think Jungkooknim didn't come yet"
"Oh he might be late today I don't know also" the manager said and Jimin nodded.
"Ok I will complete the work soon" Jimin said smilingly.
"Anyway you are looking pretty today" The manager said and smiled .
"Thank you Seoknim" Jimin said.
"Yeah Jimin you are looking really good today" Jimin's colleagues also said and Jimin's cheeks became red.
"Thank you everyone" Jimin said and started doing his work.
It's been two hours but still Jungkook didn't come. Jimin was feeling strange inside and was looking at the entrance of their office repeatedly.
"Where is he!"
"Namjoonshi also didn't come yet" Jimin said worriedly.
"Sh.. should I call him!"
"No no..what if he is busy with some other works." Jimin again said and sighed.
But soon he saw Namjoon walking inside the office. Jimin smiled brightly as he thought Jungkook will be with him also. But he only saw Namjoon.
"Hello guys" Namjoon said and everyone looked at him and stood up.
"It's nothing special I just wanted to inform our CEO will not come today as he is little sick. So you can show me or give your all the file or documents for today. I will sent it to him later on"
Everyone nodded their heads and then Namjoon went inside his room.
Jimin's heart twitched badly hearing the news.
"What happened to him suddenly!" Jimin was thinking this only. He promptly finished his works and went inside Namjoon's office room.
"May I come in"
"Owh Jimin yes"
"Here are some files Seoknim told me to give it to Jungkooknim but he didn't come today."
"Oh ok you can keep it here" Namjoon said and Jimin kept the files.
"Um..what happened to him? Is he alright?"
"Owh.. nothing big he caught cold and high fever. I was taking care of him from last night. I don't how he suddenly caught cold. That's why I was late also"
"Fever! Is he..alone at home now?"
"Umm..yeah..I called Hoseok but he went to Busan for an important work. I didn't want to come today but you know Jungkook. He sent me here to take care of the works"
"Oh..I see" Jimin said but he was in tensed. He didn't know why but his heart was telling him to go to Jungkook and to take care of him.
"Do you want to say anything else?" Namjoon said and Jimin nodded for no. He then stood up and was walking slowly towards his desk. It's currently 3pm and Jimin had some more works to finish. But he couldn't focus on his works as he was thinking about Jungkook only. Jimin stood up and went inside Namjoon's office room again.
Namjoon looked at Jimin.
"If you don't mind can you give me Jungkooknim's door code. I want to go at his place. I am feeling tensed. I think it's my duty to take care of him as he saved my life yesterday" Jimin said and Namjoon was all surprised.
"Jiminssi are you sure?"
"Yes please"
"Ok I'm sending it to you" Namjoon said and Jimin smiled brightly.
He then promptly took his bag and left the office while running.
"What happened to him now!" One of his colleagues said looking at Jimin.
Jimin hired a texi and headed for Jungkook's house. After 20mins he reached at Jeon mansion. The guards opened the gate for Jimin and Jimin thanked them. The guards recognized Jimin quickly.
Jimin rang the door bell at first but no one opened the door. He then typed the door code and the door was opened. Jimin's heart was racing fast. He took a deep breath and went inside.
"Jungkooknim?" Jimin called out but Jungkook was not in the living room. He then walked towards his bedroom and found Jungkook laying on the bed. The blanket fell down on the floor and Jungkook was sleeping like a baby.
Jimin went towards the bed and took the blanket. He then covered Jungkook with blanket and sat beside him.
"Jungkooknim!" Jimin called softly.
"Hmm~" Jungkook hummed in sleep. Jimin smiled looking at Jungkook. He then put his hand on jungkook's forehead.
"Oh no..he is still burning up" Jimin said and stood up. He then put his bag on the couch and went inside the kitchen. Jimin took some hot water in a bowl and took a small fresh towel. He then went inside the bedroom again. Jimin sat beside Jungkook. He then soaked the towel into the hot water and squeezed it then put it on Jungkook's forehead.
"I should have call you. Silly me..I was thinking you are busy but look you are laying sick here" Jimin said sadly while looking at Jungkook.

After a while Jimin checked Jungkook's temperature.
"Thank God it's not high now" Jimin said and smiled.
Jimin was then waiting for Jungkook to wake up but didn't notice when he fell asleep while sitting on the floor and keeping his head on Jungkook's hand. After 1hr Jungkook woke up. He felt something on his forehead and took the towel.
"Who put this!" Jungkook said and then felt someone's hand on his hand. Jungkook then looked at Jimin who was still sleeping peacefully.
"Ji..Jimin?" Jungkook said looking at Jimin.
"Jimin?" Jungkook called Jimin and Jimin promptly woke up.
"Hu ..owh you woke up!" Jimin said looking at Jungkook.
"I'm sorry I didn't know how I fell asleep."
"It's ok but why are you sleeping like this you will hurt your neck!" Jungkook said and Jimin smiled.
"No no it's ok.."
"How did you come here?"
"I heard you are sick. That's why couldn't stop myself from coming here" Jimin said and Jungkook's heart again started beating fast.
"But..no need of this..I'm ok now" Jungkook said somehow.
"It's ok Jungkooknim..you saved me yesterday and now it's my duty to take care of you " Jimin said smilingly and Jungkook smiled back.
"Thanks Jimin."
"It's ok..are you hungry? Should I make something for you?"
"Umm...if you want then make please I'm kinda hungry."
Jimin smied fondly and nodded for yes.
"Ok you sit here I'm coming"
Jungkook smiled and nodded. Jimin went inside the kitchen again and Jungkook was watching him only.
"There is something about him that makes my heart go crazy." Jungkook said under his breath.

See you in next part 💜

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