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"Aghhh..who's this!" The guards screamed and was trying to remove the rope. Mr. Wooshik took out a spray and sprayed it on his nose. The guards fall unconscious. Meantime Hobi and the driver Mr. Lee who is actually one of the guard of the detective agency came.
"Take him inside the car. And take his jacket. We will act as the guards instead of them" Mr. Wooshik said and the driver nodded. He then take the guard with him.
"Where is Jimin?" Hoseok asked.
"He is inside. I'm waiting for that guard who is with him"
"Understood" Hoseok said and they both hide themselves.
"Wow what a great place" Jimin said and started taking pictures.
"But are you sure the event will take place here! Cause this palace looks very old and disorganized."
"Yes sir. We will renovate this place soon"
"Oh I see..."Jimin said and was about to go upstairs but the guard stopped him
"Wait sir..you can't go upstairs."
"Hu! Why?"
"It's not allowed. And you please go..you already took much photos"
The guards said in a harsh voice.
"I see..but I wanted to visit more"
"You look very suspicious." The guards said looking at Jimin.
"I don't know" the guard replied.
Jimin cleared his throat and looked at him.
"Ok fine. I will not go upstairs. And thanks for letting me come inside of the palace." Jimin said and went outside of the palace while the guard follows him.
As Jimin went outside of the main gate the guard was alone and was looking around cause he didn't see his partner.
"Where did he go!" He said and took his phone. He was about to call but Mr. Wooshik again sprayed in front of the guard.
"Wh..what's this..who's this!"
"Your death" Hoseok said and hit him with a rock.
The guards groaned and fall down.
"Good job" Mr. Wooshik said to Hoseok.
"Let's take him also"
They both dragged the guard with them.
They all met inside the car. Mr. Lee and Mr. Wooshik wore those guards's jackets and hats.
"Everything is on plane. Now we will show that we are the guards of that mafia."
"Hello Jungkooknim" Jimin said and Jungkook replied promptly.
"Yes..Jimin you all did a great job" Thanks for clearing the path"
"It's our job Jungkooknim. Now I think you should also come. It's already 6pm"
Jungkook checked the time.
"Yes I'm coming. Be there guys. And be careful." Jungkook said and they all nodded for yes.
"Let's get ready " Jungkook said to Namjoon and Namjoon nodded.
"Let's go".
Jimin,Hoseok were waiting for Jungkook and Namjoon quite far from the palace.Cause it's the time of that mafia to reach at the palace. While Mr. Wooshik and Mr. Lee were standing in front of the palace acting as they are the real guards.
At 7:45 the mafia stopped his car in front of the palace. He got down from the car and two more guards got down with him. The mafia looked the palace and then looked at Mr Lee and Wooshik. He then walk inside the palace while Lee and Wooshik greeted him while bowing their heads a little.
"Good job guys.Keep standing here. Don't let anyone come inside with that detective. He should be alone. Got it!"
"Yess Boss" Wooshik replied and the Mafia went inside the palace. He pulled a chair and sat down. He set the time on watch for 30mins.
"The time starts now." The mafia said and laughed.
At 7:55...
Jungkook got down from the car and looked around. Namjoon was inside the car and decided to go with Jimin and Hoseok after five minutes. Jungkook looked at Namjoon and they both nodded their heads.
Jungkook then went inside the palace. Keeping a gun behind of his belt. Jungkook looked at Wooshik and Lee and they all smirked. Jungkook then went inside the palace. It was kinda dark. Four dim light was on. The mafia saw Jungkook coming inside.
"Welcome dear detective" he said and Jungkook looked at him.


The Mafia:

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The Mafia:

"Why are you living in darkness! Afraid to come under the light?" Jungkook said and the Mafia laughed

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"Why are you living in darkness! Afraid to come under the light?" Jungkook said and the Mafia laughed.
"No..I love darkness"
Jungkook sat down on the chair which was opposite of the mafia.
"Why are you wearing mask again? I thought you will show your face today at least."
"Actually I'm not that handsome like you you know that's why"
"Hah... seriously!"Jungkook said and The Mafia nodded.
"You didn't come alone! Did you?" The Mafia asked.
"Hahaha..even you also didn't come alone Mr." Jungkook replied.
looking at those two guards standing behind of the mafia.
"I'm talking about you not mine. I bound a rules but you broke it."
"Did you see anyone with me?"
"I'm sure your secretary is with you."
"He is always with me as he is my secretary."
"Still you shouldn't have bring him."
"I care about my safety."
"But I don't. I want to kill you as you are the reason of my headache "
"Oh afraid of me?" Jungkook said smirking.
"Nah..I just hate you. Cause only you are the one who is looking for me. Not even those police are behind me. But it's only you"
"It's nothing Mr. Mafia just wait and watch. May be this is your last day." Jungkook said looking at the mafia.
"Hahaha...you think so?"
"Of course "
"Then you are wrong Mr. Detective. You know what why I called you here? Cause wanted to prove that even if I'm in front of you still you can't do anything with me ."
"Yes wanna see?"
Jungkook was about to grab the mafia but he heard an alarm of the clock. Jungkook frowned his eyebrows. Meanwhile Wooshik ,Lee ,Jimin and Hoseok were also ready to go inside. Hoseok was recording their conversation in his camera while standing on the window.
"What's that?" Jungkook said and the Mafia laughed.
"Time is over."
"What did you think? I would spent my whole day with you! No way. So I set the time and look 30mins over. Time to say goodbye. See you again" the mafia said and removed Jungkook's hands from his collar.
"You think you can go that easily?"
Namjoon said and the Mafia looked at him. He could see his guards standing behind Namjoon instead of him.
"Why you both are standing behind him?" The mafia said and Jungkook laughed at him.
"Oh you thought they are your guards?" Jungkook said which made the mafia kinda confused.
"So who are they?"
Mr. Wooshik and Lee removed their hats and looked at him.
The mafia tightened his fists and looked at Jungkook.
"So you violated my rules?"
"Hahahaaa..rules and you? You must be kidding right!"
The other guards took out their guns but the mafia stopped them.
"Don't even try." Mr wooshik said them.
"Relax relax..hahaha..ok so you all came to caught me!"
"Haha ok ok.." the mafia said and started walking backwards.
"Why are you walking backwards?" Jungkook said almost taking his gun.
"I'm not that easy you know" The mafia said and put his hand inside his pockets. He then smirk and throw two bombs on the ground which made a sound and the room filled with smoke in a blink of an eye.
"Aish...you.." Jungkook groaned and was trying to keep his eyes on the mafia. While other were coughing and trying to see.
"Hey you!" Jungkook said and ran towards the mafia who was going upstairs to run away.

"What's that!" Jimin said and ran inside the palace. He started coughing. His eyes were wide opened looking at the smoky room.
"Ju.. Jungkooknim?" Jimin called and was trying to find Jungkook.
"Do you think it's easy to run away from me?" Jungkook said holding the mafia. He then kicked the mafia. The mafia kicked him back in revenge. Jungkook tightened his fists and again smacked on his belly. The mafia groaned and pushed Jungkook with all force which made Jungkook to fall on the ground. On that time he promptly took out a knife and was about to attack on Jungkook who just stood up ..
"Jungkooknim..." Jimin screamed and stood between the mafia and Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes were wide opened .
"JIMIN..!" Jungkook screamed out loud.

The mafia smirk as he finally got opportunity to run away. He then promptly used the window and jumped from the window.

See you in next part💜

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