Chapter 18

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I warn you now, I cried whilst writing this so do expect to have some tears shed. You have been warned.

Felix's P.O.V

"Pan!" we all turn to look at Anna with confused expressions. What is she doing? All of a sudden Pan lets me fall to the floor and is rushing to Anna's side. As soon as I see Anna fall to the floor with an arrow sticking out of her chest, I know what she has done. She has killed herself so that I can kill Pan. It shouldn't have been this way. I quickly pick myself up off of the floor and rush to Anna's side, shoving Pan's limp and shaking body out of the way.

"Anna." I whisper, tears blocking my vision. I wipe them away hurriedly, not wanting to miss a second of what I may have left with her, the only girl that I will ever love.

"Felix." She says with a smile, looking up at me with bright eyes. "Did I do it? I have fixed everything?" she asks, coughing at the end, but never stops smiling. With shaky hands, I push the hair that has fallen over her eyes out of the way, letting a sob escape my mouth.

"Yes. You did," I cry.

"Don't cry Felix." She whimpers, lifting an unsteady hand to my face, probably smudging blood in its wake.

"You're going to leave me Anna. I haven't done half of the things I have wanted to do with you. I haven't had the chance to take you on a date, to walk along the beach while holding your hand. I haven't had the chance to sit down and watch a scary movie with you just so that I could hold you.I haven't had the chance to show you how much I love. I will never have to chance to have a family with you, a future." I sob, not caring that the boys are stood around watching me.

"I already know love me Felix." She says, panting slightly. " you Felix, with all of my heart," I cry harder at her words and pull her body tighter to me.

"I love you too Anna. You are the only one for me. I will finish what you have started, even if it means I have to die as well," I look down at her face, seeing her eyes become more and more distant.

"Don't...die...Felix." She whispers, before her body goes limp in mine, her eyes staring at me, but the light is no longer in them. She's gone. No, I'm not ready for her to go yet!

"Anna?" I cry, shaking her body. "No Anna, you can't go, you can't leave me. I won't let you!" I yell, but it is pointless. "Anna, please. don't leave me!"

"Felix! She's gone!" Pan yells at me, pulling me away from Anna's body, but I struggle out of his grip and crawl back over to her lifeless body.

"No! No! She isn't gone. Anna! You're not leaving me." I crumple to the ground; my last sentence nothing but a whispered sob.


"This is all your fault." I seethe, slowly standing from the ground. "You killed her!" I scream, not hiding my loathing for him.

"Don't you think I know that?!" he yells back at me. "Don't you see what this has done to me, knowing that she killed herself to get away from me, to save you?"

"What it has done to you?! She is dead! The only person I have ever loved killed herself because you gave her no other option!" I snarl, scrambling up to him and pushing him up against a tree, pulling a knife from his belt and pushing it against his chest.

"And now I am going to kill you." I growl quietly, thrusting the knife into his heart. Pan gasps, his eyes going wide. "I guess it has been a long time since you have felt pain. It was a bad idea putting your heart out like that Pan, especially when you knew she didn't love. Who could? A monster like you doesn't deserve to have someone destined for them so perfect like Anna. She deserved so much better."

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