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"I'm going to find you Anna! You can't hide from me forever!" a voice shouts through the forest. I look down from my position in the tree to see Pan followed by three Lost Boys, looking frantically around the clearing, looking for something- or should I say someone- and that someone just so happens to be me.

Maybe I should explain from the start.

One hours earlier.

I have been on this bloody island for five months, and there has not been one sign of Felix, or anyone else who would want to save me. I have been in the cage for a total of 675 times and I have already contemplated decorating it seen as I spend more time in there than I do in my tree house. Yes, my tree house is still there. When I first arrived, Pan demanded that I sleep in his tent, with him, but I refused. Who knows what he would do to me? So he took me back to my tree house, which had actually been moved even closer to the boys' camp, which is beyond annoying.

For two weeks now I have been planning my escape, but the boys never leave me alone. I have got someone watching me 24/7. I have never wanted to rip someone's head off as much as I do Pan's. It would give me great pleasure to see his body without its head. I don't know if you have ever experienced the feeling of pure hatred towards one specific person, but when you feel this strongly towards someone, it makes you do crazy things; crazy I tell you!

Ahem, anyway, as I was saying, I have been planning my escape. I have given up the hope that Felix will actually come and rescue me, and I can guarantee that he will be the first person I hunt down when I get away from this god forsaken island.

After careful planning I have managed to find a flaw in Pan plan. You see, at precisely three am, there is no watching my tree house as the swaps are happening, and this is when I am going to make my move. Pan normally checks ever hour excessively, but it seems that he forgot to check the three o'clock slot.

Right now it is 2:30 am, and I have been awake for the entire night. I feel like a zombie, but I need to get away from this place, even if it kills me, and trust me, that thought has crossed my mind many times.

"Hey man," what is going on? I look out of my window from my crouched position to see two Lost Boys talking down below it. There's only supposed to be one Lost Boy watching the tree house. What are they doing?

"Pan's getting us to swap earlier today,"

"Shit!" I whisper under my breath. This is not good. This really isn't good. I can't get out of this tree house if they have already changed over, it's impossible. I look down at my watch and it have only been ten minutes since the last time I looked. I am going to have to go now, and as stealthy as is humanly possible. I reach behind me and grab my back pack that I sorted out this morning before Pan came and got me, and head over to the door, as quietly as I can.

Once I am out on the balcony area, I peak a look at the boy bellow. I don't recognise the boy though. Pan normally sets his best fighters and hunters to watch over me, but I don't remember seeing this boy on the hunting or fighting squad when we would go out for training. Yes, I still go to training. Pan has actually allowed me to be the trainer for the boys in hunting and fighting, so I am pretty sure I would remember seeing him.

I shrug my shoulder and carry on with my plan. I walk over to the ladder, I am so thankful that it is submerged in shadows, so hopefully I won't be caught. I descend the ladder slowly and quietly, not wanting to attract the attention of the Lost Boy. Almost there Anna. Come on, you can do this. Almost there, almost there, come on, almost there; is the mantra floating through my head. I have two more steps left and then I can make a run for it, and then I will be free, I hope.

I realise now that you all must be wondering what I am going to do to escape. Well I have gone and gotten myself a portal bean haven't I, but there is a slight problem. I can't activate it without knowing the native tongue, and the native tongue is from the Indian tribe, which isn't exactly fond of Pan after he tried to kill there princess, Tiger Lilly. I am hoping that they are going to understand my situation and allow me to leave, but I do have my suspicion that is not going to happen.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" the boy shouts, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Crap," I whisper, jumping down from the ladder and running off into the forest. This is not good.

"Pan! She's on the run!" this really isn't good. It is times like this, however, that I am thankful for Rumple coming to the island. You see, when he was here he detached his shadow from himself, and set it out to kill Pan's shadow, which it did. I still don't understand how you kill a shadow, I mean, they are literally just a mass of darkness, not something that you can kill easily.

"Get her boys! Do not let her get away!" double crap. Without stopping my running, I grab the bow from my bag and my quiver and sling it over my shoulder. I sprint a head real fast, into a clearing and then stop and turn around, waiting for the boys to run out of the trees. Where the hell have they- there they are.

"We've got her Pan," One of the boys say.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask, smirking at them, raising my bow and shooting at will. They didn't even know what was coming. Twelve boys down, and more still coming. I haven't seen Pan yet, does that mean he is letting his boys die and saving himself? No, these boys are pawns, none of them are good fighters or hunters; he wants me to waste my weapons supply, well that isn't going to happen. I quickly dash out of the clearing and back into the woods, the boys quite far behind me.

Where can I go, I don't even know where the tribe is. You haven't even planned your escape! I have, just not fully. I know that the tribe is on the south of the island, so I will just head that way. And which way is south? I don't bloody know. I need somewhere to hide while I try and find my bearings. There is nothing but trees here. Ahem! Oh, hide in a tree, good idea. I look behind me and the boys haven't even broke out the clearing yet, so I quickly make a sharp left and got into another clearing, running up the biggest tree I can see, and climb. I have always been a key climber, but this tree is ridiculous, but I do it, of course I have done it. I perch on the edge of the branch with the biggest amount of leaves so that I have enough camo.

Now all I have to do is wait.

Present time

"She's not here Pan," One of the boy says, and I realise that it is the boy that I can't remember. His face just doesn't fit. I normally have a good memory so it is a little nerving that I don't know who he is. It doesn't matter though, he's on Pan's side, so I will probably end up killing him as well.

"Have you checked everywhere?" Pan asks, still looking around the clearing.

"Yes, every bush, tree and shadow," That's a lie. He didn't check any of them. What is he doing? Maybe he isn't a loyal supporter of Pan? Maybe not.

"Okay, into the next clearing, let's go!" Pan shouts out, everyone runs off out of the clearing accept ghost boy- that is what I am going to call him seen as I don't know who he is. Ghost boy, looks up at the tree where I am hiding.

"You can come down now," He whispers, yet I still hear him. I stare down at him for a second but then jump down, I want answers. As soon as I hit the floor, I point my bow at him, not letting him get the upper hand.

"Who are you?" I ask instantly.

"My name's Alex," He says, giving me a familiar smirk. No, I couldn't be, could it?

"That's doesn't explain who you are," I snap at him.

"I'm Felix's brother,"

Ohh, plot twist!

So, here you go guys, I am so sorry for the long wait as I have had to revise for exams and such. I have good news though. I only have one exam left after today so hopefully I should be able updating a lot more and this story will be more interesting and in more depth.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter.

Don't forget to comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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