Chapter 10

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"Sweet dreams sweetheart."

I gasp and bolt up-right in my bed, but the familiar feeling of pain shoots through my head as I hit it against the familiar top of a familiar cage in a familiar forest.

"PAN!" I scream, shaking the cage making it swing back and forth. Bad idea Jacques.

"PAN! GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!" I scream throughout the forest. I know he can hear me, he always hears me, but why would he stick me back in the cage if he wants me to rule with him, love him. It makes no sense.

"Ah, you're awake, my love," His sickening voice rings out through the forest but I still can't see him.

"Pan, I swear if you don't let me out of here I am going to kill you!" I growl out loudly enough so that I know he heard me.

"If I remember rightly sweetheart, that didn't exactly work out well for you last time, did it?" his voice mocks me. I can tell that he is near though, I can feel the uneasiness in my stomach whenever he is around.

"Pan." I 'whimper', using his affection towards me against him, well, at least that is the idea of it.

"You know that is not going to work on me Anna, no matter how much I love you," I cringe at the words leaving his mouth. Though words should not be aimed at me unless they are coming from Felix's mouth.

"Why do you put me in this cage if you love me?" I ask, flinching at my own words. I actually want to wash my mouth out after having those words leave my mouth.

"You and I both know that if I didn't put you in the cage you would have ran away by now," He snarls somewhere close to me.

"Of course I would have. I'm not mentally insane Pan," I scoff. "Are you going to let me down anytime soon?" I ask, sighing as I slump against the bars of the cage.

"Are you going to be a good girl for me?" I can literally hear the smirk in his words when he says this. I have never wanted to punch him in the face so bad before in my life, but right now I really wish I had a knife or dagger on me. Wipe that smirk off of his face once and for all.

"I am not a dog Pan, I will not behave because you have told me to. I am a free being," I spit at him, well, where I think he is, he hasn't exactly shown himself yet.

"That is where you are wrong Anna. You belong to me. You are mine and you need to be punished for your disloyalty," He says right below me. I quickly look down to see Pan standing there, looking up at me with a calm expression. You would think that I would be more frightened of his angry look, or his complete evil glare, but I'm not, his calm expression scares the living poop out of me. I never really understood that saying, I mean, how can poop be alive? It just doesn't make sense.

"I haven't done anything Pan. Well, apart from trying to kill you, I haven't actually done anything wrong," I spit at him, a glimpse of anger flashing across his face, but it is gone as fast as a lightening flash and his calm expression has returned, creeping me out even more.

"Oh, so you haven't been sleeping in the same bed as Felix, or kissing him. I have been watching you Anna, I know what you and Felix have been up to. The sad thing is that whilst I would watch you two a little voice in my head would tell me that you wouldn't kiss him, that you actually did have feelings for me, but every time you didn't pull away or stop, it hurt, physically hurt. You cannot understand how hard my heart broke watching you cuddling and sleeping with another boy, Anna," He confesses. I stare at him for a while. Only one word can describe how I am feeling right now and that word is shock. Nothing but utter shock. I quickly shake my head and recover from the momentary shock and glare down at him.

"You don't have a heart to break," I hiss at him. "I will always choose Felix over you,"

"Well it will be hard to choose him now," My face pales at the smug look on his face and I instantly know what he is talking about.

"No," I whisper, a tear slipping down my face. "No! Please tell me that he is still alive, please!" I shout at him, tear cascading down my face uncontrollably.

"I wish I could, I really do," he sighs, but I can still see that evil smirk on his face. "But I can't," and with that he is disappearing back into the forest. I fall down onto my knees, sobs ripping through me as I feel my heart rip into shreds at the loss of my Lost Boy. This is all my fault! I shouldn't have gotten Felix involved in the whole thing, heck, if I hadn't ran away none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have met Felix in the clearing that night. He wouldn't have brought me to Pan. Most importantly, Felix would still be alive! I can't believe that I have let this happen! Why does pain and sorrow have to follow me everywhere?!


I will avenge you Felix. You will not have died in vein.

Hello my beautiful readers!!

So, here is your chapter, I am sorry that it is a little short and sad but it had to happen eventually. I'm sorry!!!

Anyways, I just thought I would say another good luck to those who are in the same boat as me and have to go through their final exams. I am honestly terrified about my exams. Let me know what subjects you have coming up in the week and how you are dealing with them. I know that you are all going to do brilliantly ;)

Hope you like the chapter. Please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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