Chapter 14

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"Bullshit," are the only words that I can utter at the moment. There is no way that he is Felix's brother, is there? He does have the same smirk, and he didn't tell Pan where I was. Maybe what he says is true.

"He told me you were stubborn," Ghost boy chuckles.

"Prove that you are his brother. Tell me something that he had told you about me, that only he would know," I challenge him, pulling my arrow tighter.

"He told me that he is in love with you, and that you are in love with him,"

"Anyone could know that, it is no secret," I snap, pulling the string of my bow tighter, getting ready to shoot him any minute.

"A year ago, in Skull rock, you and Felix both confessed that you love each other, and you tried to convince him to go home with you, but he told you that this was only place that he belonged," the boy says. I stare at him in shock. A Lost Boy wouldn't be able to know that information, so maybe he is telling the truth.  

"He told you that?" I ask, still not lowering my bow.

"How else would I know that stuff?" ghost boy asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Why didn't Felix come here himself. If he loves me, then why didn't he come here himself? Why did he send his brother-if you are even his brother- instead?" I question, not believing a word he is saying.

"Pan doesn't know I exist, so it was easy for me to get close to Pan without him suspecting anything," He explains, trying to move closer to me, but pull my arrow tighter, threateningly. "Look, I know that you aren't very trusting at the moment, and I understand that, I do, but if you want to get off of this island then you are going to have to trust, even if it is the tiniest bit of trust,"

"The last time I trusted someone, they sent me away with a stranger who wanted to marry me for a business deal,"

"But he wasn't, was he? It was Felix," Ghost boy defends his 'brother'.

"They didn't know that, did they? They just wanted to get rid of me and when the opportunity came, they took it," I snap, my anger rising. "I am losing my patience right now. Pan could come back looking for you any minute, so you have five seconds to tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now,"

"Is that what Felix would want?" he asks nervously.

"Four seconds,"

"Think rationally Anna."

"Three seconds," I pull my bow tighter, aiming at his heart.


"Two seconds. Come on Alex, or do you want me to kill you?" I tease him, he narrows his eyes at me; as if telling me that I am being stupid.

"You wouldn't kill someone who is innocent, Anna," he says confidently.

"You don't know what I would do,"  I snap, pulling the string tighter, ready to shoot. 

"I know where the Indian tribe is!" he exclaims, scrunching his eyes tight, waiting for the sound of the arrow being shot no doubt. I loosen the arrow and lower the bow from his body. I may not believe that he is Felix's brother, but if he knows where the tribe is, well, let's just say that I have found a new best friend.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" I ask him with a sweet smile, putting my arrow back into my quiver. Alex's whole body relaxes now that I am not armed and threatening to kill him.

"So, you're not going to kill me?" he asks. Oh, I get it.

"You don't trust me? Here I thought we were going to be the best of friends," I say, mocking hurt.

"Well, you did just stick a bow and arrow in my face, threatening to end my life in five seconds. Felix told me you weren't like other girls, but I didn't think you were going to kill me in cold blood." He muses.

"So you thought I was weak?" I ask a little too bitterly than what I was going for.

"No. I know that you're not weak; I just didn't think that you would kill an innocent person," He mutters.

"You know nothing about me. You may be Felix's brother, but that doesn't make you anything to me. You are lucky I didn't kill you," I snarl at him, giving him my deadliest death glare, but yet, he doesn't seem bothered by it, and that scares me.

"I know a lot more than you think," He mutters, looking me straight in the eyes.

"What has Felix told you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. He opens his mouth to reply, but is interrupted by a particular devil shouting.

"Alex! Where are you?!" the all too familiar voice shouts.

"We have to go," I rush, grabbing Alex's arm and pulling him into the bushes on the other side of the clearing. I pull my hand away at the tingles that shoot through my fingers at the touch. I look up at Alex to see him looking down at me nervously, but look away quickly to hide the look.

"We need to go the way that Pan went," He whispers so the boys can't hear him.

"You're kidding, right?" I ask, hopeful for the answer to be yes, but knowing it is going to be no.

"Why would I lie about that Anna? Unlike what you may believe, I don't want to kill you. I don't like the fact that our only way of this island is past Pan any more than you do," he hisses at me venomously. I glance over at him to see him looking at me with an intense gaze.

"So how are we going to get past them?" I ask, breaking the eye contact between us. Why does his eyes seem so familiar? Because he is Felix's brother. No, there's more to it than that.

"Daniel! Find Alex, he can't have gone far. I think we have a traitor in our group boys, and you all know what I do with traitors!" Pan shouts loud enough for every Lost Boy to hear in a ten mile radius. "I hope you are listening Anna. This little stunt you have pulled is going to cost you big time!" He shouts, directed at me and me alone. It's creepy how he always knows when I am near, or in the same area as him.

"We have to go Anna." Alex whispers, pulling on my arm.

"If you come out here- with Alex- and confess to your crimes, you never know, I may be lenient this time, but if you don't, well it isn't going to be you that is going to suffer the pain of my wrath," Pan shouts out and I know that he is talking about Felix. I swear, if he hurts Felix I am going to kill him.  

"Come on Anna, forget about him, we have to get back to, Felix.?" Alex whispers, pulling persistently on my arm, the tingles shooting up my arm again.  Reluctantly, I pull my gaze away from the clearing and follow Alex into the forest.

Home, here I come.

Hey guys, so here is the new chapter. Let me know what you think and please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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