Chapter 8

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I can feel the heat rushing through my body at an alarming rate. I try to look past the red in my vision but there is no stopping the fire inside of me. I feel someone walk beside me and hear the cries of someone in front of me.

"I told, she will always choose her true love Felix," I hear an all too familiar voice snarl at the crying boy. I look through my reddened vision to see Felix kneeling on the floor, tears pouring down his face as he looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Anna. You can't do this!" he screams at me. I can feel my face twisting into an evil smirk as I look down at the defenceless Lost Boy. No! What am I doing?!  

"You think that she loves you. You are nothing to her, just a distraction while I was gone. She will never love you," The voice bites out. I smile up at Pan and laugh down at the weak boy on the floor.

"You honestly think that I would choose you over Pan. You must be delusional. Pan in my true love and I will rule by his side for as long as I live," The words feel foreign coming from my mouth. I can't be doing this! This is not me! I want to scream out that I don't want to go with Pan and that I don't love him, but my body is not under my control.

"Anna please. This isn't you. I love you Anna, please!" he cries.

"You know what to do," Pan whispers in my ear, and before I know fully on what I am doing, I am grabbing the dagger from Pan's hand and driving it through Felix's chest. His screams chill me to the bone.

I bolt up-right in my bed, sweat dripping from my forehead, breathing heavily. What the hell was that about? I think you might be going mental. Yeah, thanks for the confidence boost. I have never experience nightmares like that before.

"Anna? What's wrong?" a sleepy voice asks from beside me. I look down to see Felix looking up at me with worried yet tired eyes.

"It's nothing Felix, go back to sleep," I mumble, laying back down in the bed. I don't even remember how he got into my bed I was that tired. Felix places and arm around my stomach and pulls me into his chest. His warmth instantly cocoons me and I can't help but feel safe with him breathing softly on my neck. I sigh and relax back into him, shutting my eyes and the rest of the world out.

I am just about to doze off when I hear a slight movement in the corner of the room. I crack one eye open and try not to let the source of the noise know that I know of its existence. I try to look around the room but it is hard when it is dark and you have a sleeping Felix on top of you. I swear this guy weights a tone. I gently shuffle out from beneath the sleeping boy and onto the other side of the bed so that I can look around the room a little better. There is still the problem that it is dark though, and the only light source can only be turned on from the other side of the room.

Come on Jacques, don't be so pathetic and turn on the damn light switch. I'm sorry that I don't really feel like dying today! I breathe in a deep breath before sneaking as quietly as I can over to the light switch. Before I can even think about turning on the light, a hand is clamped around my mouth and I am being dragged out of the bedroom. I scream as loud as I can, but it is only muffled by the hand that is over my face.  I try to struggle out of the arms that are holding me hostage but all attempts are futile. A stinging pain suddenly begins to heat up my left cheek and has my face snapping to the side.

"Stop struggling or I am going kill you," A voice whispers threateningly in my ear, dragging me further through the house. I don't take there threat seriously though, I just carry on with my pathetic attempts of getting out of their arms.

"Why do you always have to be so stubborn?!" they whispers yell at me. I'm guessing they don't want Felix to wake up. No, they want him to come and ruin their kidnapping. You're such an idiot sometimes. Shut up!

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