Chapter 5

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"Don't even think about sticking that thing in my arm, unless you would like it to be shoved into your damn eye," I growl at the nurse who is attempting to stick a needle in my arm. I hear multiple gasps go throughout whatever room I have been placed in and I look around to see Snow and Charming standing in the room, looking at me like I have just grown another head. I don't think I have grown another head, though it would be pretty awesome if I have, I mean I would always have someone to talk to.

"You're alive!" Snow exclaims, running up to the side of my bed and hugging me instantly.

"The last time I checked I was, but I may be mistaken," I chuckle, awkwardly petting the top of her head.

"Anna, you have been out for a week, we didn't think you were going to wake up," Charming informs me. Now that I look at him closely I can see the blotchiness of  his cheeks, suggesting that he has been crying recently.

"What do you mean I have been out for a week? What happened to me?" I ask hesitantly. Do I really want to know the answer?

"You don't remember anything?" Regina asks, making her presence known for the first time.

"That is what I just said. Are we a little slow today, Regina?" I ask her mockingly.

"Don't start Anna," She growls at me, walking up to me threateningly.

"You wouldn't hurt a defenceless little girl would you?" I ask her in fake innocence.

"You are not a defenceless little girl. You are a devil, just like your love." She snarls, smirking at me. I quickly rip the blankets off of me, rushing up to Regina's shocked body and pin her against the wall by her throat. I can feel the heat rising in my hands, and I know that she is going to have burn marks on her neck when I let go of her.

"Say that again, and I will not hesitate to burn a hole through your dark and empty heart." I hiss at her, knowing that no one else will be able to hear me. I haven't looked away from her terrified eyes since the minute I pinned her against the wall, and the fear in them increase every second that my hand stays round her neck. Suddenly I feel arms go around my waist and pull me away from the now limp Regina who is leaning against the wall to support herself.

"That's enough now. I think she has leaned her lesson, don't you?" a deep voice asks from behind me. It sounds so familiar though, I have heard it before, but for the life of me, I can't remember where. I turn around in the strong arms and come face to face with someone I thought I would never see again.

"Jaimie?" I question, looking into the handsome face of the boy that I was arranged to marry only a year ago.

"It's great to see you again Anna," He smiles at me warmly. I realise that he still has a hold on my waist, so I push him away from me harshly, making both him and I stumble from the ferocity of it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him sceptically, narrowing my eyes at him.

"He's here to take you home," Emma says hesitantly. Anger builds up inside me, and I can feel the heat begin to rise up in my hands once again. How could they do this? They know that I cannot return home, they know that I don't want to go home, so why are they making me?

"I am not going back with him. I no longer have a home," I spit at her, the heat in my hand growing all the more intense.

"You don't have a choice in that matter," Regina snaps at me once she has managed to compose herself.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I plead with them, the hurt evident on my face. I look into Regina's eyes and I can see the pain and regret in them. I glare at her. Why the hell is she feeling pain? Shouldn't she be celebrating or something?

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