Chapter 9

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"You do realise that he is just going to find us again, right?" I ask Felix. We have been on the road for longer than I can even remember now, trying to get to this house that he apparently owns in the middle of nowhere. The fact that we are going to a place that is in the middle of the country side where not even I will be able to find it again eases some of the nerves that are fluttering around in my stomach. However, I still know, deep down, that Pan is never going to leave me alone. I am always going to be living in fear because of him.

"I will have no negativity in my car! Pan is not going to find us. Trust me," I know that should have calmed my nerves, but I still know that it will never happen. Pan will always be where ever I go, and that terrifies me.

"Pan is always going to find me." I mutter under my breath, looking out of the window of the car at the endless view of fields and all things green. Don't get me wrong, I love the country side, I just wish I wouldn't have to be here in these circumstances. I wish that I had never ran away from my parents. I wish I never followed the sound of the stupid pipe and wish that I left that first clearing in the woods before Felix found me! If I hadn't been so stupid and ran away in the first place I would not be in this position and my life would not be so messed up!

"We're here Anna," Felix says softly. I gasp as we drive into one of the biggest front gardens I have ever seen. I thought that last house we stayed in was big, this one is humongous. I am not even exaggerating. The Queen would be envious of this place. Okay, I was exaggerating then. The house may not beats the Queens but it would definitely be fit for her. To get into the house you have to go through the biggest doors I have ever seen, made of wood of course. Don't even get me started on the inside. This house looks like it was designed by all of the top designers at the same time. It is so modern, yet cheque, yet retro; it has everything.

"Where the hell do you get all of this money from?!" I exclaim, turning around in a fall circle trying to take the entrance hall in.

"I told you, you have your secrets and I have mine," He says with the same smirk that he has every time I ask him this question.

"You are impossible." I huff, turning away from him and advance my way further into the house. If on the off chance that Pan decides that he doesn't actually want me to go back to Neverland with him, then I am so going to stay here for the rest of my life. I am pretty sure that this is what heavens looks like. Not even my parent's house was this big and he was the second richest man in the country. I walk down the hall and into a gigantic kitchen. Even Gordon Ramsay would be proud of this kitchen.

"I am not going to let you cook in here, you do realise that right?" Felix asks from the door way to the kitchen, smirking at me.

"Gathered as much." I smile. Nothing can out a downer on my mood at the moment. Even if Pan can flying into the room to take me I would probably just smack him round the back of the head with a frying pan or something, and my smile still wouldn't leave my face. I never thought I would say the sentence 'smack Pan around the head with a pan.' That is just going past ironic and hilarious. Could you imagine that being his death? Peter Pan. Death by pan. I would not be able to take it seriously.


"What?!" I shout, jumping at the sudden sound of Felix's voice.

"I have called your name eight times now and you didn't answer," he says, slightly amused and slightly worried.

"Sorry. Got lost in my thoughts," I mutter, blushing at being caught daydreaming about killing Pan with a pan.

"Do you want to go and see our room?" Wait! Did he just say our room?

"What do you mean our room?" I ask him sceptically.

"You didn't actually think that I was going to let sleep on your own now that Pan is becoming active did you?" he asks me with an 'are-you-dumb-on-purpose' kind of look.

"I can take care of myself, thank you very much," I scoff angrily.

"Yeah, because that worked out brilliantly last time," He snaps.

"Don't snap at me, I was handling the situation perfectly fine before you came and poked your nose in," I snap back at him.

"Oh, so you didn't want my help then?"

"No!" his face instantly falls into sadness before he covers it with a look pure outrage.


"Don't bother." He says before he is storming off somewhere into the house. I slump down onto the kitchen floor, hugging my legs to chest with my head resting on them. Why do I have to ruin everything? I swear I can't even have a conversation without someone getting hurt anymore.

"You should know from experience that I will always find you when you run from me, Anna," A scream rips through me at the sound of his voice floating through the kitchen. Before I can even really register what is going on, I am beginning pushed up against a wall with a hand over my mouth.

"You shouldn't have done that sweetheart," He whisper, his lips brushing against my ear. I cringe away from the feel of them which causes the hand over my mouth to harden and begin to hurt.

"Pan! Let her go!" Felix's voice suddenly rings through the kitchen.

"And here he is! The hero to save the day once again," Pan seethes. It's hard to think that Felix used to be Pan's second in command.

"Let. Her. Go." Felix says slowly as if he is talking to a child.

"She is not yours Felix," Pan growls lowly, not looking at Felix but straight at me. Glaring into the depth of my soul. He smirks evilly at me before turning us both so that I am pushed up against his chest with his hand still over my mouth, so that we are now facing Felix. I gasp at the sight of a knife being pushed against Felix's throat by a Lost Boy behind him. The thing that shocks me the most is the fact that there is not fear in his face, just anger.

"You know that it is true, Felix, she is not yours to love. I am fed up of you getting in the way of everything," Pan snarls at him, pushing harder onto my mouth making me whimper slightly. This causes Felix to try and pull away from the boy, but just results in the knife digging into his skin, small drops of blood dripping down his throat. 

I want to take my eyes off of Felix's neck bleeding as the knife slices the skins slightly, but when I try to turn my head away, my hair is grabbing, making me face the sight of the boy I love being cut.

"If you close your eyes, Anna, I will kill him," He whispers into my ear. I can't stop the tear from escaping my eye at the thought.

"See what you are doing to her Felix. You are no good for her. She needs someone who is going to be able to look after her. That person is me," he says, his breathing running over my neck making shivers of disgust run down my spine. I shake my head, trying to get his grip off of me, but he just pushes his hand on harder, forcing me to stop my movements. 

"Pan! You're hurting her!" Felix exclaims, struggling in the grip he is being help captive by, but it just causes the knife to slice is neck further, making me cry out at the sight of the blood, the tears cascading freely down my cheeks. Felix gives me a sad look, knowing  that there is nothing that he can do. Suddenly Pan is turning me around, the familiar bag in his hand. He blows the powder in my face and I cough at the familiar sent. the effects are more powerful suggesting a stronger mix and I instantly begin to fall, but no arms catch me this time, instead, I am met with the cold hard ground of the kitchen.

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart,"

I know, I'm sorry this chapter is really late but I have had exams all week and I have no ideas or time to do the chapter. So, I am going to say the usual blabber that I say every time because I am always really bad at these things and nothing exciting ever happens in my life :(

Anyways...hope you like the chapter. Please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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