Chapter 1

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Ah, peace and quiet at last, I think to myself as I sit in the back corner of the diner watching as everyone goes about their lives. I still can't believe that it has been a year since I have been in Storybrooke. It has been a year since I have been away from Felix. It's strange how being away from someone that you love can kill almost every cell you have left in your body. I miss his smile, his smirk, his laugh, his kiss. I miss everything that has to do with Felix and I know that I will never get to see him again, but I also know that no one is going to be able to replace him; he will be my first and last love.

"There you are, Anna" There goes the peace and quiet.

"Hi Henry, Emma," I sigh, fiddling with my finger on the table, depressed at the memories of Felix. 

"We have been looking for you everywhere," Henry exclaims with a huff. The kid may be eleven now, but he is still so cute. I can't believe how much he has changed since we left the island. For awhile he wouldn't talk to anyone, especially me, it wasn't until a few month ago that he told me he was upset because he thought I was going to leave and live with Felix. My heart broke even more than it already was when he said those words. I'm sure that my damaged heart can deal with no more bad news. 

"I doubt you looked everywhere," I laugh quietly, making him huff and cross his hands over his chest and slide further into his seat.

"Stiltskin said he needs to see you in his shop," Emma mutters. I look up at her for the first time since she and Henry walked into the diner and see that she has a worried look on her face.

"What's happened?" I ask instantly becoming alert, forgetting about any previous thoughts.

"Let's go to his shop and he will explain everything," She states, standing up from her seat and walking toward the door with me and Henry following behind. The walk to the diner is tense, as about a million questions rush through my mind. I want to ask Emma all of the them, but I know she will just get annoyed with me and probably end up punching me. Both she and Regina don't like the fact that I am here because Rumple has been helping me with my 'powers'. They know that I am powerful and probably think that I am going to cross them or something. Seriously though, why would I want to do that? What would I get out of doing that? Nothing. That's what I'd get. 

"Good, you're all here," Rumple says as we walk into the shop.

"What's going on?" I ask him straight away, not wanting go through all of the talking that is bound to happen before hand.

"I was sent this earlier this morning," Rumple starts. Charming passes me a letter that reads:

Did you really think you could hide her from me? We both know that I am not dead. I cannot be killed no matter what you try to do. I have to admit, it was clever of you to get Anna to break my heart. Maybe you should ask her if she knows the difference between left and right. I will get her back and when I do, I will break her into loving me.

Send her my love and I suggest you take my warning seriously and maybe lock you doors at night.


The letter floats to the floor as I finish reading the letter. It can't be true. I stabbed him in the heart.

"What side is you're heart on?" I ask no one in particular.

"The left. Why?" Snow asks with a furrowed brow.

"Bloody hell," I mutter harshly to myself. "Are you sure?" I ask her, looking into her eyes, pleading that she says no.

"Positive," She confirms.

"You didn't stab him in the heart, did you?" Regina snarls through gritted teeth.

"I did!" I defend myself. "I think, maybe, I don't know!" I exclaim, pulling a hand through my hair and tugging it hard.

"How can you not know?" she growls.

"It just happened so fast! I can't remember!" I snap at her. I can tell that she is getting angry with me.

"I think you're lying. I think you purposely missed his heart so that he could live. I knew you were never capable of killing your true love," She snarls, fire instantly forming in my hands at her words.

"He is not my true love." I growl, sending a fire ball at her. "I was more worried about saving Felix than killing that bastard. Sorry that I didn't want to see the boy I love die, but then, you wouldn't know anything about love, would you?" I send another fire ball her way, they're getting bigger and bigger as my anger rises. Suddenly I am up against a wall with an invisible force holding me by my neck. My breathing is being blocked and I gasp, kicking my legs out, trying to get out the grasp holding me to the wall.

"Regina! Stop it now!" Emma screams at her and I suddenly fall to the floor gasping for breath. Snow grabs my arm, helping me up off the floor while I am stilling gasping for the much needed air that I have just lost.

"We are never going to be able to protect Anna if you are going to try and kill her yourself," Charming comments for the first time.

"Over my dead body will I protect her," Regina snarls at me.

"That can be arranged," I growl lunging for her but I am held back by Charming before I can touch her.

"Anna, you need to calm down. We need to sort this mess out, and then you and Regina can fight to your heart's content," Emma sighs.

"Fine," I spit before shrugging Charming's grip off of me.

"Right so he knows that you have been staying with me," Rumple starts, "so we need to find you somewhere else to stay,"

"She can stay with us," Snow volunteers instantly. I look up at Charming and he smiles at me before nodding in agreement.

"Okay, so that's settled now we need a plan of action," We talk for a little while longer about what the night procedures will be, who will standing guard outside of the house during the night, and who will be escorting me around the town if I wish to go out during the day. All these precautions are stupid. I can take care of myself now that I can use my powers. Never the less, I pack the little stuff that I own into a bag and walk over to Snow and Charming's house.

"I am so happy that you are going to be staying here, I just wish it was under better circumstances," Snow gushes as soon as I walk through the door, giving me a crushing hug.

"Can't. Breathe." I gasp.

"Sorry," She says shyly before letting me go. She smiles down at me warmly before showing me to my room. It's a nice and cosy room with a simple layout. There is a single bed on the far wall, with a wardrobe on the opposite wall and a desk under the window on the wall opposite the door.

"I know it's not much-"

"I love it," I cut her off with a smile, walking over to the bed and placing my bag on it.

"Good," She smiles at me. "Dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you unpack and join us downstairs?" Snow suggest. I nod at her and she leaves the room without another word. I sigh and begin to unpack the contents of my bag while getting lost in my thoughts.

I can't believe I was so stupid to not stab him in the right side, I mean left, oh you know what I mean!

Hey guys. So I updated sooner than I thought, which I bet you are glad about. I hope you like the chapter, let me know what you think, please comment and VOTE!! :) x

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