Chapter 3

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"Snow! Snow you have to help me!" I hear Charming scream out to Snow, so I am guessing I am back in their house. I feel my soft bed under me so I must be in the house. What happened to me? The last thing I remember is a sickening sweet voice talking to me, calling out for me. I can't put a face to it though, I feel like I should know the voice, know him- whoever 'he' is- it's like it has been blocked from my memory. Is that possible? To have your memories tampered with? Because if it is then I am going to kill the person who has messed around with my mind. That is a no go area for everyone except me.

"What happened?! I thought you said the woods were safe!" Snow screams. I want to tell her that it wasn't his fault, that there was someone in the tree that made me fall, but I can't. I can't open my eyes, I have no control over my body at all. I try to open my eyes but they won't listen to my command.

"They were! Every time we have gone out there nothing has happened, and you know that. She must have lost her footing on the branch she was perched on and fell. I couldn't have stopped it, I tried to catch her in time but I was too late," Charming defends himself. He sounds so upset, and scared. I want to comfort him to tell him that it wasn't his damn fault! But I can't because I can't move my bloody body! I am mentally smashing up a room right now!

"She trusted you to keep her safe Charming! She trusted you. Do you know how hard it was for her to do that?! She put all of her trust in you Charming, you are like a father to her and you know that! How could you let this happen to her?!" I can tell that she is crying now. I can't just sit her while she is blaming everything on him. Come on Jacques, you are stronger than this.

"I know that Snow! She is like a daughter to me and you know that! I don't know how I could let this happen to her, she is the best thing that has come into our lives and I have messed it all up. What am I going to do?" I feel something wet hit my cheek and I know that it is because Charming is crying. Okay this has to stop now. You can do this, just open your eyes. Come on. Open them! I am bloody trying!

My eyes start to flutter open and light fills my vision. I look around the room cautiously to see Charming and Snow huddle together at the side of my bed, crying. My heart hurts at the sight of them crying over me. Why would they care so much about me? I know now that they think of me as their daughter but why would they think that? If my own parents didn't really think of me as their daughter then why would these two amazing people think of me as theirs? It just doesn't make any sense.

"Don't cry," I whisper quietly, putting my hand on Snows shoulder. Their heads snap up to look at me and smile down at them before I am pulled into a bone crushing hug from Charming. This is what home feels like.

"I am so sorry, Anna," Charming cries into my shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Stop crying, I'm fine," I say pulling him away from me. I look at his tear stained face and realise something. This is what it is like to have someone care for you, to love you, (not in a weird way obviously).

"It's my fault you are here right now. It my fault that you fell out of the tree. I couldn't save you. You put your trust in me and have ruined that trust. So I have everything to be sorry for!" Charming yells at me.

"It wasn't your fault. There was someone in the tree with me," I say to him. I hear a gasp and realise that Snow is still in the room with us.

"Who? Who was up there with you Anna?" she asks quickly.

"I don't know. I can't remember the face, all I can remember is the voice. A guy's voice," I mutter distractedly. Why can't I remember who he is? I look up at Charming and Snow and see them have a knowing look on their faces. 

"Pan." They whisper at the same time. Pan? Why do I feel like I should know that name? Why do I feel fear when I think of that name? At the mere mention of that name?

"W-who is Pan?" I whisper, scared of the answer that I am going to receive.

"Anna. What are you talking about?" Charming says slowly.

"I should be asking you that question. Who the hell is Pan?!" I ask, getting a little frustrated.

"Anna, he is your true love," Snow says softly. I scoff and look at her with raised eyebrows

"There is no such thing as true love." I snort at her. "You may come from a fairy-tale but I sure as hell don't. Where I come from there is no such thing as true love. In my mind, there is no such thing as love all together," I tell her. Why does my heart hurt when I say these words? Why do I feel so guilty saying those words?    

"I'm going to go and get Emma and Regina and see what they can do," Charming says and walks out of the door quickly.

"What's happened to you Anna?" Snow asks me.    

"What are you talking about? Nothing has happened to me," I frown at her. 

"How did you get to Storybrook Anna?" she asks suddenly. How did I get here?

"I-I can't remember."

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