Chapter 17

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"No," I whisper, going limp in the Lost Boys arms. I can't believe Felix has been here for less than four month without helping me to escape, and watching me be shoved into a cage every time I would do something 'wrong'. I think he even put me in there a few times.


"How could you?!" I scream at him, the tears now streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry Anna," He pleads, a look of hurt flashing across his face.

"You're sorry? You have been here for five months and you haven't even once attempted to help me get home, not once! I thought you had forgotten about me! Do you know how heartbroken I was when Alex- I mean you- told me that you had sent your 'brother' to come and get me?" I yell, not caring that Pan and the Lost Boys are stood around watching us. I can see the smug look on Pan's face, knowing that Felix and I are fighting.

"I had to Anna! I had to get Pan to trust me. I needed to make sure you were safe!" he screams back at me, struggling to get free from Pan's harsh grip. "I could never forget about you Anna, you know that!"

"I don't know anything anymore!"

"You see that Felix, she doesn't want you here, she doesn't love you anymore," Pan snarls to Felix, staring at me with proud eyes that makes my skin crawl.

"Pan, don't." I snarl at him, pulling on the Lost Boys hold, trying to get out of it.

"Don't what Anna? I am only telling him the truth. You love me, not him," Pan says confidently. I struggle to get out of the boys grip again but it is too strong. I am fed up with this now. Without a second thought, I rear my head back so that I head butt the boy in the mouth. As soon as my head makes contact the bot lets go of me and I grab my bow, pulling an arrow from my quiver and aiming it at Pan once again.

"Let him go Pan." I growl, beyond annoyed now. I hear a twig snap behind me and without thinking I turn around and let the arrow go, shooting whatever was coming at me. I look down to see the boy who was holding me hostage on the floor with an arrow through his heart. I gasp and step back from the boy, stumbling over my own feet.

"See Felix, she is just like me. She belongs with me." I hear Pan comment to Felix. I quickly pull an arrow from my quiver, re-aiming it at Pan.

"I am nothing like you!" I yell, my hands shaking.

"You just killed an innocent boy Anna. That makes you and I the same," He tells me, pulling Felix tighter by the throat making him gasp for breath.

"Let go of him! You're going to kill him!" I scream, tears blurring my vision.

"I should have killed him in the cave a year ago when you told me you loved him!" he screams back at me. Suddenly, he throws Felix to the side so he falls on the floor and slowly begins to stalk towards me. "When you first told me that you loved him, I didn't believe you, I couldn't believe you. You are my true love Anna! You should only love me!" he shouts.

"There is no such thing as true love!" I growl, the tears now forgotten about and the anger has come back to replace it.

"But you know there is. I know you can feel the pull, the electricity between us," Oh. I see what he is doing. Well two can play at this game. I lower my bow slightly letting him think that I am cracking. I can tell that it is working by the smirk that is forming on his face. I watch as his guard goes down. He thinks that I have given in to him, that I am going to choose him over Felix. Never going to happen. Without a second thought I pull the bow back up and shoot it straight at his heart. Just as it is about to hit him he stops it by grabbing it.

"You actually thought that would work?" he laughs, not a humours laugh but an evil laugh that says 'I want to kill you' sort of thing. He chucks the arrow on the floor and rushes up to me, grabbing me by the throat and pinning me against the tree to my left.

"You would kill me for this pathetic excuse for a human being?!" he screams in my face. "You can't kill me, can't you see that? You are the only thing that could kill me!"

"Let her go Pan!" I hear Felix shout but I don't take any notice of him. 'You are the only thing that could kill me'. What does that mean? It can't mean like actually physically killing him, I did that last time and it didn't work. Maybe he means me! Maybe I have to kill myself! Don't even think about it. If it will save everyone then I have to. By everyone you mean Felix. I can't keep letting him get hurt because of me.

"Your right. I can't kill you if I am occupied by her." Pan snarls, throwing me onto the ground. I watch helplessly as Pan walks over to Felix, lifting him off of his feet by his throat, cutting of his air. I look around frantically trying to find something, anything that will help. There! To my right I see the discarded arrow that I tried to shoot at Pan seconds ago. I reach over and pull into my grasp, taking a deep breath I push myself off of the ground, standing on unstable feet.

"Pan!" I yell, getting his attention. He turns to look at me, confusion evident on his face until he looks down at me hand. Instantly, he lets go of Felix and runs to me, but he is too late.

Wow, I never thought this story would go this way. But don't worry, there is still another chapter to go.

I hope you liked this one, please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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