Chapter 2

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It's official. I have been sentenced to live in a prison. I bet you're all thinking that I am over reacting, right? Well, let me tell you what my day to day routine is like.

In the morning I am woken by Snow bringing me a tray of breakfast that normally consists of a bowl of 'nutritious porridge' and a glass of orange juice. Then, after I have showered, brushed my teeth, and got changed, I have to be escorted to Rumple's shop to help organise things along with Henry and Bell, but during the whole time I am not allowed to be left alone for a second. That is why I refuse to drink during my time in the shop. Then I am escorted back to Snow and Charming's house for my 5 o'clock curfew. I'm not allowed outside of the house after 5 because that is when it starts to get dark. I no longer have a life, and let me tell, it sucks!

I still can't believe I was stupid enough to not stab Pan in the right side, left side, I am not going to go through this again, you all know what I am on about.

"Anna?" I hear a soft voice ask followed by the familiar squeaking of the bedroom door opening.

"Good morning Snow." I mumble without actually turning around to face her as she walks through the room and places a tray down on the desk under the window, and next to the bed.

"Anna, I know you don't like the arrangements that have been made, but just know that they have been made for safety. We don't want anything bad to happen to you." She sighs as she sits on the edge of the bed, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I turn over so that I am laying on my back and look up at her to see her smiling down at me warmly.

"It's not that Snow, it's just, I want to go and see the world, I want to be able to leave this place and not have to worry about someone trying to kill me." I explain to her a nicely as I can. "I am very grateful for what everyone has done for me and I couldn't have asked for anything more, but I feel like I'm trapped here."

"I know Anna, but we have to keep you safe. Hopefully it will all blow over soon and maybe you can go back to your family." She says with a smile, making me growl quietly.

"I am not going back to them." I sneer. "They are not my family anymore. I have no family."

"They will always be your family Anna, a bond between families can never be broken." She says with sickening optimism.

"Why are you optimistic all of the time? Doesn't it get annoying?" I ask, slightly irritated. She raises her eyebrows at me before smiling softly and saying,

"No it doesn't because when you think positively, positive things will always come your way." Are her parting words. I stare out of the window, her words floating around my head. I officially hate fairy-tale characters. I look down at the tray of breakfast to see that there is a bowl of fruit salad placed on it instead of that revolting porridge. I quickly dig into the fruit, letting the different flavours burst in my mouth and it is the best thing I have tasted since I moved into the house two weeks ago. I at the clock hung on my wall to see that the time is 8:45. Guess I should get dressed.

After I have changed into a clean pair of blue ripped skinny jeans, a black vest top and a pair of white converse, I hop down the stairs to be greeted by a smiling Charming.

"Good morning Anna, you seem to be in a good mood." He chuckles warmly at me.

"I've had a surprisingly nice morning." I smile up at Snow who is seated next to Charming, and she smiles back at me.

"You liked the fruit then?" she smiles happily knowing that I actually liked what she made for me.

"It was delicious thank you." I say, plopping down into the seat opposite them. "So what is the plan for today?" I ask. Seen as it is a Saturday I don't have to work at the shop and Charming and I normally go into the woods, and he teaches me how to fight properly with a sword. It is the only escape I have from this stupid prison sentence. That and sleeping.

"Well, if you give me a minute to get change we will go to the woods and get some practice in. Sound good?" Charming asks. I can see the excitement in his eyes when I nod and he rushes into his and Snow's room to get dressed.

"I have never seen him this excited before. Well, since our wedding anyway." Snow chuckles.

"Really?" I ask surprised. Why would anyone be excited about spending time with me? I would have to earplugs if I had to spend the day with myself.  

 "Yeah. He loves spending time with you. You know he asked if we could have this arrangement permanent, you know, the part with you staying here. He finally has someone who wants to learn the things he knows. I mean Henry would love to, but he is a bit young to start fighting with a sword don't you think?" Snow chuckles.

"I think it would be quite funny to see what Henry could do." I laugh with her.

"Ready to go?" Charming asks, pushing me towards the door, not even giving me a chance to respond.

"Have fun!" Snow shouts through her laughter as the door closes behind me. I chuckle as I am practically dragged though the town towards the woods, saying a quick good morning to a few people who are chuckling at Charming's excitable mood. Within no time we are at the edge of the woods and Charming finally let's go of me so that I can walk at my own pace.

"Okay, today's lesson is going to be on stealth. You go and hide somewhere in the woods and try to stay hidden as long as possible. There are no rules, so you can walk around, you don't have to stay in one spot, and you can attack me at any point just like I can attack you, but do not venture too far into the woods." He says in a warning tone.

"Yeah I know. It's too dangerous to go too far into the woods because if anything happens you may not be able to find me." I repeat what he says to me every time we come out here.

"Right." He says with a smile. "Go and hide then." He chuckles, turning around so that he can't watch me. "10...9...8..." I quickly spring into action running as quietly as I can into the woods, but not too far so that I can't hear him anymore. I look around for a suitable place to hide, but I am stood in the middle of a open space, where am I going to hide? You're in a FOREST, think you retard. Oh, the trees.

"3...2..." I quickly scramble up the tree as fast as I can with a bloody sword in my hand but still in stealth mood (which means I am being really, really quiet if you didn't know).

"Where are you Anna?" I hear Charming ask out. I snort quietly at his question. Like I am going to just shout out, "I'm up here!" I am not a complete idiot- emphasis on the word completely. He walks further into the woods and out of sight so I quickly jump down from my spot in the tree soundlessly. I stand up and smile for a second. That was like jumping out of the second floor window in a building and I didn't make a sound. I am so proud of myself! Concentrate Jacques or he is going to find you. Oh yeah. I quickly rush into the direction that Charming went and see him looking frustrated as he looks behind tree after tree and I can't help but let out a rather loud snicker. I clamp my hand over my mouth and duck behind a tree hoping that he didn't hear me.

"You know if you laugh at your opponents they are going to find you easily. You are just making their job a lot easier." I hear him chuckle a few feet away. I sneak a glance from behind the tree to see him stalking after a completely different tree to what I am hiding behind, and I take this as my opportunity to get off of the ground and into the tree. I chuckle as quietly as I can at the sight of Charming stomping his foot on the ground once he realises that I am not behind the tree he thought I was and goes off to the one next to it. I'm about to jump on him when I feel something grab my hand. I look behind me to see a very familiar pair of emerald green eyes.

"Hello, my love." I scream, making me lose balance and fall from the tree and the last thing I hear is Charming screaming my name.  

Hello my wonderful readers! I am afraid that this is going to be my last update for the week as I am using my dad's laptop as mine has broken. Again!

In other news, I hope you like this chapter, if so please comment, I always like to know what you guys have to say. 

 And  don't forget to VOTE!! :) X  

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