Chapter 7

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Why is it so hot in here?

This is the first thought that rushes through my head as I come to consciousness. I don't understand why I am so hot. I go to get out of the bed, but a hand quickly reaches out and grabs me. I can't help the scream that rips through my throat at the sudden contact of the unknown person. The body behind me instantly becomes alert and leans over me in a kind of protective way. I look and see Felix's face look worriedly around the room for some kind of threat. The memories of yesterday rush through my mind and I suddenly feel very shy and embarrassed at my actions.

"What the hell Anna?!" Felix shouts at me as soon as he realises that there is no threat, however he does not move off of me.

"I'm sorry. I forgot that you were here and I kind of panicked when I felt someone grab me," I mutter quickly, looking down at his chest, which I have only just realised is bare. When the hell did that happen? Not that I am complaining though, it is quite a nice site to wake up to if I'm completely honest with you.

"You know, I think I like this position better," He smirks down at me. I glare up at him and push his chest with all my strength, which turns out to be quite a lot because the next thing I know, Felix is on the floor and I am rolling around on the bed in fits of laughter.

"Christ woman. Did you have to man handle me?" he asks with a groan which just intensifies my laughter.

"I-I am sorry." I stutter out through my laughter, wiping away tears that have fallen from my eyes.

"Yeah, you look it," he grumbles out, getting up off of the floor and walking out of the room. I quickly run out of the room to see him walking down the hall. I smirk to myself before running up to him and jumping on his back. He must have been expecting it or something because he manages to catch me without losing his balance.

"Don't be mad, Felix," I giggle in his ear. He chuckles and carries me down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"I'm not mad, Anna. You should know that I am more fun than that," He laughs, placing me down on the kitchen counter and walking over to the fridge pulling out ingredients to make pancakes.

"Well..." I say teasingly. Felix turns around and glares at me but I can see the playful glint his eyes. God, have I missed looking into those eyes. I never thought it would be possible to miss someone like I have mussed this guy.

"You don't think I am fun?" Felix's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"You said it, not me," I shrug, showing him a smirk just like his. Well, I hope it looked like his, but by the look of shock on his face I would say that I was very accurate with it. The shocked expression turns into one of mischief that has me shifting further onto the kitchen counter.

"Oh, I see how it is. Maybe I should show how fun I can actually be," He smirks back at me. There is something different about this smirk though. It isn't the carefree smirk, it isn't the playful smirk, and it isn't the evil smirk. I don't what kind of smirk it is, but it makes my heart beat faster than I think it should be.

"I wouldn't if I were you," I growl at him, putting my hands against his chest to stop him from coming any closer.

"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" He asks, pulling my hands away from his chest and dragging me closer to him. I squeak at the sudden action, making his smirk grow. He lets go of my arms and grabs my waist, pulling me even closer before dipping his head down, connecting our lips together. I sigh, content with the moment that I am in, but I can't help but let my finger runs trough his hair, pulling his face closer to mine, deepening the kiss. Felix pulls away, smiling down at me as I gasp for breath.

"As much as I would love to kiss you all day, I have to make breakfast," he says, pouting. I can't help but giggle at how cute he looks. I watch as he makes the mix for the pancakes, before pouring some into a pan. I laugh at how domestic this all is, not to mention completely backwards.

"What are you laughing at?" he asks, facing me with an amused expression.

"Shouldn't I be the one cooking?" I ask him, laughing quietly again.

"Why would you say that?" he asks, turning back to the food.

"I don't know. Stereotypically, the woman would be cooking for the man in the morning," I shrug. I don't believe in those stupid stereotypes though. I don't think that women and men have certain roles in a relationship, I think that they should do whatever they damn well please to be quite honest.

"Do you want to flip the pancakes?" he asks, looking at me with the amusement still evident on his face.

"Unless you want to scrape it off of the celling," I mutter. It isn't unknown knowledge that I can't cook. When I was living in Neverland, I was always told to hunt instead of cook because the first time I did, well, let's just say that we had to make three more tents. Oops.

"Come here. I'll show you," He smiles at me. I hop off of the counter and walk over to where Felix is stood, pouring more mix into the pan. He pulls me in front of him and wraps an arm around my hand and the other around my waist. My breath hitches at the sudden contact and my heart beat picks up considerably. I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it.

"Just gently flick your wrist, and flip the pancake," He whispers into my ear, guiding my hand. The pancake flips out of the pan and lands gracefully back on the other. I squeal in happiness and turn around in Felix's arms to see him looking down at me with a proud look on his face.

"See, wasn't so hard," He whispers lowly, leaning down slowly, making my heart jump.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask awkwardly, turning back around to keep an eye on the pancake in the pan. I feel his warm breath on my neck and I can't help but to lean back into his hold as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Well, we can't go out yet. We need to wait a while to be sure that Pan doesn't know our location , so I thought we could play COD?" he mutters, resting his chin on my shoulder, making sure that I don't burn our breakfast.

"I love that game. Be prepared to lose though," I tell him confidently. He scoffs and squeezes me tighter, making me jump.

"I highly doubt that could happen," He whispers in my ear before walking away to set the table.

A couple of minutes later and all of the pancakes are cooked and we are sitting at the kitchen table eating in a comfortable silence. I notice that Felix keeps on glancing up at me through his long hair that has fallen over his eyes, and I can't but to think how cute he looks.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I ask after about the tenth time he glanced at me. He looks up at me with a slight blush on his face that I want to 'aww' at.

"Am I not allowed to look at you?" he asks, completely ignoring the question.

"Of course you can. I just want to know why you were," I shrug, placing another bit of pancake in my mouth.

"Because you are beautiful," He states suddenly, making me choke on my food. I take a couple of gulps of water before looking up at him with wide eyes.

"What did you just say?"

"I said that you are beautiful, and don't even bother trying to tell me that you are not because I will chuck my pancakes at you,"

"No you wouldn't. You love your food too much," I scoff.

"You know me too well," He smirks.

"So how about we play that game of COD?"

Hello!!!!! So I thought I would be really mean and change the chapter so that Pan doesn't come in quiet yet just because I can, and it will make you more eager to find out what he is planning. You don't know how hard it is not telling you guys right now. Even I am intrigued with what I am going to write.

Anyways, hope you like the chapter.

What do you think about Felix and Anna getting together? I definitely ship it. Let me know what you think.

Please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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