Chapter 4

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 "What has happened Snow?" Emma asks as she suddenly bursts into the room and is at my side in an instant.

"She can't remember anything before coming here," Snow explains.

"That's not true. I remember running away from my parents after they told me that I had to marry this kid I didn't even know, but then the next thing I know I am in this place with a bunch of fairy-tale characters a year later," I say with a frown. I never thought that sentence would come out of mouth.

"What did you do to her Charming?" Regina snarls as she comes over to my side and puts her hand over my forehead. To check what I don't really know, but it makes me chuckle slightly.

"I didn't do anything to her. It was Pan," All of the adults in the room stiffen at the mention of the name. Why does one name hold so much fear? I feel like I should quote Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series. You know the one where he says, 'fear of a name only increases fear of thing itself'. It just seems to fit the situation well.

"Pan was here?" Emma asks nervously.

"We think so. We aren't certain because Anna can't remember the face," Snow mutters.

"Why would he want her to forget about him?" Emma asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"So that he can make her believe that he is good. He is going to fool her into trusting him no doubt. We have to up the protection we have on her," Regina rushes out.

"Why do you care if some guy tries to fool me? Last I remember, you wanted me dead," I snap at her. I may have lost some of my memory but I defiantly remember her pinning me against a wall and nearly choking me to death.

"I want you anything but dead Anna. You are very powerful and I don't understand why, when you are a human. It just makes no sense," She mutters more to herself than to me.

"It's getting late. I will tell the dwarves to stay outside of the house all night. And I suggest you keep a close eye on her Charming," Emma snaps at him before walking out of the room with Regina following behind her.

"I am going to go and make dinner," Snow says, smiling at us before also walking out of the room.

"This is all my fault." Charming sighs, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"If you say that one more time, I swear to god I will smack you in the face," I tell him. He chuckle and looks up at me with a warm smile.

"You haven't changed one bit," He says, shaking his head a little and chuckling to himself.

"Charming, I have lost parts of my memory, not my personality," I tell him with a smirk.

"You're right. I'm going to go and check on Snow. Will you be alright up here on your own?" he asks worriedly. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not five years old Charming. I can stay in room by myself without having a panic attack," I snap. He chuckles and puts his hands up in defence as he walks out of the room closing the door behind him. I sigh and flop back down on the bed. To say I am angry about this whole situation would be an understatement. I am absolutely furious. If I ever find out who this Pan guy is then I swear I am going to kill him messing around with my memory. I mean, who even does that?! Not only is it a violation of my privacy but it is also super creepy. Who can even erase people's memories?! But then again, who can say that they live in a town full of fairy-tale characters.


"AH!" I scream and full of the bed with a thud. Ow! Wait, who the bloody hell was that?! I look over the bed as slowly as I possibly can. I probably look like a mental patient right now, but I don't really feel like getting murdered by some psychopath thank you very much. When my vision breaks over the side of the bed another scream tries to rip through my lips before a hand quickly covers it.

Standing in front of me is a boy around my age, with dirty blonde hair and very gorgeous face. I look into familiar emerald eyes but I can't remember where I have seen them from. Could this be the Pan that everyone was fearing? He seems harmless.

"I'm going to take my hand away, are you going to keep quiet?" he asks with a quirk of the eyebrow. Oh, so he's a cocky one. I nod my head once and he slowly pulls his hand away from my mouth, a little too slow for my liking so I yank it away from my mouth with my nose scrunched up.

"Dude, seriously. If you are going to put your hand over a girls mouth, at least wash them first," I say in disgust. The boy chuckles and sits down on the edge of my bed, gesturing for me to sit next to him.

"You haven't change since the last time I saw you," He chuckles lowly.

"I knew you have met you before!" I exclaim.

"Of course you have," He smirks at me, an evil glint covering his eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask sceptically, shifting away from him a little bit. Maybe he isn't as harmless as I thought he was. Maybe he isn't this Pan guy.

"Come on Anna, I know you are smarter than that," He says, getting up from his seat on the bed and standing in front of me.

"I don't know. I can't remember," I whisper, looking into his eyes with my now tearful ones.

"Yes you do, tell me who I am!" he demands with such a force I can't help be shy away from him. But he doesn't allow that, grabs a hold of my face and yanks it roughly so that I have no choice but to look him in the eyes.

"I can't remember!" I scream in his face, tears no streaming down my face. The boy looks at me with utter outrage before he shoves my face away from him.

"Wake up Anna." He says with that evil smirk again. I frown at him and about to ask what he is talking about, but my surroundings start to blur into one massive tornado of colour before I gasping for air and looking up at white celling.

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait but I have had to revise for exams that are coming up, which really sucks, and I had to wait for my laptop to come back from repair, but here is chapter 4. I hope you like it. I feel evil for leaving it like I have, but I'm sure that it will just make you guys more eager to read the next chapter.

Anyways, hope you are enjoying the story so far, if you have any question feel free to comment them an I will answer as many as possible and please VOTE!!!! :) x

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