Chapter 12

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"No! No, Anna, you are not!" Felix shouts from the cage, but I don't look at him, I am looking straight at the smirking face of the boy that I will now be spending the rest of my life with. Yay me! (Note the sarcasm).

"Let Felix go Pan," Is the only thing that I say, completely ignoring Felix's protests.

"As you wish, my love," Pan smirks, walking over to Felix's cage and unlocking it. As soon as the lock is off, Felix is pushing his way past Pan and right towards me.

"What did you think you were doing?!" he exclaims, grabbing my shoulders roughly.

"I can't be the cause of your death, Felix," I whisper, looking into his eyes, pleading that he won't be angry with me anymore. He sighs, pulling me into his body, holding me tight like he doesn't want to let me go.

"I love you, Anna," he whisper in my ear, but before I can say the words back, he is being ripped from me by two Lost Boys, pulling him into the dense forest.  

"I will come back for you Anna, I promise!" are the last words that are said before the sound of a portal closing is heard. A tear runs down the side of my face. I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life. The gang think that I am safe with my parents and Jaimie, I'm pretty sure that my parents think I am dead, and Felix has no way of returning to me, no matter how many times he promises.

"Just you and I now love, like it should be," Pan whispers in my ear, putting his arm around my shoulders. I shrug his arm off of me and walk into the forest in the direction of camp.

"Don't ignore me Anna. We have a deal," Pan tells me, the frustration evident in his voice. I turn around to face him, and I am sure that the anger is clear on my face.

"No. Our deal was that if I stay here then you won't kill Felix, that doesn't mean that I have to enjoy my life here. I will never accept my life here Pan and I will never stop loving him," I spit at him.

"If you want Felix to stay alive then better bloody well learn to." He snarls at me, stalking closer to me. "I am not going to take the crap that you gave me last year Anna. You are MINE! Do you understand that? MINE! If you show anymore disrespect towards me then I will not hesitate to send one of the Lost Boys after Felix. Are we understood?"

"Yes," I mumble under my breath, keeping my gaze low and away from his prying eyes.

"Look me in the eyes and say that," He commands, placing two fingers under my chin and lifting my head so that I have to look at him.

"Yes Pan, I understand," I say again with a roll of my eyes. He glares at me before shoving my face away from him and stalking back off into the forest.

"Don't wonder too far!" he shouts, but not turning to look at me. I stick my middle finger up to his retreating form before walking in the opposite direction as to what he is walking. I don't think my life could get any worse than this. I am stuck on an island that I know has no escape from. I think that is the definition of a crap life.

With a sigh, I head out toward the clearing where I first had my encounter with Pan; you know the one with all of the targets? I remember that day so perfectly. Pan told me that he wanted me to shoot an apple on a target, turns out he wanted me to shoot it off of Felix's head. If he told me to do that now, I would not be able to do it. Felix means too much to me now. The guy who kidnapped me now means the world to me. I'm pretty sure that I am the only person in the world who can say those words.

The clearing hasn't changed one bit since I have been gone. The target are still set up in exactly the same way. I look around for a second until I find the weapons rack. I wonder if my bow is still here. I remember the day me and Henry made it. It was the first time we tried to escape, which ended up in me being in a cage for a week. That is definitely not something that I have missed since being away from this hell of an island.

Will I ever be able to get away from the hell of a fairy-tale that I call my life?

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry guys!!!!!! I haven't updated in ages and that is just so mean of me!!! I am also really sorry that this chapter is so short but I have been revising for exams and all that jazz. Hopefully my next chapter will be longer and with more action.

Please comment and VOTE!!! :) x

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