Chapter 11

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"Are you going to be good now and stop denying your love for me, or am I going to have to keep you in here for another week?" Pan asks for the fifth time that I have been here now. Yes, I have been here for five weeks and I have not left this cage once. I am slowly losing my sanity; I can feel it slipping out of my body the longer I stay in here.

"You killed Felix. I will never love you," I croak. I can see his patience running out and I know that he is going to snap soon and it is not going to be pretty.   

"Bring the cage down," I hear him say. The cage jolts into action as one of the Lost Boys pulls me down from the dangerous height that I have been left at. I look out at Pan, seeing a look of fury on his face and I know that this isn't going to go well. "Open it,"

"Are you sure Pan?" the Lost Boy asks hesitantly.

"Open. The. Cage." Pan growls at him. Without a second of hesitation, the Lost Boy opens the cage and steps aside so that I can get out. I crawl out of the cage and stand up shakily. Being in that cage for five weeks really does thing to you. 

"Follow me." he says even though he grabs hold of my hand, dragging me along with him. What is the point in telling me to follow him if he is just going to drag me along with him? It makes no sense!

"Where are you taking me?" I huff out, trying to regain my balance for the third time. If he makes me fall over I am going to kill him, and properly this time.

"I am taking you to see someone," Is his short reply. Why do I feel like this isn't going to end well? I have never seen this part of the island before, at least I don't think I have. In all fairness I haven't been here for a year, my knowledge of the island is a little rusty.

We come out into a clearing in the forest, and oddly enough, this clearing actually look familiar. I don't really understand how a clearing can look familiar, I mean, they all look the same, don't they? You can't exactly see the difference between open spaces in a forest. Pan stops walking as soon as we are in the middle of the clearing and I expect something-more like someone- to come out, but nothing happens. We stand there for a couple of seconds when Pan's face moulds into that evil smirk that I have come to despise.

"Look up." He whisper quietly. Hesitantly, I lift my head upwards, gasping when I see a cage similar to what I was in moments ago with a sleeping Felix in it. He's not dead! Wait, so that means that I have been worrying and crying for the last five weeks for no apparent reason.

"You told me he was dead!" I whisper yell at Pan, turning to face the bane of my existence.

"If I remember rightly, it was you who jumped to conclusion. I just thought that I would play along and let you suffer," He smirks down at me.

"You know, for someone who supposedly loves me, you really don't treat me very well," I mutter, looking back up at Felix's sleeping form.

"If you weren't so stubborn I wouldn't have to treat you badly," He snarls at me. Apparently I didn't say that as quiet as I thought I did. "Bring the cage down." I look to my left to see a Lost Boy that I didn't even realise was there, pulling on the rope to let the cage down. The jolt of the cage moving alerts Felix into an awake state and as soon as he is level with us his eyes widen at the sight of me.

"Anna! Oh thank god. I thought he had done something terrible to you," Felix sighs in relief.

"I was more worried about you. I thought he killed you," I whisper, walking up to the cage and stroking his cheek through the cage. Felix sighs, leaning into my touch with a small smile on his face.  

"Anna," Pan growls from behind me. I ignore him though and carry on looking at Felix's sad and tired eyes. "Anna step away from the cage or I will kill him." He threatens and I know the threat is not empty. With a sigh, I drop my hand and walk back over to Pan's side, cringing when he pulls me closer to him.                       

"You see Felix, she listens to me now. She realised that you are useless and a waste of time, knowing that you can't protect her. She knows who she belongs to," Pan mocks Felix, pulling me into his side, placing his hand on my waist. I want to flinch away from his touch but his grip is too strong.

"Get your hands off of her Pan. She will never belong to her," Felix growls at Pan, shaking the cage in a vain attempt of getting out.

"You see, that is where you are wrong. I have come up with a deal." Pan smirks triumphantly. This is not going to end well.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, looking up at him with sceptically.

"Don't listen to a word his says Anna," Felix desperately pleads, probably already knowing what the deal is.

"Here is the deal I have for you my love. You join me, and rule by my side," he starts. I look up at him with a look saying 'you can't be serious'. "Or, I kill dear Felix here," He finishes, smirking like the Devil he is. I look at him in shock and then over to Felix who is looking at me with wide eyes. I guess he knows what my answer is going to be.

"Anna don't! You can't! You can't be with him!" Felix exclaims desperately, trying to get me to listen to him but I just block him out, turning to face Pan.

"What will happen to Felix if I take your deal?" I ask emotionlessly.

"I will allow him to go back home, away from Neverland. And I promise not to send any of the Lost Boys after him, or my shadow. He will completely free, if you accept my offer." He says, smirking at me triumphantly. I guess he also knows my answer.

"Anna, listen to me. Don't agree to him, please you can't," Felix pleads again.

"Felix if I chose to let you die, he will still make me his! So what would be the point of killing you?!" I shout at him, effectively shutting him up. H 

"So what is it to be sweetheart?" Pan asks, the triumphant smirk still in place.

"I accept your deal."

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