Chapter 6

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By the time we arrive at his house it is already dark out, and to say that it is big is an understatement. It looks like an entire city could live in it. I can't believe that he would even be able to have a house like this.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him as we settle down into his sitting room.

"Long enough." Is his only reply, his full attention on the T.V screen in front of us. I take a moment to look at him, properly look at him. It feels weird not looking at his face. I mean, I am looking at his face, but not his face.

"Can you change back?" I ask him suddenly. He turns to look at me with a shocked expression before it turns into one of confusion.

"Back to what?" he asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Back to you." I whisper quietly, looking into the blue eyes that are so familiar yet doesn't fit the face. A small smile forms on his face and he shifts closer to me so that our arms are brushing against each other's.

"Miss my face already?" he smirks before his face suddenly contorts into discomfort, the smirk replaced by pain. I start to panic, not sure what is going when I see his brown hair being replaced by the familiar shaggy blonde. In seconds Jaimie is no longer sat in front of me, but a face that has haunted my dreams is.

"I thought I would never get to see you again," I whisper once he is no longer in pain and his face is completely back to normal.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," He whispers back. Before I even really know what I am doing, I am launching myself into his arms, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so glad you came back," I mumble into his chest.    

"I wasn't going to leave you here while Pan is coming after you. Honestly Anna, I thought you would have known the difference between your left and right already," He teases me. I pull away, a little agitated at the comment.

"I was more worried about stopping him from killing you," I snap at him.

"I still don't understand why you did it. I know you didn't really love me so why did you bother saving me when you could have been with your true love?" he asks me bitterly.

"I told you that I don't love him, that I love you. Why don't you believe me? If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have bothered saving you're sorry ass, " I snarl, getting up from the sofa and walking toward the stair case, planning on going up to my room, but before I can even open the door, I am being pushed up against it.

"I'm sorry, Anna, I just find it hard to believe that you would choose me over your true love," He says seriously, looking me straight in the eyes.

"He is not my true love, Felix. I love you more than I ever will him," I tell him just as seriously.

"I love you too, Anna," He confesses with a wide smile. I grin up at him, placing  my hand on his cheek. He leans into my touch as I run my fingers over the scar on his cheek.

"How did you get this?" I ask quietly, still running my fingers over the blemished skin.  

"When I first arrived on Neverland I didn't exactly like to follow orders. There was this one time when I pushed Pan too far and this is what he did to me to make me learn my lesson, and believe me when I tell you that is the reason that I became his second in command. I wasn't scared that he would hurt me if I stepped out of line again, I was terrified that he would kill me. That is why I left Neverland after Pan came strolling back into camp. We all thought that we safe, but we weren't. I was the only one that managed to come back," He says with sad eyes.

"How did you get back?" I ask curiously.

"I have my secrets." He says with that smirk I have come accustom to. I laugh softly at that and walk back over to the sofa, sitting back down and pulling Felix down with me. I don't know how long we sit there, cuddled up watching a movie, but I feel safe, I feel protected and I feel loved.

I can feel my eyes beginning to close at the lulling sound of Felix's heart beating at a steady rhythm. The warmth from Felix is more comforting than I thought it would be and I can't help but snuggle closer to it. If you had told me last year that I would sitting here right now, cuddling with Felix, I probably would have questioned your sanity, but now I am here, I don't think I would ever change it for the world. This is the most relaxed I have been in ages and it is a feeling I never want to lose.

"Come on Anna, let's get you to bed," I hear Felix whisper but I don't bother to move, I am too comfortable to move. Suddenly I am being pulled off of the sofa by Felix. I squeal and sling my arms around his neck to stop myself from falling. I hear him laugh at me and I can't help but join in.

"You know, I wouldn't have let you fall," He chuckles as he carries me up the stairs.        

"Yeah, I know," I sigh, leaning my head against his shoulder. We get up the stairs in no time and Felix carries me into the first door on the right which turns out to be the biggest bedroom I have ever seen in my life.

"Where the hell did you get the money for this house?" I ask, my shock clear on my face.

"Like I said, I have my secrets," He smirks at me as he chucks me onto the bed, making me bounce a couple of times. 

"That wasn't very nice," I pout at him, which he just smirks at.

"You were getting too heavy. I think you need to cut down on the food a bit," He teases. I narrow my eyes at him and he quickly runs out of the room with me not far behind him. He runs into the room at the end of the hall, which I am going to guess is his bedroom. I stand corrected, this is the biggest bedroom I have ever seen. Spotting Felix over by the bed,  I quickly tackle him onto it so that I am straddling his waist.

"I believe we have been here before." He smirks up at me. I smile down at him shyly before pushing off of him.

"Were do you think you are going?" he asks teasingly. He moves his hands up and down my waist soothingly.

"Felix." I say sternly, but I can't help the smile that is plastered on my face. 

"Anna." He says in the same tone, mocking me, and still smirking at me.

"Anna. When I saw Pan up in that tree with you, I thought he was finally going to win, that he was going to get you, but you fought against the magic he put over you, you stopped him from brain washing you and I knew that I still had a fighting chance to show you what he really is. To show you that I can protect," Felix says seriously, rubbing calming circles into my sides. I move off of him so that I am laying down next to him, and hug him from the side comfortingly.

"No matter what he does, I will never chose him Felix. Even though it is completely your fault that we met, I will never chose him over you," I whisper, not wanting to break the silence that has fallen over us.

"Hey, you can't go and blame me for that. You were the one sassing me. If you had been quiet then I would have knocked you out and taken you back home," he says defensively. I lift my head off of his chest and glare at him.

"Oh, so it is my fault that you spiked up an interest in me and decided to take me back with you, is it?" I ask him.

"Yes," He says, smiling down at me with a loving look in his eyes. I am a little taken back by the look, but soon melt into his embrace as I feel his lips on mine. I sigh into his touch, pulling him closer to me, never wanting to let him go. Felix pulls away to quick for my liking, but a sudden wave of exhaustion washes over me, making it hard to keep my eyes open.  

"Go to sleep Anna,," He whispers in my ear, placing a gentle kiss to my forehead and even though I have been asleep for a week, I instantly fall asleep to the sound of Felix's steady heart beat.

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