Western group chat part eight

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Washi : hey Cal, how does it feel to have a gen alpha

Cal: well, considering she lives a whole bunch of personifications of the United States of America America, who are immortal and have seen whole Lotta shit over the lives. I think she'll be fine I think she'll be one of those Jen Alpha that actually secede and will not be terrible because she has us and she has lots of books and she read all of them.

Coco: I feel bad for the rest of the generation

Uath: Hey, I have  Gen Alpha kids

Monty: DJ is a little angel, and I love her so much

Cal: thanks babe

Idaho: I thought your kids millennials and Gen Z

Nevada : Jen Alpha can't read

Cal: stop making fun of my kid

NM: we're not we're making fun of the fact that her generation can't read

Coco:heart ❤️ been broke 💔 so 😔 many 😩 times 🕕 i-i-i 🤬 dunno 😖 what 😐 to ✌️ believe

Nevada : are my cities safe from this not being able to read thing because they've been alive a lot longer and I've already taught them how to read

Utah: right my wife is having another kid

Alaska : how many kids do you need?

Utah: hey as many as she wants

Organ : well, Jen, Alpha can't read they can't spell they're dumb as a rock

Wyoming : I agree they are dumb, but they're also young

Monty : DJ is very smart and she can read.

Wash : again, we're not making fun of her. We're making fun of her generation.

Cal: you know she's gonna live longer than most humans

Hawaii: yes, but most mainlanders are stupid


NM: I have the most phD's per capita in America

Hawaii:okay so what that's you not the rest of the country

Nevada: NYC is missing have any of you heard from him?

Cal: No I haven't heard anything from him.how is York handling it?

Washi: no

Oregon: no

Nevada: he's not handling it well

Utah: NYC is as an adult why is New York so worried

Nevada: because it's his son NYC usually tells us where he's going

NM: is anyone gonna question the fact that Utah just questioned why New York is worried?

Idaho: no, he's right though

Cal: I'd be worried too

Nevada: if you hear from him, just let me know

Colorado: he's probably hanging out with his girlfriend

Nevada: Yeah, but he usually lets us know if he's not coming home on the weekend.

NM: he probably assumed that you wouldn't worry so he didn't tell

Monty: what's the big deal the kid didn't tell you guys where he was going and now you're freaking out

Cal: if DJ did the same thing you would be freaking out

Montana: she's 9

Cal: 😠 don't fight me on this

Montana: Okay

Air: I'm sure NYC will return home soon.

Monty: I think that's a good place to end this part

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