Western group chat part three

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takes place a few minutes after the last one

Oregon: someone should really check on Washington's actually dead or not


Oregon: OK then Utah you go check if he's alive

Utah: fine I'll go check
Utah leaves the chat and goes to check if Washington is alive

Wyoming: Montana and California I figured out your two different problems

Cali: how?

Monty: How

Wyoming: date each other

Montana and California:WHAT NO

Arizona: yeah, I mean you're so worried about how DJ will feel about you dating, and Montana is good with her it could work out

Wyoming: what Arizona said is true

NM: if California doesn't wanna date, he doesn't have to

Nevada: how do you bond with teenagers?

Coco : video games

Idaho: money

California: hang out with them why

Nevada: I'm trying to bond with my new boyfriends's children

NM: you mean New York, and Georgia's kids?

Nevada: yeah

NM: that's Colorado's more expertise he hangs out with those kids all the time

Arizona: I remember when we first told Syracuse, that the four of us were dating, and she would just sit on Colorado's lap, and every time one of us mainly Utah would put our arm around Colorado she would push it off

Coco: she was very territorial of me

Nevada: she got sad about my kids, joining their family when we told all the kids that we were dating

Coco: she doesn't like the idea of not being the youngest you guys should've called me

Vada: yeah, I could see that

Washington: I'm alive

Monty: Wyoming, how does meet in California dating solve my problem

Wyoming: if they think you're taken, they can't bother you anymore

Cali: he's right I still don't wanna date anyone right now because I kind of still miss Summer

Washington: that girl is a bitch and she does not deserve you

Utah: I know you loved her, but you need to MoveOn. Obviously she has I mean she's married and she has two more kids.

Cali: don't you ever wonder what my life would be like if I did Mary her?

NM: DJ would have siblings

Air: you guys will be living in a big fancy house in LA

Utah: Cal do you see yourself married to her?

Cal: I mean I used to I almost propose

New Mexico: and then you drink your sorrows away when she left

Monty: I mean, maybe dating California is not so bad

Oregon: did you ever find the mask?

Monty: yes, we did now we're just texting and chilling in my room waiting for them to strike

Oregon: you guys should just do a fake make out
California: Okay

Coco: the Dakotas just passed my room. I think they're heading towards Montana's room.

Montana and California look at each other and get closer with each foot step that here
North Dakota and South Dakota stop at Montana's and see California and Montana kissing they runoff immediately
After the kiss, Montana in California just stared at each other

Back in the group chat

Monty : I think it worked
Washington: yay

Hawaii: I think that's a good place to end this chapter

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