Apple pie(OT6)

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Trigger warning slight widower syndrome

New York was baking in the kitchen using a recipe from his wife's recipe box it was her famous apple was close to her birthday and he was missing her. New York had assumed everyone was asleep but learned that assumption was wrong when he heard footsteps "I thought you promise to take it off rose"southern accent, said New York eased up a little bit by hearing the familiar accent. He knew it was one of his southern boyfriends."hm"New York hummed as strong arms wrapped around New York's body one arm was around his waist, and the other went to his left hand and rubbed his fingers against York's own fingers The hand stopped at York's ring finger, feeling a silver wedding band. New York's face dropped. "yer ring " New York closed his eyes "I know, believe it or not it helps me remember her "New York said turning turning in Texas's arms intertwining his hand with Texas's. New York gave Texas an apologetic look then he heard more footsteps.

"Babe, you don't need a ring to help you remember, your wife just look at NYC , Long Island, smile or Albany's hair or buffalo. our buffaloes hair color, and his eyes and his smile and Rochester's laugh not the chaotic one, but the sweet one and Syracuse she looks like a mini version of Rachel "New York, got on his tippy toes to look over Texas's shoulder to see who is the voice was it was Gov's. The Fed walked up to join him and Texas. 

New York buried his head in Texas his chest trying to compose himself "I know, I know, but somehow seeing her in them makes it even harder, especially around this time, you know? The ring is just... grounding"New York says as Gov joined them in a hug.

Another set of footsteps can be heard coming into the kitchen and New York heard yet another voice."Hey Cher, we get it, if it makes it more comfortable it's important, just remember that we're here for you, yeah?" New York smiled when he heard Louisiana's voice out of all of New York's boyfriends Louis was the most comforting.

New York sniffles. "I miss her cooking and despite me following her Apple pie recipe perfectly. It's not the same "New York says as tears rolling down his face. Texas wipes tears off New York's face.

Louie walks towards them but before he joins the hug, he turns off the oven. then he goes to the other side of Texas and hugs New York on the side.

"what did you love in her? Yorkie" New York, could hear the sweet voice of California."I love how she would always know when something was wrong and the way she would always send me to meetings for food I loved everything about her. She was perfect."New York said, as tears kept streaming down his face.
The four boyfriends moved away from the kitchen counter to make room for California as California was coming up behind New York to join the hug Florida voice was heard. "do you remember when I used to ask how your smokin hot wite was and you were try to kill me"Florida stated with that famous giggle of his. five boyfriends just rolled their eyes, knowing he was trying to help in his own way.

When Florida was about to join the hug Texas let go of New York to let Gov take over as the main person hugging New York, so he can put the pie stuff in the fridge but instead of Gov's taking over the hug Florida quickly took Texas his spot in the hug. New York feeling a little bit better hugs his boyfriends back."shut up."he says affectionately to Florida. Florida shrugged it off, and kept hugging his boyfriends.

"Baby do you feel better?"Gov asked New York had to think about that for a moment. He did feel a little bit better by just having his boyfriends with him. Deep down, he will never truly be over her could he? She was the mother of his children."I think I'm gonna be okay if I start missing her again i'll just hug yous guys"New York said leaning into Gov's touch.

"Of course you can Cher we'll always be here for you"Louisiana said while caressing New York's cheek Gov caressed New York's other cheek"and we always well"he said California who was behind New York, with his head resting on Yorks shoulder said"because we love you"New York smiled. He felt just as much loved as he did with Rachel maybe even more.

When Texas was done, putting the food away, he walked over to his boyfriends and said"come on y'all, let's go back to bed Apple you can finish your apple pie in the mornin"Texas was surprise the New York wasn't at least a little mad at him for not letting him finish the apple pie.

"Okay come on Yorkie"Florida said, as he picked up New York and carried him to the shared bedroom the others filed their boyfriends. New York fell asleep, feeling loved and cared for.

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