Western group chat part 10

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10 parts of these wow

Nevada : NYC is very upset and I don't know what to do about it. New York and Georgia are in a meeting he won't talk to me.

Colorado : do you want me to come over there I can talk to him he usually listens to me

Nevada: no, I want him to come to have me and talk to me about this

Monty: I think I know what's going on

Vada: what?

Monty: Probably something with his girlfriend

Nevada: I already knew that

Cal: he probably just doesn't want me
I upm 'n to tell you

Washington: does anyone else think Connecticut's hot

Oregon: no

Washington: neither do I, but OK

Cal: Washington why do you have to join the beanie boys now we have to meet to have a meeting to see if we should let you in or not

Coco: isn't that just really you and New York's decision? I mean you two are the leaders of the club and the founders

Monty: yes, technically they are the president and vice president, and they can decide but don't make him jump for a folding table

Utah: was that New York's idea?
Coco: yes it was but it's actually really fun. Montana just doesn't like having fun.

Washy/what are you guys doing in that club?

Cal: we hang out sometime we go shopping for new beanies we show off our collections
Coco: have meetings about if we should let someone who just started wearing a beanie into the meeting into the club

Nevada: not that I don't hate talking about my boyfriend and his club but I do need to fix my problem. I NYC is just not talking to anyone.

Utah : give him some time

Idaho : eventually he'll talk to somebody but right now he probably just doesn't want to. He's physically 18 and he probably feels like he needs to figure this out himself.

Vada : so you're saying, all I need to do is give him time and he'll come around

Cal: I don't know yeah probably NYC is tough cookie Idaho is right he's probably just figuring out how to handle himself and that's why he hasn't talked to anyone but maybe he's talked to Albany and know that they're close

Coco: it's true they're close

Washi: have you guys decided if I am joining the beanie boys?

Montana: we're still talking about it

Cal: bottom line into mine in New York's decision

NM: you know I think that's a good place to end this whole thing for now

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