Good old fashion, American scandal(Calihoma )

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Oklahoma woke up to the light of the sun coming through the window. He put the pillow over his head. his head was pounding. Everything was so loud he could hear someone snoring right next to him.
He turned to the other side of the bed and saw bleach hair blonde that could only belong to one state, the state he never wanted to sleep with again, California 'out of all people I could've hooked up with at the wedding. Why did it have to be him?"homa thought.

He wanted to get out of the bed but California grabbed his hand"Okie please stay"California said sleepily California turned towards Oklahoma. His eyes were still closed. Oklahoma didn't know why he wanted to stay in the bed with his Ex boyfriend but he did.

Cal had really miss Okla lot lately it had gotten so bad that he must've got really drunk at the wedding last night.
it was hard watching your best friend get married when you're still alone and you messed up the best relationship you've ever had.

California knew he messed up with his relationship with Oklahoma.
When he finally opens his eyes, he sees the Oklahoma actually stayed
"you stayed?"

"I did stay I don't know why did "Okla said Cali smile at him California didn't care the Oklahoma didn't know why he's just glad that he stayed."you don't have to have a reason. I'm just glad you stayed."Cal said Oklahoma started to smile. His head is still pounding and he sure California's head was pounding to. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a bit then California got up and close the blinds and curtains. "I miss you."both of them said the same time. They started to laugh, Then they started leaning into each other, getting very close to each other slips."what's happening"Okla asked "I think we're about to kiss"Cali answered as their lips touched, and he started twisting his lips. Soon their tongues were wrestling. once they pulled away."wow. Looks like the old magic is still there."California said Oklahoma just nodded. "yeah, I think that was the best kiss we've had."Oklahoma said in a soft tone. California could tell that he meant it."me too listen, I know I don't deserve another chance. but I will try to earn back your trust and your love."Oklahoma kiss California, and then pull the way."who says I ever stop loving you"Oklahoma said as he Kissed Cali again.Cal kissed back California's phone started ringing it was Summer his daughters mother yes he DJ was with her mother this weekend so California pulled away and answered the phone giving Oklahoma unapologetically
"California I need you to teleport to Napa hospital it's DJ"California's eyes widen. He didn't know what he would do if he lost his little girl.
"i'll be there as soon as possible"

"OK hurry"she hung up

California looks like his whole world was about to turn upside down "is everything all right "Oklahoma asked California shook his head
"DJ she's in the hospital I have to go. Sorry."California send ready to teleport away, but Oklahoma grabbed his arm."I'm going with you you look like you're gonna need someone with you and I don't think her mom is going to help."Oklahoma said. California nodded and grabbed Oklahoma hand, and they teleported to Napa hospital we walked in and California rush to find summer and DJ with Oklahoma right behind him"How is my baby? Where is she? What happened? how long have you been here?"California said frazzled Oklahoma put his hand on Cal's shoulder and whispered into his ear"take a break deep breath let her explain"Oklahoma didn't think it would work ever since DJ came into California's life. California has made it his entire life to take care of her. Seeing California be such a great dad made Oklahoma realize that California had changed. there is also some thing increasingly attractive about California being a Dad. California looked at him and took a deep breath."please let me see my daughter."Summer Holiday nodded and brought California in Oklahoma to DJs room California ran to his little girls side. Luckily, she was awake. She was in a cast. Both of her arms are broken."Hi Princess. are you Okay What happened"California said."Hi, daddy hi Okla-homa Travis was trying to teach me how to skateboard like how uncle washy was doing at home, but I fell off my skateboard and broke my arms "DJ said "daddy am I gonna go home with you? I don't want to be your mama."she said California's heart sank."let me go talk to your mom. Oklie can you please stay with her maybe get to know each other better"California asked Oklahoma before leaving he gave Oklahoma a kiss on the
"sure"Oklahoma said blushing

DJ looked at Oklahoma"Are you and daddy dating?" DJ asked

Oklahoma had no idea what to say. The truth is about their relationship. It's been off and on. and plus he just spent the night with his ex and this little girls father. Oklahoma and California haven't gotten a chance to talk about what they are.

So Oklahoma didn't know what to say. The best chance he had was to say something that wasn't a yes or no
"something like that"he said hoping that this little girl would just let it slide. The two just sat there in silence. Then California came in. "can you sweetheart you're coming home with us"he said to DJ then he turned in Oklahoma "I just texted my brother and Louisiana to go get our stuff from our hotel rooms. So we can just teleport to the state house "California said it with a smile. Oklahoma nodded.

Then the doctor came in"Oh, you must be her father she's allowed to go. You just need to sign out."dr. saidCalifornia nodded and they went they they helped DJ up to get out of bed and California, Oklahoma and DJ went to go sign DJ out of the hospital and then they went outside of the hospital and found a place to teleport in. Once they found a good spot to teleport California, picked up DJ and Oklahoma grabbed California's hand and snapped them out there. And teleported back to the state house once they got back California made sure DJ was all right. He sat her down and told her to go over an hour long, but be careful. "thanks you didn't have to come with me."California thanks, Oklahoma "no problem you have a cute kid when you went to talk to her mom, she asked if I was dating you"Oklahoma said California looked away and then looked back at him "I know our relationship has always been complicated. We don't have to get back together if you don't wanna."California said as he sat on the kitchen counter. Oklahoma let out a slight smile."I was just gonna say that."Oklahoma says as he got closer to California. There was a gap between the lamps, California leaned in closer to close the gap to start kissing his former lover

To be continued

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