My State Sims

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In the house there are two.Floors with two
bedrooms that are finished one not yet
It has with a cat-tree.
In the backyard there is a rocket
ship.fror Florida I put it there
He can go to space to collect things.
Louisiana, a paranormal
Investigator, a Ghost Hunter.
Florida and Louisiana
are married They have a Little girl.
And two cats.Their names are spleens and tonsils.
They live in the Sims version of Los
Angeles. Next to some western states
Their daughter Is a newborn.she is
a new clone of Louisiana.
Next door to.Louisiana lives
Washington, Alaska.And then
Oregon.They live in a big four
story house with multiple finished
bedrooms. The top floor of the house is
not finished.'cause I ran out of room
ideas to put up there and there's
not enough people living in it.
  In The Sims version of the Holly
-wood Hills.The original.thirteen
States Did live.In.A big house that I

also built.It has a bowling al-
ley.In the basement.States that live there. Are
New Jersey.South Carolina and.New
Hampshire.North Carolina, Delaware
.Rhode Island. Still live in this house Next door
Lives more Western states.Such as Colorado
New Mexico. Montana. Nevada.
And more western states except for Hawaii
and CaliforniaThey have in ill-
egal.Bakery. It's called the Western Bakery..

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