Good, old-fashioned American scandal, part two

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After California and Oklahoma had their make up session. California went to check on DJ because her arms were broken. "daddy are you mad at Mom?"DJ asked curious if her dad was mad at her mother for letting her stepfather teach her how skateboard. California sighted and looked at his daughter "I'm not mad at her. I was just worried about you. Baby I don't know I would if I lost you."California explained. Kissing the top of DJ's forehead.

"I'm glad you're not not mad at her because I love you both and I don't want you to fight"DJ said California sat down next to DJ and lifted her up and placed her on his lap

"mommy and I may not always get along, but we do love you" Cal said as he kissed his daughters forehead
"thanks daddy I love you too"DJ said with that California let DJ rest, considering that she couldn't really play with any of her toys or electronics right now cause she broke her arms California also reminded himself to go back to the hospital and get a doctors note saying that DJ cannot come to school or participate in any strenuous activities during school because of her broken arms walked into the kitchen where Oklahoma still was
"remind me to go back to the hospital and get a doctors note for her so I could give it to the school"he told Oklahoma knowing that he'll probably

"you could just do it now I can watch her"Oklahoma suggested California gave him a questioning.

"are you sure? you don't have to and besides it's not like she's gonna be running around for a while. I just don't know about leaving her right now. I mean I know she's wearing a cast and she's in her room resting but still."California rambled on Oklahoma just stood there listening to California's ramble about leaving his daughter here with him.

"Cal go get the doctors now and then teleport right back. we will be fine. I know she's your number one priority but you have to go and get the doctors note so her injury doesn't get worse"Oklahoma in a stern voice, trying to calm his companion down.

(I couldn't figure out what I should call him what I should say for the relationship how to define the relationship in this so companion is what you're gonna get)

"call me if anything happens"California says then he went to DJ's room to tell her where he was going
"hey sweetheart daddy has to go get your doctor note from the hospital that we were just at so I'll be right back sweetheart. I love you Oklahoma's gonna watch you OK?"he asked his daughter.

"OK daddy"she said that California teleported away

Oklahoma went to DJ's room to see if she needed anything she didn't really need anything or want anything at the moment, so they just sit there and awkward silence until California teleported back into DJ's bedroom. When he teleported in to DJ's room, he saw Oklahoma sitting on the bed and smiled
"did you find anything to talk about while I was gone?" California asked.

"not really"Oklahoma said feeling awkward

"that's OK you need to get used to each other "California said

Times skip to December
A few months have passed DJ healed healed fast
And her birthday came around Oklahoma in California had started dating. This is their first holiday season since they got back together also like the third holiday season since DJ came into California's life. it was Christmas morning. California and Oklahoma we're laying in California's bed when little feet started coming down the hallway and jumping on walking into the room and jumping on the bed.
"wake up wake up, it's Christmas"said excitedly trying to shake Oklahoma awake, Oklahoma, ground and open his eyes
"daddy 8 o'clock. You can come wake us up at 8 o'clock."Oklahoma tired
"it is 8 o'clock"as soon as she said that Oklahoma looked at the clock to see that it was 8 o'clock

Oklahoma reached out to tap shoulder"babe wake up"California ground
"baby wake up it's Christmas"Oklahoma said, shaking him out, shaking him awake .eventually California open his eyes looked at his phone to see that it was 8:02.
"OK I'm up let's go open presents"California getting out of bed, putting on his glasses and picking up.
The three of them went to the Christmas tree in the western wing
DJ open up her stocking and presents
Before California and Oklahoma went into the living room California stopped at the entry way. He looked up and saw the mistletoe and smirk. Oklahoma smirked back, then pulled California into a kiss. After they pulled away, and DJ made a face like ew they got under knees and started opening presents
One by one other states showed up on by the tree and opens the presents. Then the states in the western wing made their way to the main living room of the state house, and everyone open the presents from the other states,

That's all

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