Original 13 incorrect quotes

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Delaware: My mom is calling... hi mom.
Georgia: Come on guys, stop. They're trying to talk to their mom.
Massachusetts : *loud fake sexual noises*
Maryland : *is asleep*
New Hampshire: *gets really close to the phone* Tell her I said hi.

Connecticut, : Hey guys, what do you think about making that beach trip an annual thing?
Massachusetts , Maryland , and Georgia: No!
New Hampshire: Alright, that's it, you guys. What happened out there?
Massachusetts : What? We took a walk. Nothing happened. I came back with nothing all over me.
New Hampshire: What does that mean?
Connecticut, : Come on, what happened? Maryland ?
Maryland : Alright.
Massachusetts : No. Maryland , we swore we'd never tell!
Georgia: They'll never understand.
Maryland : But we have to say something. We have to get it out. It's eating me alive.
Maryland : Massachusetts  got stung by a jellyfish!
Massachusetts : Alright! I got stung. Stung bad. I couldn't stand. I- I couldn't walk.
Georgia: We were two miles from the house. We were scared and alone. We didn't think we could make it.
Massachusetts : I was in too much pain.
Maryland : And I was tired from digging a huge hole.
Georgia: And then Maryland  remembered something.
Maryland : I'd seen this thing in the Discovery Channel.
Connecticut, : Wait a minute, I saw that. On the Discovery Channel. Yeah, about jellyfish and how if you— EW! You peed on yourself?
New Hampshire and Delaware: EW!!
Massachusetts : You can't say that! You don't know! I thought I was gonna pass out from the pain. Anyway, I tried, but I couldn't... bend that way. So... *looks at Maryland *
Connecticut, , New Hampshire, and Delaware: Ew!
Maryland : That's right. I stepped up. They're my friend and they needed help. If I had to, I'd pee on any one of you.
Maryland : Only, uh, I couldn't. I got stage fright. I wanted to help but there was too much pressure. So, I, um, I turned to Georgia.
Georgia: Maryland  kept screaming at me, "Do it now. Do it. Do it now." Sometimes, late at night I can still hear the screaming.
Maryland : That's because sometimes I just do it through my wall to freak you out.

New Jersey, : My mom is calling... hi mom.
New Hampshire: Come on guys, stop. They're trying to talk to their mom.
North Carolina, : *loud fake sexual noises*
South Carolina: *is asleep*
Massachusetts : *gets really close to the phone* Tell her I said hi.

Delaware: What's your body count?
South Carolina: Do you mean s** or murder?

New Jersey, : I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might.
South Carolina: I LIKE OREOS AND P****-

Rhode Island, : Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Georgia: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
Delaware: Ya know... it might be.
Delaware: I know every song to ever exist it doesn't matter if it's from the past, present or the future.
South Carolina: Oh yeah? Then continue this.
South Carolina: I don't cook I don't clean-
Delaware: So let me tell you how I got this ring.
Delaware & South Carolina: .....
Delaware & South Carolina: GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME-
New York,: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.

New Jersey, , with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
North Carolina, : I will short out the language centre of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.

North Carolina, : Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."

Pennsylvania, , looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Rhode Island, : Delaware's in the kitchen.

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