Taking Florida mountain climbing or hiking part one

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It's been two years since I wrote this and I'm bringing it back because I want to and I never finished it and right now I want to

It was New York's Idea he thought it was a good idea and most people would think it's a great idea but he was wrong. Well it all started on a Tuesday morning at the state house

It was an early Tuesday morning and New York was in the kitchen enjoying his morning coffee. until Florida came in and started causing problems as usual.New York had enough of this and wanted to get back at Florida without snooping to Florida level.

But then Colorado and California came in the room and the idea hit him. He could take Florida up to the mountains to go mountain climbing."Hey Cal and Colorado."he said now don't ask how California knew that New York was up to something.

"Hey New York"said Colorado greeting New York. Cali looked at New York." Hi Yorkie "said Cali. New York smile at that nickname "Ok what do you want?I know that you're up to something."Cal said.  New York looked at California. he knew this was gonna happen. " What do you mean?"York asked California and Colorado sat down next to New York. California looked at his best friend then at his brother and looked at New York again." Yep you're definitely up to something spill."Cali said
New York sighed "OK I was thinking that it would be a good idea if we take Florida Mountain climbing."New York said California was surprised at what New York said.

"Why?"Coco asked. " because I'm tired of his shit. That's why."York answers a bit annoyed.New York glares at Colorado. California put his hand on New York shoulder. cali sighs " Are you sure about this New York because Florida is afraid of mountains."Cali stated. (pun not intended.)

New York smirks. "Exactly don't you wanna get back at him. For everything he's done over the past 3 year."New York said.
Colorado nodded.

New York knew that Colorado is high cause Colorado is always high. Cali was deep in thought.'Yorkie makes a good point.it does sound like fun. I kind of want to get back at Florida.' Cali thought. " Yes I would love to get back at him. Why mountain climbing And what mountains are we going to exactly."California said. New York rolls his eyes "The adirondack mountains. Just to stay on the East Coast you know so he's comfortable.also I promised my cities that I would take them to LakeGeorge.I figured we would make one trip out of it." New York tsaid confidently.

"No you don't want to make Florida feel comfortable. You just don't want to travel to the other side of the country."Cali said New York just stared at California.
" I hate it that you know me so well" New York said in his normal stoic tone. " you love me anyways. So we're going to pack and we're going to tell Florida pack in because we're going on a little trip."Cal said " easy will just tell him we're going on an adventure to cause chaos" Colorado said New York, looked at Colorado and smirked

Just then before New York hit open his mouth, New Mexico, and the Fed(Gov) came into the kitchen the three states didn't notice and continued with their conversati
"all right Coco you can tell Florida that we're going on an adventure to cause chaos"New York said Gov cleared his throat "what's this about chaos"the government said  under New York's breath the word "shit "came out of his mouth "New York what's going on?"Gov said "I don't want to tell you shit "New York, said
Sticking his middle finger up at the Fed

If this does well, y'all get a part two

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